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Pick my Units: FE7~


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And I present: Update the 1st.

Note: I'm not counting turn counts, but I'll try and do things in a decent amount of time, except when arenas come by, then things will get a bit longer.

Pro: Lyn ran towards the boss and never initiated an attack.

Ch1: Sain ran away, Kent gave away his sword and then ran away, and Lyn just continued to stay a manly girl.

Ch2: Lyn first ran towards the mountains, but one bandit sneaked away and ran to the forts, so Lyn decided to just bust the wall down instead of run back through the mountains.

Ch3: Apparently, one of the bandits will run for the money village, so I had to use Flo-Flo in order to get it. There was also some rescues and stuff so the non Lyn peeps wouldn't get mauled.

Ch4: Some slaughtering with the MK sword was done, Dorcas was recruited, he got his trusty Iron Axe, and everybody hid by Natalie. There was a little bit of rescuing of the Unused because of the archer dude.

Ch5: Apparently, Serra plays dead if she dies as an NPC. Dorcas also got his friend, his also trusty Store Bought Hand Axe.

Team so far: Lynsey: Level: 10 HP: 25 Str: 8 Skl: 10 Spd: 14 Lck: 10 Def: 4 Res: 5 Swords: A

Dorcas: Level: 5 HP: 31 Str: 8 Skl: 8 Spd: 7 Lck: 3 Def: 3 Res: 1 Axes: ~C.5

Oh, and my tactician: Connie BM: Sept Gender: O+ (that should be standing up, but it's sleeping)

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Update the 2nd.

Note: Nils got every singe one of his levels after Lu exploded. For peeps with stat boosters, normal is current, and () is what it should be. Oh, and no code or whatever thing for stats because I'm not good with it.

Ch6: Lynsey took the bottom, and the others stormed the top. That's about it.

Ch7: Everybody ran for the boss man. That's about it.

Ch7x: Dor-man, Matt, and Rath went for the treasure. Lucy stormed the middle. Lynsey stormed the right. That's about it. Matt also put on his robe due to the cold.

Ch8: Rath grabbed the village, and everybody else went towards the boss. That's about it once again.

Ch9: Lucy's flashlight ran out of batteries, so he hid away from the enemies so he wouldn't explode. Everybody else went for the boss (Dor-man and Matt went ^ at first, and Lynsey & Rath went >). That's about it once again.

Ch10: Stuff happened, Matt put on a pretty ring, and Lynsey murdered her, uh, great-uncle was it? Whatever Lu would be to her. Then Rath commanded Nils to dance for him for ~60 whatever-each-turn-is-supposed-to-represent-time-wise.

Final Lynsey Mode Team stats:

Lynsey: Level: 13 HP: 26 Str: 9 Skl: 13 Spd: 16 Lck: 10 Def: 4 Res: 5 Swords: A

Dor-man: Level: 9 HP: 33 Str: 10 Skl: 10 Spd: 8 Lck: 5 Def: 4 Res: 3 Axes: ~B.9

Rath: Level: 10 HP: 28 Str: 9 Skl: 9 Spd: 13 Lck: 5 Def: 7 Res: 4 Bows: ~B.5

Matt: Level: 9 HP: 30 (23) Str: 8 (6) Skl: 7 Spd: 17 Lck: 5 Def: 5 Res: 0 Swords: ~C.6

Lucy: Level: 7 HP: 21 Mag: 8 Skl: 10 Spd: 11 Lck: 2 Def: 1 Res: 8 Light: ~C.25

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I was once infatuated with a girl named Lucy.

Then her name wasn't really Lucy, and it was some weird Chinese stuff.

The moral is don't trust people named Lucy.

Edited by Doga
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Update the 3rd.

Ch11: Matt and Hevtor ran left, Matt went back for the RG, and Hevtor killed the boss man.

Ch12: Dor-man spent his time receiving and selling an old book. Everybody else just kinda killed, killed, and killed.

Ch13: Bart and Eli went left for the village, and the others went down. Guy was recruited only for the KE, which was given to Eli. Then some support grinding happened for Matt & Hevtor, Eli & Hevtor, and Dor-man & Bart.

Ch13x: Dor-man took the bandit dudes from the south, Matt took the left half of the map, and the others did the middle. Bart also grabbed the money village.

Ch14: Serra came only for Erk and his stuff, so she and Eli went up. Dor-man stayed behind for the soldiers and pegasi peeps. Matt took the bottom for Prissy, and Bart & Hevtor went through the middle. Some shopping was done also.

Ch15: Dor-man and Bart took down the boss man, Hevtor took on the up-left intruders, but Merl ran off in the process, and the others went downish. Matt grabbed some keys from the thief, and he grabbed the treasures, at the cost of two vulneraries. Matt also sold off Erk's special treasure for moneys.

Current team stats:

Hevtor: Level: 9 HP: 27 Str: 10 Skl: 9 Spd: 7 Lck: 7 Def: 13 Res: 4 Axes: ~B.5 Supports: Eli: B Matt: C

Eli: Level: 10 HP: 26 Str: 12 Skl: 9 Spd: 11 Lck: 12 Def: 7 Res: 3 Swords: ~B.5 Supports: Hevtor: B

Bart: Level: 9 HP: 33 Str: 12 Skl: 9 Spd: 7 Lck: 7 Def: 8 Res: 2 Axes: ~C.55 Supports: Dor-man: C

Dor-man: Level: 14 HP: 37 Str: 11 Skl: 12 Spd: 11 Lck: 7 Def: 6 Res: 5 Axes: A Supports: Bart: C

Matt: Level: 15 HP: 35 (28) Str: 9 (7) Skl: 10 Spd: 20 Lck: 5 Def: 8 Res: 1 Swords: ~B.8 Supports: Hevtor: C

Prissy: Level: 4 HP: 17 Mag: 6 Skl: 7 Spd: 8 Lck: 8 Def: 3 Res: 6 Staves: ~C.5 Supports: -

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Update the 4th.

Note: I sorta forgot when I sold certain stat-ups/promotion items, and when I used some. So to count it up, I used the Ch16 HC on Dor-man, the Ch19x GI on Lucy, the Ch17x SB on D-art, the two GRs on Cane and Lucy, and the Ch18 SW on Hevtor. The Ch16 KC was sold, and all other stat-ups/promotion items were kept in storage.

Ch16: Flo-Flo hid in the water, while everyone else went towards the boss-man. Dor-man and Bart went back to take on the cavaliers, but Merl died. Supports were gained before ending the chap.

Ch17: Bart and Matt got the first treasure goodies, and then Bart took on the horse reinforcements. Everybody else went up and did stuff. Some people got supports, and no Caelin soldiers died, so I got the RG.

Ch17x: Lucy went up, Hevtor, Lynsey, Dor-man, and Matt went down, while the others went through the middle. Bart got Cane, and the mine glitch was used. Then some arena stuff happened, and supports were gained.

Ch18: Lynsey, Lucy, Prissy, and Bart went right, while the others went left. Eventually Bart and Dor-man took on the middle ship. Shopping was done.

Ch19: Cane, D-art, and Bart went up, while the others went down. The Torch staff was gained, along with level 20 for Bart & Dor-man, and the gaiden was also gained. Matt also got to level 20 here, or maybe in the next map.

Ch19x: Dor-man promoted, and went down, and then went with the gang. Lynsey kinda stayed for the pegs, and then went with the gang. Cane and Lucy went with the gang, and then took on the mages. Some murdering was done, and every lord was level 20 by the end. The gaiden was gained. Oh, and more supports.

Ch19x^2: Cane and Dor-man went left, and then up, while the others just plain went up. All of the treasure was gained, and both Cane and Lucy reached level 20.

Ch20: D-art took care of the bottom, Cane and Matt went through the middle (the one with the door), while the others went through the other middle (the one with the pally-dude). Lucy promoted at prep. I got Lego and the MC, so Cane promoted, and Matt got some good stuff at the SSs. D-art and Prissy got to level 20 also. All of the treasure was gained also.

Current team:

Hevtor: Level: 20 HP: 38 Str: 18 Skl: 17 Spd: 13 (11) Lck: 9 Def: 18 Res: 7 Axes: A Supports: Eli: B Matt: A

Eli: Level: 20 HP: 34 Str: 16 Skl: 15 Spd: 16 Lck: 15 Def: 11 Res: 7 Swords: A Supports: Hevtor: B Lynsey: B

Lynsey: Level: 20 HP: 32 Str: 14 Skl: 17 Spd: 20 Lck: 13 Def: 5 Res: 7 Swords: A Supports: Eli: B

Bart: Level: 20 HP: 41 Str: 18 Skl: 15 Spd: 14 Lck: 11 Def: 12 Res: 3 Axes: A Supports: Dor-man: A Cane: B

Dor-man: Level: 20/4 HP: 49 Str: 15 Skl: 19 Spd: 14 Lck: 12 Def: 11 Res: 10 Axes: A.5 Bows: ~D.35 Supports: Bart: A

Matt: Level: 20 HP: 39 (32) Str: 12 (10) Skl: 13 Spd: 20 Lck: 8 Def: 8 Res: 2 Swords: A Supports: Hevtor: A

Prissy: Level: 20 HP: 22 Mag: 8 Skl: 15 Spd: 14 Lck: 19 Def: 5 Res: 16 Staves: A Supports: Lucy: A

Lucy: Level: 20/4 HP: 30 Mag: 22 Skl: 19 Spd: 15 Lck: 9 (7) Def: 4 Res: 20 Light: ~A.99 Staves: ~C.01 Supports: Prissy: A

Cane: Level: 20/3 HP: 36 Mag: 19 Skl: 15 Spd: 19 Lck: 10 Def: 9 Res: 11 Dark: ~A.95 Staves: ~E.4 Supports: Bart: B

D-art: Level: 20 HP: 44 Str: 17 Skl: 13 (11) Spd: 15 Lck: 6 Def: 7 Res: 5 Axes: A Supports: -

Edited by Konnor97
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Why does your Dorcas have almost double the speed that mine had at the same level when I did my last playthrough?

Also how does Bartre have an A with both Canas and Dorcas?

Uh, random speed blessage for Dorcas is pretty awesome.

And oh, thanks, I didn't notice the Bartre thing.

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Update the 4.5th.

I'm not going to Ch23x. As helpful the training/stuff would be, it's kinda hard to achieve when only one unpromoted unit can level up, and Pent is a killing machine. I'm not missing anything big, except for the silver/magic stuff, the book, and I guess the Berserk staff. And besides, Rath can get his training in Ch24 from the arena.

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Update the 5th.

Note: * means the Afa's Drops were given to this unit.

Ch21: Everybody ran left, and some shopping/visiting/snatching was done. No arena because everybody was either level 20, or promoted.

Ch22: Bart promoted, and he, plus Dor-man and Lynsey went towards the right. Hevtor, Matt, Lucy, and Prissy went to the left, and everybody else went towards the middle. Rath was recruited, and he sniped a little at the guys by Bart and Dor-man. Heath was recruited for his Mine, and eventually everyone but Lucy and Prissy were by the boss man. Rath tried to kill him, but failed, so Cane got him. All of the treasure was gotten.

Ch23: I brought Flo-Flo only in case she needed to grab Pent, but he never moved. Matt got the OS for D-art, and so he promoted, and Hawk was gained just about right after that. Matt grabbed the GR for Prissy, Lucy went down, and everybody else went through the middle. All of the treasures were gained, except for Ninian's dancey thingy. Ch23x was not gotten, because Pent got so many kills, and Rath can't move that well through the desert.

Ch24: D-art, Lucy, and Prissy went towards Gei, and everybody else went up. Prissy some how got to level 8, and some arenaing was done. Everybody got to around level 6-8, except for the 4 who couldn't level up. Some shopping and supporting was also done. Rath got the AD.

Ch25: D-art and Hawk went towards the bishop fortress, Rath, Lynsey, and Matt went towards the warrior one, and the warriors and Cane turtled the cavaliers. Some supporting and shopping was done, and everybody (who can) is at least level 9, except for Gei, who is level 8. Fa-Fa wasn't recruited, due to a lack of funds, and because all she had that I wanted was a vulnerary.

Current Team:

Hevtor: Level: 20 HP: 38 Str: 18 Skl: 17 Spd: 13 (11) Lck: 9 Def: 18 Res: 7 Axes: A Supports: Eli: B Matt: A

Eli: Level: 20 HP: 34 Str: 16 Skl: 15 Spd: 16 Lck: 15 Def: 11 Res: 7 Swords: A Supports: Hevtor: B Lynsey: B

Lynsey: Level: 20 HP: 32 Str: 14 Skl: 17 Spd: 20 Lck: 13 Def: 5 Res: 7 Swords: A Supports: Eli: B Rath: B

Bart: Level: 20/9 HP: 50 Str: 24 Skl: 19 Spd: 15 Lck: 15 Def: 18 Res: 7 Axes: S Bows: ~D.5 Supports: Dor-man: A Cane: B

Dor-man: Level: 20/9 HP: 54 Str: 17 Skl: 20 Spd: 14 Lck: 14 Def: 14 Res: 10 Axes: ~A.65 Bows: ~C.55 Supports: Bart: A

Matt: Level: 20 HP: 39 (32) Str: 12 (10) Skl: 13 Spd: 20 Lck: 8 Def: 8 Res: 2 Swords: A Supports: Hevtor: A

Lucy: Level: 20/9 HP: 33 Mag: 25 Skl: 23 Spd: 18 Lck: 10 (8) Def: 5 Res: 23 Light: S Staves: ~B.01 Supports: Prissy: A

Cane: Level: 20/9 HP: 39 Mag: 21 Skl: 18 Spd: 22 Lck: 12 Def: 9 Res: 12 Dark: S Staves: ~C.9 Supports: Bart: B

D-art: Level: 20/12 HP: 54 Str: 28 Skl: 16 Spd: 17 Lck: 8 Def: 13 Res: 9 Axes: S Supports: Gei: B

Rath*: Level: 20/10 HP: 44 Str: 22 Skl: 18 Spd: 26 Lck: 13 Def: 13 Res: 13 Swords: ~D.5 Bows: S Supports: Lynsey: B

Prissy: Level: 20/9 HP: 26 Mag: 13 Skl: 18 Spd: 18 Lck: 23 Def: 7 Res: 22 Anima: ~C.05 Staves: ~A.45 Supports: Lucy: A

Hawk: Level: -/10 HP: 55 Str: 21 Skl: 15 Spd: 13 Lck: 16 Def: 16 Res: 13 Axes: ~A.99 Supports: Never

Gei: Level: -/8 HP: 44 Str: 19 Skl: 14 Spd: 15 Lck: 12 Def: 14 Res: 3 Axes: ~B.5 Bows: ~B.2 Supports: D-art: B

Oh, and I'm going to do a poll for whether Eli, or Lynsey should get the first Heaven Seal. It shall be up to, say, Friday at ~6:00 P.M.

Edited by Konnor97
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Rath*: Level: 20/10 HP: 44 Str: 22 Skl: 18 Spd: 26 Lck: 13 Def: 13 Res: 13 Swords: ~D.5 Bows: S Supports: Lynsey: B

Lolskill. But other than that your Rath looks really good.

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Lolskill. But other than that your Rath looks really good.

He had like 10 at around level 17, so he's made improvements at least.

EDITED because I remembered wrongly at first.

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Update the 6th.

Note: ` means that that unit got, as the game calls it, a Boots

Ch26: Eli became Elibro through the use of the HS. Rath came up to help the non-Elibro people, and everyone else kinda just hung around by the lower forts. No shopping was done, but the village was obtained.

Ch27: Kenneth: Rath, Lynsey, and Matt went to the right, Dor-man and Gei stayed towards the start, and everyone else charged up. Karl appeared on the first try, so that was nice. All of the treasure was gotten, and some supports were gained.

Ch28: Rath, Lynsey, Matt, Hevtor, Dor-man, Gei, and D-art went to the left, with Rath leading the charge, and the others went right with Elibro leading the charge. Merl finally got his horse and wagon. All of the treasure was gotten, Noni talked to Jaff to get the gaiden, and some supports were done. Rath is getting pretty high leveled.

Ch28x: Gei, Bart, and Cane stayed at the start, Hevtor, Noni, and Jaff plugged up the north-western stairs, and everybody else followed the path when possible. Matt eventually got the treasures, the FC was gained, Matt signed his name and promoted, and a little bit of supporting was done. Rath stayed behind because his level was getting kind of high.

Ch29: Lynsey, Rath, and Dor-man went up, Matt, Gei, Karl, Merl, and D-art went left, and the others went in between. Elibro got a massive amount of levels. Vai was recruited for the second spear, and no supporting was done because no supports could be done. Hevtor also finally became non-useless.

Ch30: Matt and Lynsey joined Hevtor on his quest inside the cave, and Hevtor put on his special boots. The treasure was gotten.

Current Team:

Hevtor`: Level: 20/5 HP: 45 Str: 21 Skl: 22 Spd: 17 (15) Lck: 11 Def: 21 Res: 13 Swords: ~D.8 Axes: A Supports: Elibro: B Matt: A

Elibro: Level: 20/19 HP: 50 Str: 22 Skl: 22 Spd: 24 Lck: 20 Def: 18 Res: 17 Swords: A Lances: ~A.55 Supports: Hevtor: B Lynsey: B

Lynsey: Level: 20/10 HP: 40 Str: 19 Skl: 25 Spd: 27 Lck: 17 Def: 9 Res: 16 Swords: ~A.05 Bows: ~C.5 Supports: Elibro: B Rath: A

Bart: Level: 20/12 HP: 52 Str: 25 Skl: 20 Spd: 17 Lck: 15 Def: 19 Res: 7 Axes: S Bows: ~C.4 Supports: Dor-man: A Cane: B

Dor-man: Level: 20/12 HP: 57 Str: 19 Skl: 21 Spd: 15 Lck: 14 Def: 16 Res: 11 Axes: ~A.95 Bows: ~B.1 Supports: Bart: A Gei: B

Matt: Level: 20/11 HP: 50 (43) Str: 15 (13) Skl: 16 Spd: 27 Lck: 13 Def: 13 Res: 6 Swords: ~A.9 Supports: Hevtor: A

Lucy: Level: 20/14 HP: 37 Mag: 25 Skl: 26 Spd: 20 Lck: 10 (8) Def: 6 Res: 26 Light: S Staves: ~B.85 Supports: Prissy: A

Cane: Level: 20/14 HP: 43 Mag: 23 Skl: 21 Spd: 26 Lck: 13 Def: 11 Res: 14 Dark: S Staves: ~B.9 Supports: Bart: B

D-art: Level: 20/15 HP: 56 Str: 30 Skl: 18 Spd: 18 Lck: 8 Def: 13 Res: 9 Axes: S Supports: Gei: A Karl: B

Rath*: Level: 20/17 HP: 49 Str: 25 Skl: 23 Spd: 30 Lck: 16 Def: 14 Res: 14 Swords: ~C.85 Bows: S Supports: Lynsey: A

Prissy: Level: 20/16 HP: 30 Mag: 18 Skl: 22 Spd: 20 Lck: 27 Def: 8 Res: 27 Anima: ~B.6 Staves: ~A.65 Supports: Lucy: A

Hawk: Level: -/13 HP: 56 Str: 23 Skl: 16 Spd: 15 Lck: 18 Def 16 Res: 13 Axes: S Supports: Never

Gei: Level: -/13 HP: 45 Str: 21 Skl: 16 Spd: 19 Lck: 13 Def: 16 Res: 5 Axes: ~B.5 Bows: ~A.05 Supports: Dor-man: B D-art: A

Karl: Level: -/13 HP: 34 Str: 18 Skl: 24 Spd: 25 Lck: 16 Def: 14 Res: 13 Swords: ~A.5 Supports: D-art: B

And I just realized that I'm not going to Ch32x because I didn't go to Ch23x. Also, the next update will be Ch31, Ch31x, and Ch32, with there being a special final update for the last chapter a bit later.

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Update the 7th.

Note: Apparently, you can still go to 32x even if you missed 23x, so 32x will also be a part of the update.

Ch31: Karl, D-art, Gei, and Cane were stationed at the bottom area. Hevtor went left to the the guys by the treasure room, and then went to where the dark mages and archers were coming from. Everybody else went down, but Elibro and Lynsey went back up to help Hevtor. All treasure was gotten, and yeah.

Ch31x: Shopping was done, Elibro got his final level in the Arena, and then Kar got some levels there.

Ch32: Elibro, Rath, Lynsey, Hawk, and Prissy went up, Karl, Kar, Gei, D-art, and Lucy went right, and the remaining people went up-right. Rena was recruited mainly for the free Fortify, and the other villages were gotten. People got a good amount of levels, and Hevtor seized with the turn limit.

Ch32x: Lynsey, Matt, Karl, and Kar joined Hevtor in killing Kishuna. Everyone of those people managed to reach level 20 by the end, and Kar finished of Kishuna. All of the treasure was gotten.

Current Team:

Hevtor' Level: 20/20 HP: 59 Str: 27 Skl: 24 Spd: 23 (21) Lck: 14 Def: 22 Res: 16 Swords: B Axes: ~A.2 Supports: Elibro: B Matt: A

Elibro: Level: 20/20 HP: 51 Str: 22 Skl: 22 Spd: 24 Lck: 20 Def: 18 Res: 18 Swords: A Lances: ~A.85 Supports: Hevtor: B Lynsey: B

Lynsey: Level: 20/20 HP: 45 Str: 23 Skl: 29 Spd: 30 Lck: 22 Def: 11 Res: 18 Swords: ~A.05 Bows: ~B.5 Supports: Elibro: B Rath: A

Bart: Level: 20/17 HP: 57 Str: 28 Skl: 22 Spd: 18 Lck: 17 Def: 19 Res: 7 Axes: S Bows: B Supports: Dor-man: A Cane: B

Dor-man: Level: 20/16 HP: 60 Str: 22 Skl: 23 Spd: 15 Lck: 16 Def: 16 Res: 12 Axes: S Bows: ~B.4 Supports: Bart: A Gei: B

Matt: Level: 20/20 HP: 56 (49) Str: 15 (13) Skl: 20 Spd: 30 Lck: 20 Def: 16 Res: 8 Swords: S Supports: Hevtor: A

Lucy: Level: 20/17 HP: 39 Mag: 25 Skl: 26 Spd: 21 Lck: 12 (10) Def: 6 Res: 27 Light: S Staves: ~A.05 Supports: Prissy: A

Cane: Level: 20/17 HP: 46 Mag: 25 Skl: 22 Spd: 26 Lck: 13 Def: 13 Res: 15 Dark: S Staves: ~A.15 Supports: Bart: B

D-art: Level: 20/17 HP: 58 Str: 30 Skl: 18 Spd: 20 Lck: 8 Def: 14 Res: 9 Axes: S Supports: Gei: A Karl: B

Rath* Level: 20/19 HP: 51 Str: 25 Skl: 24 Spd: 30 Lck: 17 Def: 14 Res: 14 Swords: B Bows: S Supports: Lynsey: A

Prissy: Level: 20/20 HP: 31 Mag: 21 Skl: 23 Spd: 22 Lck: 29 Def: 8 Res: 28 Anima: ~A.45 Staves: ~A.85 Supports: Lucy: A

Hawk: Level: -/17 HP: 58 Str: 23 Skl: 17 Spd: 15 Lck: 20 Def: 17 Res: 15 Axes: S Supports: Never

Gei: Level: -/16 HP: 48 Str: 22 Skl: 18 Spd: 19 Lck: 15 Def: 16 Res: 5 Axes: A Bows: ~A.05 Supports: Dor-man: B D-art: A

Karl: Level: -/20 HP: 37 Str: 20 Skl: 28 Spd: 30 Lck: 16 Def: 15 Res: 13 Swords: S Supports: D-art: B

Kar: Level: -/20 HP: 34 Str: 16 Skl: 29 Spd: 27 Lck: 23 Def: 12 Res: 14 Swords: S Supports: -

Rena: Level: -/17 HP: 43 Mag: 12 Skl: 23 Spd: 20 Lck: 10 Def: 15 Res: 18 Light: ~A.2 Staves: ~A.05 Supports: -

Okay then. I want you people to choose a team for me. There are seven (7) spots available, not including the forced people. You guys pick any seven from the people above (not including the lords). Poll will end at about 6 P.M. next Wednesday, the 9th.

EDIT: And, it's fixed. ...Except the poll's not up. Wait a sec. And it's up now.

Oh, and in the case of a tie (which is extremely likely), I'll put the people in a list randomizer, and go from there. (Like say, 4 people have 3 votes, and 7 more have 1 vote, then the first 4 go on, and the 7 will be put in the randomizer, with the top 3 on the new list will be picked.)

Edited by Konnor97
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I realize I'm about a hour and a half late, but anyway, the team members (besides the Lords and Athos) are D-art (8), Prissy (7), Matt (5), Cane (5), Rath (5), Kar (5), and Lucy (4). All others (besides Dor-man and Hawk, who had 4) had 3 or 2 votes. [spoiler=Random.org proof]There were 3 items in your list. Here they are in random order:




Timestamp: 2013-01-10 00:27:38 UTC

Oh, and I'll do stat-booster hand-outs here while I remember.

AR (2): Prissy and Kar

SW (1): D-art

DS (2): Lynsey and Lucy

Talis (3): Matt (2) and Dart

BR (2): Elibro and Athos

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And now, for the Grand Finale!

Final Chapter: Light

Right off the bat, Rath and Cane went towards Uhai. I believe Cane finished him with a Luna crit. Matt went to the left to open Brendan's door, where Elibro went with Hevtor and Lynsey as supporters. Athos went up-left so he can be near Kenneth right away. Matt went down to unlock Ursula and Jerme's door. When Darin's door opened, D-art went in and killed Darin quickly with the Brave Axe. Lynsey killed Ursula once Matt opened the door, and Matt also killed Jerme. When the Reed brothers's door opened, D-art stood in just Lloyd's range with the Swordslayer, so there went him. Cane got a Luna crit on Linus, opening Nergal's door. Elibro took off most of his health in one round, and Lynsey finished him off. Oh, and while the people were doing this, Prissy was firing off Boltings, Lucy was using Fortify, Kar sadly did nothing except take out the one warrior that was with Brendan, and Nils just ran around.

The dragon was killed in one turn (like how he should be). Cane got a Luna crit off on him, and a normal hit, bringing it down to 16 health. Prissy used up her last two shots of Bolting on a random druid. Hevtor, being the manly man that he is, killed the dragon.

Final Team: Honestly, screw it. Some people got some levels and level capped, but it doesn't matter that much. Rath and Dart were the people who managed to cap off their levels. If you want stats, I'll post take the stats from the last update, and add on any stat-boosts that were used from the mini update two posts above. Sorry if you were expecting more. (^ means a BR was given to this person.)

Hevtor' Level: 20/20 HP: 59 Str: 27 Skl: 24 Spd: 23 (21) Lck: 14 Def: 22 Res: 16 Swords: B Axes: ~A.2 Supports: Elibro: B Matt: A

Elibro^: Level: 20/20 HP: 51 Str: 22 Skl: 22 Spd: 24 Lck: 20 Def: 18 Res: 18 Swords: A Lances: ~A.85 Supports: Hevtor: B Lynsey: B

Lynsey: Level: 20/20 HP: 45 Str: 23 Skl: 29 Spd: 30 Lck: 22 Def: 13 (11) Res: 18 Swords: ~A.05 Bows: ~B.5 Supports: Elibro: B Rath: A

Bart: Level: 20/17 HP: 57 Str: 28 Skl: 22 Spd: 18 Lck: 17 Def: 19 Res: 7 Axes: S Bows: B Supports: Dor-man: A Cane: B

Dor-man: Level: 20/16 HP: 60 Str: 22 Skl: 23 Spd: 15 Lck: 16 Def: 16 Res: 12 Axes: S Bows: ~B.4 Supports: Bart: A Gei: B

Matt: Level: 20/20 HP: 56 (49) Str: 15 (13) Skl: 20 Spd: 30 Lck: 20 Def: 16 Res: 12 (8) Swords: S Supports: Hevtor: A

Lucy: Level: 20/17 HP: 39 Mag: 25 Skl: 26 Spd: 21 Lck: 12 (10) Def: 8 (6) Res: 27 Light: S Staves: ~A.05 Supports: Prissy: A

Cane: Level: 20/17 HP: 46 Mag: 25 Skl: 22 Spd: 26 Lck: 13 Def: 13 Res: 15 Dark: S Staves: ~A.15 Supports: Bart: B

D-art: Level: 20/17 HP: 58 Str: 30 Skl: 18 Spd: 22 (20) Lck: 8 Def: 14 Res: 11 (9) Axes: S Supports: Gei: A Karl: B

Rath* Level: 20/19 HP: 51 Str: 25 Skl: 24 Spd: 30 Lck: 17 Def: 14 Res: 14 Swords: B Bows: S Supports: Lynsey: A

Prissy: Level: 20/20 HP: 38 (31) Mag: 21 Skl: 23 Spd: 22 Lck: 29 Def: 8 Res: 28 Anima: ~A.45 Staves: ~A.85 Supports: Lucy: A

Hawk: Level: -/17 HP: 58 Str: 23 Skl: 17 Spd: 15 Lck: 20 Def: 17 Res: 15 Axes: S Supports: Never

Gei: Level: -/16 HP: 48 Str: 22 Skl: 18 Spd: 19 Lck: 15 Def: 16 Res: 5 Axes: A Bows: ~A.05 Supports: Dor-man: B D-art: A

Karl: Level: -/20 HP: 43 (37) Str: 20 Skl: 28 Spd: 30 Lck: 16 Def: 15 Res: 13 Swords: S Supports: D-art: B

Kar: Level: -/20 HP: 34 Str: 16 Skl: 29 Spd: 27 Lck: 23 Def: 12 Res: 14 Swords: S Supports: -

Rena: Level: -/17 HP: 43 Mag: 12 Skl: 23 Spd: 20 Lck: 10 Def: 15 Res: 18 Light: ~A.2 Staves: ~A.05 Supports: -

Final Turncount: 1218

And so, that's it. See you guys in whatever I do next, which is likely going to be something 2 from now.

Edited by Konnor97
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