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Who needs a new voice actor/actress? (May contain Spoilers)


Who needs a new voice actor/actress?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick as many as you want

    • Micaiah
    • Sothe
    • Shinon
    • Rolf
    • Mia
    • Titania
    • Boyd
    • Ranulf
    • Skrimir
    • Tibarn
    • Zelgius
    • Ike
    • Ashera
    • Sephiran
    • Yune
    • Narrator
    • Dheginsea
    • Mist
    • Kid Ike
    • Soldiers (Any)

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Someone you forgot and Mia.

That (those) someones you forgot were:

Kid Ike (Ike's Memory Scene, he sounds exactly like adult Ike)



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Put 'em on. Can't believe I forgot Mist. I haven't seen Ike's memory seen, that's why I didn't have that.

If there's another I forgot, I'll replace soldiers with it.

Does Oscar make noise? I can't remember.

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i cant beleive Micaiah and Sothe have 3. I didnt think theres was too bad. But it looks like everyone doesnt like Rolf's voice. And who voted for Shinon? His voice was perfect

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Rolf, Mist and kid Ike gets my votes.

Rolf should at least have a slightly deeper voice and Mist sounds like she got younger. You know what, kid mist sounds older than teen Mist. and kid Ike sounds like he finished puberty a bit too early.

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Well, only a few die hard fans would have wanted Japanese with English subtitles. I like to understand what they say without sub titles. :)

They should have made an option, though. I don't mind the horrible voice acting. I actually like Ranulf and Skrimir's voices.

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Rolf needs a better voice actress. Mist needs a better voice actor.

haha. i was gonna say that you had a few typos there, but now I know where your coming from

and for some reason, I didnt find Mia's voice all that annoying. Mist just sounded too young and high-pitched and she said too many words in a short amount of time, and Rolf.... yeah we all know that story

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  • 2 weeks later...
haha. i was gonna say that you had a few typos there, but now I know where your coming from

and for some reason, I didnt find Mia's voice all that annoying. Mist just sounded too young and high-pitched and she said too many words in a short amount of time, and Rolf.... yeah we all know that story

Basically, Rolf sounded like a pansy? Mist's voice just made my ears bleed. And Mia's voice was just plain weird, it didn't fit her.

And yes, I did just revive this topic.

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Basically, Rolf sounded like a pansy? Mist's voice just made my ears bleed. And Mia's voice was just plain weird, it didn't fit her.

And yes, I did just revive this topic.

good, cuz everyone needs to know how bad the voice acting in this is


vote away people!

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Mist's voice shocked me. I was like WTF?!?! Even her old voice is better than this...

I wholeheartedly agree with you there. Mia and Rolf's VA's were bad, but they were bearable. Mist's high pitched voice made we want to tear the AV Cables out of my TV.

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The only ones that bothered me were little Ike's voice (sounds like an adult and all he does is scream.) Mist's voice gets higher and higher as she tells Lucia to "hold on" Boy was that annoying. The soldiers just didn't seem to be that much into character. I did love Zelgius and Ranulf. They both sound so bad ass in there.

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