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So the game must have glitched or something, I don't know. Because I had Xane imitate Navarre and started the next chapter and Xane was Navarre. I'm talking name, hp, even the things that don't usually change when Xane imitates someone. What happened? Has anyone else experienced this? Is there any way/code to fix it? I can send a screenshot if you don't believe me.

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First off, are you playing a ROM or the actual cartridge?

Second...if it is a ROM, can you post a pic of this unique phenomenon? I'd like to see for myself a Battle Prep screen with 2 Navarres. Perhaps his transform counter will reset once you begin the next battle.

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First off, are you playing a ROM or the actual cartridge?

Second...if it is a ROM, can you post a pic of this unique phenomenon? I'd like to see for myself a Battle Prep screen with 2 Navarres. Perhaps his transform counter will reset once you begin the next battle.

This actually happened on my friend's game, not mine, but I troubled him for a few screenshots will posted them, below.

The transform did not reset at the beginning of the next battle. He said that he was screwing around with the control enemy and press r to move again AR codes when this happened, but AFAIK those were the only two codes in play here, neither of which should have caused this to the best of my knowledge anyway.

This deserves scientific experimentation. When "Navarre" levels up, does he gain stats for his "Navarre" form, or Xane's original stats? If for his Navarre form, then you should keep him and just have two Navarres around, since that's pretty awesome.

IDK I will have to have my friend check for me. I personally would only use one due to the FEthical reasons surrounding this, but losing Xane should put any player at a disadvantage.

Screenshot links:




Edited by starfirelord
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So the game must have glitched or something, I don't know. Because I had Xane imitate Navarre and started the next chapter and Xane was Navarre. I'm talking name, hp, even the things that don't usually change when Xane imitates someone. What happened? Has anyone else experienced this? Is there any way/code to fix it? I can send a screenshot if you don't believe me.

I'm in the camp that is wondering why you would WANT to fix this, and requesting information on how to do it for myself.

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I'm in the camp that is wondering why you would WANT to fix this, and requesting information on how to do it for myself.

Because why settle for Navarre when you could dupe MU or Palla or someone of significant value ?

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This deserves scientific experimentation. When "Navarre" levels up, does he gain stats for his "Navarre" form, or Xane's original stats? If for his Navarre form, then you should keep him and just have two Navarres around, since that's pretty awesome.

I leveled up the fake Navarre in the base arena and he got +1 HP +1 SKL +1 LCK and +1 DEF, so I am assuming these are Navarre's, not Xane's growths.

So, does he still have supports with Xanes supports? or no?

I'm not sure how to check this, especially since Navarre was duplicated on the same chapter where Xane joined and consequently didn't have any supports.

Because why settle for Navarre when you could dupe MU or Palla or someone of significant value ?

Ok, for those of you who are curious about how this happened, I will write up a quick description of the things that led to it.

1. Put in control enemy code, move an enemy somewhere

2. Put in "press r to make selected unit move again code"

3. Move Navarre (he was a paladin but I am pretty sure that is irrelevant)

4. Have Xane imitate Navarre

5. Wait a turn or two

6. Move Navarre and Press R on Navarre and move again. Level him up.

7. Move Xane-Navarre and press R to have him move again.

8. If you do not see Xane's name change to Navarre, this likely hasn't worked. If you have, finish the chapter before Xane reverts (although he probably won't revert since he is now permanently Navarre). Try to keep Xane at the same level he started as.

These are the things my friend remembers doing in approximate order. Since he didn't do it on purpose, these might not be totally accurate, and it may be dependent upon things like chapter, level, character, etc. Also, some of the steps such as control enemy and leveling up may not be necessary. I have no guarantees that this will work, in fact I'd be shocked if someone could recreate this, but please tell me if you have any luck. Also, if someone could give some sort of logical explanation why some/all of these steps would lead to Xane permanently becoming Navarre, that'd be great.

Edited by starfirelord
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Yes it still is because while the situation came about due to AR, the result was not intended.

Exactly, especially since the codes shouldn't have produced this result. In fact, I still can't understand how this occurred. Has anyone else tried to reproduce it yet?

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