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Knife's and Suzaku's tournament.


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I think it was mine i think my conection is red yours is yellow.

Your pit kicks ass althought that arrow was kind of a little spammy

You connection is yellow with me. And thank you! sorry about the arrows..=P

So, Kilvas is the winner.

Yep. =]

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CGV, did you ever get your router working?

havent checked it recently. Hopefully it will work soon

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Damn fucking router. Yeah, chaos wins. I don't know what the hell is up with our router recently

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If CGV and Ninji don't get to do their matches, the win will have to go to Ninji, since CGV has router issues.

NO Shit, Knife.

Damn fucking router. Yeah, chaos wins. I don't know what the hell is up with our router recently


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Especially in the first match. XD Good going though, Lyle.

It was a lot of fun. Kirby's the only character I can't stand a chance against Zelda with. As you can tell by the beating you gave me when I played Marth. (I remember a time when I was good with him ;_;)

who won.

Desdemona. As I predicted.

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