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Super quick question: How old is Uther?


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Hey guys! Sorry for the trouble, but I just need this bit of info for Wayward Son. Does anybody know how old Uther, Hector's older brother, is? I always thought he was in his late 30s/early 40s, but I'm not sure, and the artbooks and stuff I was able to find don't mention it. If anyone can confirm or deny, I'd be indebted. Thanks!

EDIT: Aw crap, I just noticed I posted this in the FE8 rather than the FE7 section. X_X Sorry sorry sorry, I'll ask a mod to move it.

Edited by Gunlord
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I get the impression that he's 30-something... I dunno, ask BwdYeti, he's the one making a game about him :awesome:


[1:05:01 AM] BwdYeti: 39
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39 it is! Thanks so much, BwdYeti and Agro. And sorry again for posting this in the wrong forum. ^^;

That seems awfully old. Hector is only 17, so it's pretty odd for him to have a brother 22 years older than him.

Granted, Uther does look about the same age in FE7 as Hector does in FE6... but I'm pretty sure that his illness made him look older than he really was.

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Hector did say that Uther took on a fatherly role to Hector after their parents died, so it's possible Uther was that much older than him. Do we know Orun's age?

I don't think we do. I don't remember it mentioned in the game or by any Words of God here.
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For Uther to be 22 years older than Hector, their parents would have to have been very young when they had Uther and pretty old (reproductively speaking) when they had Hector.

But if they died from the same illness that Uther died from, as Eliwood says in his conversation with Lyndis in the final chapter, it seems odd that they would live so much longer than Uther himself.

Suppose that they were 18 when they had Uther, and 40 when they had Hector... and Hector was old enough when they died that he wanted to "cry like a little baby" but couldn't cry in public. And Eliwood's and Hector's A-support conversation reveals that their parents were still alive ten years prior: "What was it - ten years ago?... While our parents were off pledging their oaths, we kids were in that one room." That would mean that they were still alive at age 47, though their children didn't live to be 40.

Then again, Uther's parents must have lived longer than Uther himself anyway. Even if Uther was only 10 years older than Hector and had died at age 27, their parents must have lived well past 27.

I guess the point is that Hector's parents were still alive when he was 7, so Uther could have been old enough to take over their parenting duties when they died even if he was only 10 years older than Hector.

Edited by Paper Jam
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Another thing: Eliwood says at the end of Chapter 12, and Darin says at the beginning of Chapter 14, that Uther had only recently assumed the throne of Ostia; it's therefore possible that his parents had only recently died.

And, no, they were never named.

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