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I read Fate/Stay Night and update every now and then. Mostly then.


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Also, be aware of mature themes and swearing because I'll be doing that a lot.


Well then.... Starts off with Saber asking Shirou some stuff like "Are you my master?" or something like that and Shirou makes some comment about how her armor looks unrefined which kind of made me lul with disgust. Seriously. Look at Saber's armor. How in the hell is that unrefined? lskdvnsln

Prologue - 1/31, that's the day by the way.

So their little thing gets cut out and we are introduced to Rin talking about the day her father joined that one thing and died like some kind of pansy ass. We actually see a young Rin in good old sepianess and she starts explaining stuff I kinda know because I already know what's up by now.

She wakes up and spends around 5 paragraphs talking about her alarm clock or something then early school stuff. And there is no one at school which is incredibly convenient for whoever had to draw the backgrounds.

Rin meets up with some classmate she sometimes talks to and said classmate talks about how they should get a boyfriend for some bet they have and how neither of them are really that interested in men and other yuri undertones. Or something. It's 2:30 AM and that was 2 hours ago give me a break.

Suddenly a purple haired girl named Sakura shows up and you can tell she's gonna be important because she speaks in a shy and hushed voice and she doesn't have a natural hair color. oh man

Granted Rin has black hair but she has a twintail hair style, she's a tsundere, a magi, and MOST IMPORTANTLY! She has S rank zettai ryouiki. Look it up.

Where was I?

Oh right.

Something about archery club and drinking tea or something. I don't really care.

Rin exits the archery club place and some dude named Shinji shows and he's Sakura's sister, maybe, since they have the same surname and purple hair. Apparently he's popular with the ladies at school and KIND OF vain since he attempted to attack or grab Rin after she said he wasn't looking at him or even knew he was archering while he was being a stupid archer but she was all like, "Bitch, I don't got time for you." and dodged his attack. Also, I think Shinji is viced by whoever voices Hazama. Which is tickles my fancy since he voices a magnificent bastard (Hazama), a life guard (Goro), and a highschool dude who wants to bone his sister from that one anime which is lawl since Haz calls Rags a siscon when Haz would probably think, "I'd do my sister if I had a sister". Among other characters. I'm probably wrong though. And kinda got sidetracked. Then again Hazama has an awesome voice.

Then class happened.

Actually no.

Then generic student president dude talked to Rin or something. It wasn't important. What WAS important was that Shirou was in this scene and he's AV guy or something. It wasn't really important. Why is any of this important? It'll probably be explained later or something.

Class finally happens then lunch break. Apparently the girls don't like the cafeteria so they usually stay in class to eat but you don't see any in the background so it's implied students exist and indeed some students do exist because some random girl talks to Rin and they seem to get along well. Then two more girls show and stuff happens because one of them doesn't really like Rin for some reason. *insert reason here*

Rin didn't bring her own lunch so she buys something to eat and a eat and goes, you guessed it, THE ROOF. She eats lunch.

What else happens?

I don't quite remember...

Any who.

Back to the mansion. I think. I'm totally drawing a blank because everything has been so POINTLESS so far.

Any way. 2 AM for Rin as she tries to summon a Servant~

But, of course, it doesn't go as planned because she thought it was 2 AM when it was actually 1 AM because of all of the clocks in her place were behind an hour and her magi powers are at their fullest at 2 AM. For some reason. Regardless, PRO AI.

She does summon a Servant but it wasn't Saber whom she wanted.

Instead she got Dante.

No wait.

She got not-Dante but he's still kind of a smartass. Like Dante. He's actually Archer but I will call him not-Dante. DEAL WITH IT

By the way there are 7 Servants and they each have a class which gets drilled into your head a lot. Like a lot a lot.

Any who.

She summoned not-Dante but he showed up in her living room or something and it got trashed because she messed up the summon due to PRO AI and he's all smug about it until she uses 1 of her 3 Commands just make him go to her room because she mad.

Then more interaction between them two which I actually kind of liked because it wasn't so POINTLESS since their little interaction made me chuckle a bit.

The she makes him clean up the mess she made by messing up the summon because she's kind of a jerk.


Since Rin is kind of tired due to summoning not-Dante she skips school today.

Damn you brain work. I gotta remember something that happened in the morning at least.

Oh right. Tea. Which not-Dante made himself and apparently he's kind of awesome at making tea.

They discuss more Servant and Master stuff and how they should be careful especially since Rin already used up 1 of her 3 Commands like an idiot. Then again this whole Summon and Command thing sounds like an RPG kind of thing. It is actually rather amusing. Especially since they explain a lot of said stuff like how a modern game spoon feeds you the controls of their game because we're too stupid to read a manual or play the game ourselves to figure it out. I like this rant~

Rin and not-Dante take a stroll around town so not-Dante can familiarize himself with said town and more backstory happens. They end up on the rooftop on some tall ass building. For some reason... and not-Dante says she should have brought him here first since he has Archer vision and he can count the tiles on the bridge they visited earlier which is aaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllll the way over there. You get the idea.

They head back home but Rin sees Sakura being hassled by some dude with blonde hair and red eyes so he's obviously a foreigner. And no I'm not joking she actually says that. Foreigners are the devil.

NEXT DAY - 2/2

Stuff actually happens. I know right?

Rin feels some magic barrier thing somewhere around school so she and not-Dante, he's a spirit technically so only Rin and other Magi and Servants can see/sense him dohohoho, investigate after school and they find the thing they were looking for on THE ROOF. Obviously. Why in the hell did they look around the school?

Apparently the magic circle thing they find steals men's souls and makes them the magic circle maker's slaves (more like food but eh) so that's no bueno. Rin tries to get rid of but then a man in a tight blue body suit appears and he's like lawl and attacks Rin. Luckily she has magic so she used a SPEED UP to avoid the initial attack but blue guy is too fast. Also he uses a lance spear thing. Rin jumps off the roof which made me think of that one scene in Silent Hill 2 when James gets knocked down the prison roof by Pyramid Head but this wasn't as cool as that unfortunately. :Knoll:

A fight between not-Dante and blue guy occurs and oh man. Red vs Blue. Very subtle there. Very subtle.

Since not-Dante has the dreaded amnesia virus because Rin screwed up the summon he can't use his signature weapon thing that his heroic spirit uses. Speaking of which I have no idea who his heroic spirit thing is since I can't think of many awesome archers in history other Yoichi since he kind of kicked ass as an archer. And they have specific terms for these awesome weapons which Rin goes into great detail as Red and Blue duke it out while Rin provides some RIVETING lance tactics like what does what and how effective swings and thrusts are with lances that may or may not be true.

not-Dante is just using some sword that he apparently keeps materializing out of thin air and I didn't get this until he had two swords out of no where. Then again I was skipping the text because Rin wouldn't shut the hell up about Lancer's speed and his long red lance of which I know the name of already and I think I know who his heroic spirit thing is. I'm gonna be making some very childish jokes about said spear lance thing because I am so very mature. kittyface

Apparently because two swords is too much Lancer freezes the air and waits for someone to flinch then Shirou, I mean, some random dude calls them out and Lancer goes after his ass and wastes him.

Rin is concerned. d'aaaaaw~

Not really d'aaaw. This isn't worthy of it. not-Dante goes after Lanceman to find who his Master is and Rin goes to the dying dude's side who had his heart pierced slightly because the Magi and Servants have to kill any witnesses so obviously the best course of action in this case is to simply injure a witness so they bleed out while there's a deus ex machina somewhere due to plot convenience. And plot hax did occur because Rin's precious pendant which I haven;t mentioned til now had enough magic to revive Shirou from the brink of death. And he gets his own Servant too! But how I wonder? It'll be explained... I'm sure of it.

Any who.

Back to the mansion. not-Dante returns and says he couldn't figure out who Lancer's master was despite his Archer vision. He also picked up Rin's pendant which was kind of sweet of him but then she realizes that Lancer will still kill Shirou so they dash to his living place and she knew where it was somehow and then Saber shows up, scares off Lancer, kicks not-Dante's ass, makes Rin use up her second Command to protect not-Dante and almost kills Rin.

Everything after that is kind of blur and two hours later the Prologue is done and it wasn't all that interesting other than Rin and not-Dante's little interactions here and there. I hope you guys are telling the truth that everything becomes AWESOME after the Waifu route since what from I can tell I can only do the Waifu route until I complete. yay

I didn't really swear very much huh?

Edited by Ein
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did you just let's play a visual novel

I was thinking the same thing.

She does summon a Servant but it wasn't Saber whom she wanted.

Instead she got Dante.

No wait.

She got not-Dante but he's still kind of a smartass. Like Dante. He's actually Archer but I will call him not-Dante. DEAL WITH IT

I lol'd.

Also it's not really going to be SUPER AWESOME THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER but it has cool moments every now and then (mostly in UBW).

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did you just let's play a visual novel

read the title brah

I lol'd.

Also it's not really going to be SUPER AWESOME THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER but it has cool moments every now and then (mostly in UBW).

I am a great linguist.

I'm aware of that. I guess I'll just post the Queen Madolche avi for when I literally give 0 fucks.

so how worth playing is this anyway, if I wanted to go looking for it?

i like visual novels except I've basically never played any :(

pff Just read and decide for yourself.

It's like reading a book but SUPER EXTRA PAINFUL to read since you can't just flip the page when boring stuff is happening.

You made the prologue (which i skipped two days of) almost interesting. Well done.

It helps that I know what's coming but yeah. I could have just skipped 95% of the prologue gotten all of the info I needed since Rin likes to explain everything to herself FOR SOME REASON.

How come Archer doesn't use bows.

It will explained my friend. It will be explained....

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