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Does anybody have some advice for The Last Story?


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So I just wanted to raid the Thief Hideout a little.

After finishing of the last guy of the very first group of enemies I must have moved through the tight passage in the room just when I got warped to the rest of the party.

Now the game still thinks I'm in a tight passage so I can't progress. The good news is that I can move through walls now. But that only does so much good if you can only move forward and backward. Camera control is also limited.

Also, the menu can't be opened while in a tight passage, so I can't just leave the area that way.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get out?

Edit: After walking long enough into one direction, I now ended up back where I started. Somewhere along the line, Zael made a 180° turn but hos model only moved by 90°. So his stance no longer matches his movement.

Edited by BrightBow
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honestly, this has never happened to me before. The only thing i can think of is just restarting from your last save and next time stay with the group.

Staying with the group wasn't really an option. At this stage, you are always alone at the beginning. Once the enemies are all gone, the party gets warped in. When that happened, I got stuck.

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Staying with the group wasn't really an option. At this stage, you are always alone at the beginning. Once the enemies are all gone, the party gets warped in. When that happened, I got stuck.

fair enough

i guess then dont go crawling through spaces until your party is there entirely.

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