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Regarding Amelia

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While this is true in most FEs, it's not true in this game.

Actually, I've mistaken. It's actually no different in Great Knight/Paladin either. As male Speed caps are always 24 in those classes and that females always have 25 for their caps. But still having a mount is alot better than a class with little to no movement without a Swiftsole. (Which there is only one without Lagdou Ruins/Cheats.)

Edited by Winona
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silly baldo. I does not matter if you play casual. Assuming you know how to take advantage of them, +3 mov and being able to rescue properly is way better than few stat points on level 20/20

In the rare case that you actually need move, you have Seth, you have a bunch of better cavs, you have a bunch of fliers. Why are you relying on the worst mount in the game?


She should always be either a Paladin or a Great Knight. General's bad movement is just to darn bad for her.

That's an interesting theory. 6 move is as good as 8 move, but 5 move is unusable?

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I use her as a General. Way too many Paladins/potential Paladins in the game.

Also, the stat boosters may be unlimited but they aren't cheap and getting a lot of money very easily is kind of dependent on luck.

And as much as I love Seth and his utter pwnage, I like training units more.


I enjoy using General Amelia. Her small body in that hulking armour gives the impression that she's piloting a mecha.

I am too easily amused.

Did you hear that? That was the sound of my "HELL YES" echoing across the entire universe.

We need fanart of this.


Indeed we do. Know anyone of talent I could commission for it?

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