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Lunatic Mode Tips

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Do these DKs spawn at a certain turn or do I need to pass a certain point(e.g. the 2 forts in the middle top prior to moving into the mountains) on the map for them to spawn?

I only have one flyer and that's Catria. I can reclass my Paladin MU and Rody into DKs and have Xane imitate them so I have access to 4 fliers this map.

So far, I can't survive the Horsemen mob so I can't really get to the point when DKs are present.

And what happened to the Warp staff? I didn't let a Thief escape in Ch. 16 and I got all of the chests. Is it not available in Lunatic?

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Do these DKs spawn at a certain turn or do I need to pass a certain point(e.g. the 2 forts in the middle top prior to moving into the mountains) on the map for them to spawn?

When you visit the village or attack Sedgar or attack the thieves or in turn 6 (4 lunatic): Vyland and 3 Paladins(+2 in lunatic) appear.

Lunatic only: 2 turn after Vyland appears: 9 Draco-Knights, 4 Paladins, 2 sages and 2 horseman appear.

Here are some information: http://www.fireemble...capitulo-19.htm

What my strategy suggest is to trigger the reinforcement with Vyland, but after that you have to kill the boss before the second wave of reinforcements appears.

I only have one flyer and that's Catria. I can reclass my Paladin MU and Rody into DKs and have Xane imitate them so I have access to 4 fliers this map.

You can lure two warriors(who aren´t equiped with a 2 range weapon) from the other two apart. After you dealt with them, you should kill the bow warrior in the player phase. The tomahawk warrior alone shouldn´t be able to kill your units. I did it with 2 flyers, 4 should make it even easier.

But it seems that you havn´t a unit that can ORKO the boss, I guess... If one of your 23 AS Draco-Knights has a (forged) hammer, he could 2HKO the boss. But again, he has to survive/dodge:

- up to three ballistas with 40 Atk (actually two if the eastern ballista attacks another unit)

- Wolf (28 atk)

-Spear Paladin (39 Atk)

You need 53 HP 24 Def theoretically, but it isn´t impossible to dodge a ballista (98 hit - your units avoid)

Is it not available in Lunatic?


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I have this one strategy that works...

You first go northeast (of course) and take care of the paladins there. Meanwhile, use a few fliers to go east to take care of the warriors guarding the area... and kill the thieves when they come. After that, you send all your units except Marth back. Yes, back. You visit the village with Marth, then rescue him. You dance for the magician who used rescue (or use a different magician) and rescue Roshea. Vyland and his paladins come out next. Finish them and recruit Vyland. Use the next two turns to position and heal your units. I put them in the "forest" right next to the mountains. The DKs come out. The first to attack should be the ones in the southwest corner. Kill them all, then position your units again. The DKs from the southeast corner will reach you next turn. After you kill those DKs, the ones from the northeast corner should reach you. Kill them too. After that, send a flier north to trigger the reinforcements. Wait in the southwest corner while positioning your units and healing them. The horses should reach you first. Kill them. You now have a more or less open path to victory.

This worked for me on both Lunatic mode and Lunatic Reverse mode.

(If you want to finish the chapter quickly to get a low turn-count, then this might not be the ideal strategy for you.)

Oh, and this way, you get all the experience. :)

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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I tried but I couldn't do it and that happened.

Your gonna have to use 2 again staff charges this chapter. One to get a unit to kill the boss (That units has to kill the boss, too). The other to get Marth to Seize in time. Use the Unlock Staff so you can kill the Dragon that blocks the door more easily. (The Right door is recommended to open).

Also, if your desperate for that fortify staff, have Michalis proc a crit with a Killer Lance against the Fortify Sorceror

Edited by Otacon
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You should make it to the first save point without trouble. You should get on the throne in the same turn when you open a door. Use Feena and one or two uses of Rescue/ Again (just have enough of them for the final chapter).

You´ll probably know it: Swordmasters, Snipers and Berserkers are usefull classes in chapter 22 and 23. I wouldn´t use many Paladins, as they can´t double(brave lance and gradivus chip is still nice). Be sure to use all the brave weapons, dragon slayers and A weapons. You can´t really ORKO without them, even though your units should have fairly high crit rates at this point.

My recorded take on this chapter is average (if anything) as I didn´t use a good team for lunatic, but just in case:

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Yes. One of a energy-ring, angelrobe, draco-shield, weaponscroll and secret book.

But she is nothing comparing to Michalis. He´s got 2 angelrobes , 5 energy-rings, 2 secretbooks, 2 speedwings, 9 goddesses, 4 draco-shields and 1 weaponscroll.

I should note that this was a challenge run. I used only royal/noble units. No Malicia, Catria, Palla, Xane...

Edited by Aircalipoor
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Your gonna have to use 2 again staff charges this chapter.

I could have saved one use but my boss killer didn't crit. But, I do have another Again staff.

@Aircalipoor I do not have the reclass limit unlocked so I can't reclass my Paladins into Berserkers. I can only do Swordmasters but I'm at my limit.

I just checked and I forgot that I can only have one fewer than the total and I'm already at that total.

Edited by MagicLugh
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