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FE7 Cartridge Wiping Problems


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Hey everyone! :)

Okay, so I apologize if this has been asked and answered before, but a quick forum search didn't bring up any answers...

Has anyone else experienced problems with their FE7 EU or US cartridges randomly wiping? It most often happens on my olden days DS (UK console), when I play on my GBA (also UK) it seems fine until I take the cartridge out... every time, always, all the data is gone... lest to say I am always so pissed off ;~; Now, I have 2 seperate GBAs where 2 of the cartridges never get taken out...

It never happens with any other game cartridges on either console, and I've had a total of 4 FE7 cartridges... all of them end up with the same fate (some more frequently than others, though)... does anyone have a fix for this, is this a known problem, or are all my cartridges just damned? blink.gif

Any help is greatly appreciated... :)

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I had this problem once, turned it on and all of a sudden all my saves were gone. It only happened the once, though... A quick Google turned up this link:


Your problem is the small battery inside. The battery has shifted since the original purchase. That battery is what completes and holds the save files in your game Pak until you turn it on again. The only way to solve this problem is to send the Pak into Nintendo. If you have owned the Pak for more than 3 months, the fee will be $10.

seems like that could be what's causing it. I don't know if it's true or not but I'd say that's possibly what's wrong with it.

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Thanks so much for that, I'll definitely have a look and see if I can find an address! :) Only thing is, Nintendo doesn't take repairs for GBA consoles or games anymore... the oldest console/cartridges that can be sent in for repair are original DS consoles/games.... dry.gif Anyone know any good sources for repairs? :)

Edited by PrincessPegasi
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Yeah, I kinda doubted that'd work. Hmmm, there's probably some places you could look for online. If that fails, maybe look into local people? I know I've seen a lot of people on online (local) classifieds who do pretty cheap video game repairs. Mostly for consoles, though, so I don't know. You might have to do some digging :P

Alternatively, (and I don't know how you feel about using ROMs, they're a tad illegal) but you could buy a GBA or DS flashcart that supports GBA ROMs, download a ROM and use it on the flashcart (the flashcart shouldn't lose the data like that, as it would probably be on an SD card or something)

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Quick google search seems to yield that those are CR1616 batteries with tabs.

I guess you can try putting electrical tape around it to keep it from shifting like when someone replaced a Pokemon Ruby battery here:


Or replace it with a new one:


Sorry I can't help more than that.

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My FE7 cartridge saves the games as normal during play, but when you turn the power off it all disappears. Every time.

I have since used emulators to play FE7.

Edit: It's an EU cartridge, in case you wanted to know that.

Edited by Raven
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My copy of FE6 (Japanese, if you can't figure that out :p) has the same problem. I assume it's the same battery issue?

There is a difference, though. If I notice my saves not coming up, sometimes when I reset they come back. Is this a different issue from the battery, then?

Edited by L95
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