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So how does Moulder hold up to Natasha?

Better Bishop?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. bishops

    • Moulder
    • Natasha

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Well, on this playthrough my Natasha apparently S ranked staves when I wasn't looking, so thats a waste of a character =/. I haven't used Moulder at all, and in all my times playing this game I never have used him. In your opinion, is he a better bishop than Natasha? I'm really pissed off because I am going to have to abuse the torch staff for about an hour if I end up using him.

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Natasha is worlds better. She can become a valkyrie and she's schmexy. She also recruits Joshua. What more do you need?

More HP, defense, and con (not to mention higher levels). Moulder's got them, though I'd take Natasha (or even Artur) over him anyday, because they can actually damage enemies better.

Ellen's more doable though

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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I prefer Natasha. Moulder isn't a bad character, but his magic, resistance, and luck are too low for a magic user.

Edited by Musashi
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I use Moulder when trying to speed through the game. and/or using Vanessa. Natasha has a better statistical spread though.

And Bishops are awesome because of Slayer.

Yeah Slayer can save some headaches

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I like Moulder better, because it is nice to have a magic user that can take a few blows to the head. So what if his res isn't that high, most enemies aren't magic users. As for magic strength being low, he is a Bishop, so he makes up with it by learning Slayer.

He turned out pretty speedy too.

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I like Moulder better, because it is nice to have a magic user that can take a few blows to the head. So what if his res isn't that high, most enemies aren't magic users. As for magic strength being low, he is a Bishop, so he makes up with it by learning Slayer.

He turned out pretty speedy too.


I'm using him this playthrough and he's been pretty awesome. Guy's got as much HP as Gilliam, which is saying something. He doesn't have a general's D, obviously, but he's pretty durable. I don't mind the low damage output either because it's helping weaker units level up.

So to answer the question: It really comes down to supports. I'd say Natasha is better overall because she can support some of the best units in the game while Moulder is a little more limited.

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Moulder's passed his "use by" date... He doesn't hold a candle to Natasha, in my opinion. Sages are just a bit cooler than Valkyries, but Natasha is better than Moulder as a unit overall.

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I just went over to the average stats and have to say, neither one really outclasses the other. Moulder should still get nearish the magic cap as a priest, and is one of the most durable magic units in any fire emblem, let alone this one. Survivability without relying on luck is one of my favorite attributes in any unit. Yeah, his luck is low. Yeah, his resistance isn't top notch. But Natasha's HP is low, her skill is actually pretty horrible, and her defense is really low.

That's why I haven't voted. I just can't find a reason to put one over the other. I'm tempted to vote Moulder simply because Natasha's role is filled by any of the other magic units while Moulder brings something unique to the table.

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I dunno. On each of my playthroughs, I used each of them.

Moulder turned out better for me in the end, though.

Plus, I prefer him as a character.

I only used Natasha because I remembered she could get a special ending with Joshua. >.<

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