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Sorry if this is A stupid question...


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but are there any videos of tiki on the internet? I can't seem to find even ONE video with Tiki on it unless it's A DLC. Can someone please show me A video with Tiki fighting in it? I still have yet to see what her dragon form looks like in the game. :P

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but are there any videos of tiki on the internet? I can't seem to find even ONE video with Tiki on it unless it's A DLC. Can someone please show me A video with Tiki fighting in it? I still have yet to see what her dragon form looks like in the game. :P

The dragon is the same as Nono. The outfit is obviously slightly different. XD

At 5:56.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Semi on topic, anyone happen to know what Marks battle model looks like? I know Tiki is slightly white, and Nn has a red tint to her dragon form but I haven't been able to find anything on Mark.

Please tell me Mark doesn't use Nonos outfit...

Manakete Mark?

If you want a video/screenshot of her battle model, you'll have to wait till get done on one of my other files. Vincent has ordered me to pretty much have a harem for my Male and Female MU files for confession screenshots >_>;

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Mist Breath FTW. :v

I mean, have any of the divine dragons actually breather fire? Fas was blue, Tiki had Mist Breath in FE3.

I don't remember what it was in FE1/11/12 I need to play those again.

I do agree there should at least be some male manaketes, and more tribe variety. So we could've gotten spotpass Bantu

Manakete Mark?

If you want a video/screenshot of her battle model, you'll have to wait till get done on one of my other files. Vincent has ordered me to pretty much have a harem for my Male and Female MU files for confession screenshots >_>;

I'd appreciate that :)


Edited by L95
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I mean, have any of the Divine Dragons actually breathe fire?

Well, Tiki and Nagi did. But not as Divine Dragons.
Fae's was blue, Tiki had Mist Breath in FE3.
That actually depends on which part of FE3 you're talking about. Part 1 had her use Ice Breath.
I don't remember what it was in FE1/11/12 I need to play those again.
It was some greenish breath if I recall correctly.

On topic: Add another disappointed person to the list. I was kinda hoping for Uhuh's outfit to be the default Manakete outfit, but alas. On an added note, picturing a certain silver haired Divine Dragon Manakete wearing what Nono wears is somewhat disturbing. And would make me more glad of the fact that Spotpass units have access to all normal classes, had she been included as a SpotPass unit.

Edited by Little Al
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Fae edit FTW.

I know that's her actual localized name, but I'm so used to Fa on the forums :B

Huh, Book one uses Ice breath. Well I wasn't sure, I kinda haven't touched Book one, ever XD

Yeah, I can't stand Nonos outfit. Even it it was age appropriate, it's still an ugly outfit. I think Chiki and Nns outfits are fine. But Nono just has to be the one to screw it up :C

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