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Sephies Stuff & Sprites


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The most things I do are slices but I try to make some custom mugs as well. Since a still have much to improve I'm open for any feedback I can get. So take a look and enjoy...


My very own Character. She's the leader of a mercenary band named the Slyphs which helping

Roy on his journey to take back Lycia from Bern in my hack in which she is a swordwhielding Pegasi knight.

Actually she is a slice of... let me think... Wendy, Neimi, Lilina, Priscilla and some custom spriting.


Yutis, Sephies childhoodfriend and also a member of the Sylphs. She do usually the scouting jobs for the group on her black wyvern. She is a slice of Farina, Lucius as well as some custom spriting.


The last member of the Sylphs. His mainjobs are undercoverscouting for which he has joined the Army of bern and leaked information in secret to Roys group. A Slice of Eliwood, Heath and Matthew


My. first. slice. ever. It's Leon from Tales of Destiny and a slice of Lance, Rath, Nils and Angry Hector.


Aurora is one of the maincharcters in my hack. I don't know jet which class she will have, but I think she will be a mage or a dancer something like that. A Splice of Ninian, Elanora, Serra, Lucius, Fiora and Karla.

Now for some custom ones...


Kratos Aurion from Tales of Symphonia and my first selfmade sprite so far. I think he has some pillowshades here and there and I'm not satisfied with the clothes as well.


Based on his FE9 mug since I haven't seen any Boyd sriptes so far.


A gerneric soldier mug based on the generics soldiers in FE9. He's recoloured since this will be the gerneric soldier sprite for the soldiers of Bern. I plan to use it as a base the other countries as well when he's finished.

Edited by Sephie-chan
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These aren't bad. In fact, I like some of them a lot.

For the last member of the Sylphs, his left shoulder is a bit too high (or his right one is too low, not sure). The generic soldier's neck is really long. Kratos' second hair shade is too dark in my opinion, and Boyd's face feels too long. Other than that, these mugs are quite good.

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Yutis looks a bit like a character from a cancelled hack

brb, gonna go change my avatar

EDIT: Back from changing my avatar

kinda...uh...I kinda see some matching errors...

The head and hair is nigh identical. We have some explaining to do miss Sephie.

Edited by eCut
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I had no intention to steal someones work. I just liked that said sprite and took it as base/example for Yutis' sprite and if you look closely you will see the differences, as for the face (especially the headband) it's a repixel of said sprite cuz I didn't know how to pixel a headband properly to that time. I would rather see it as a compliment for inspiring a noob.

EDIT: As for the hair and eye colour it was a request, since Yutis herself is a character made up by a friend of mine.

Edited by Sephie-chan
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I had no intention to steal someones work. I just liked that said sprite and took it as base/example for Yutis' sprite and if you look closely you will see the differences, as for the face (especially the headband) it's a repixel of said sprite cuz I didn't know how to pixel a headband properly to that time. I would rather see it as a compliment for inspiring a noob.

That is not a good idea. Just ask. People don't like it when you use something of theirs and don't even mention it's theirs. (Which is arguably worse than not asking for permission.)

And I pasted them over eachother and abused the back button in paint to see the differences. They're so minute it doesn't matter. A lot of it is exactly the same.

Though, I am pretty sure the original has some Eirika in there :p


-steps out of thread-

Edited by L95
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I would rather see it as a compliment for inspiring a noob.

Even though the problem's been solved and Bonesy's relatively cool with it, I'd just like to call bullshit on this statement.

There is no reason that anyone should ever feel complimented when somebody steals their work, no matter how shitty or old it is.

Do you feel complimented when a burglar steals your stuff after they break into your house? Fuck no.

It's not a compliment, and it's not okay.

It's fine to be inspired and to reference another's work, but when you can slap two sprites on top of each other and more than 80% of the pixels match exactly, then we have a problem.

Edited by · j e a l o u s y ·
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Even though the problem's been solved and Bonesy's relatively cool with it, I'd just like to call bullshit on this statement.

There is no reason that anyone should ever feel complimented when somebody steals their work, no matter how shitty or old it is.

Do you feel complimented when a burglar steals your stuff after they break into your house? Fuck no.

It's not a compliment, and it's not okay.

It's fine to be inspired and to reference another's work, but when you can slap two sprites on top of each other and more than 80% of the pixels match exactly, then we have a problem.

I respect people who can sprite (it's something I wish I could do, among a number of things including BUT NOT LIMITED TO drawing in general and acting) but... I found this incredibly ironic. The way I see it, yall (spriters) take premade faces/characters/whatever and make changes to em. You're pretty hilarious to bitch at someone else for doing the exact same thing. Granted this is legal since it's (at the moment) non-profit, but when someone does it to your thing, suddenly it's just wrong? Hypoooocrisyyyyyyyy.

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That's been brought up before, and the reality of it is that the pixel artwork in these games don't have any official statement about them saying "bitch dont use mah shat".

If we had a way to contact them and asked for their permission, they most likely wouldn't care.

("But what if they would give a damn?") I mean, there's no possible way that over the years, it hasn't come to the attention of game development teams that pixel artists are using their work as bases. If they were against it, they would have stepped in and cracked down.

Also note that by spriting in the style of a video game, you openly admit to having used the pixel art.

tl;dr, the original creators don't care.

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That's been brought up before, and the reality of it is that the pixel artwork in these games don't have any official statement about them saying "bitch dont use mah shat".

If we had a way to contact them and asked for their permission, they most likely wouldn't care.

("But what if they would give a damn?") I mean, there's no possible way that over the years, it hasn't come to the attention of game development teams that pixel artists are using their work as bases. If they were against it, they would have stepped in and cracked down.

Also note that by spriting in the style of a video game, you openly admit to having used the pixel art.

tl;dr, the original creators don't care.

I'm willing to bet they don't care simply because people aren't making money off of their own work. There's a difference. The creators make sprites, they get payed. People come along and say "This would look cool with that" etc and make their own thing for recreational fun, put it into their own game/previous game, but the point is no money is being made off of it. To compare someone stealing a sprite that someone else already stole, to being proud of burglary, is pretty much a giant stretch of morality. If there was some sense of actual loss from the whole ordeal, I'd shut up, but the only thing lost here is... nothing, really? while I wouldn't have worded it so weirdly, I do think there's some merit to feeling proud that someone decided to take your sprite. I mean, since you're both stealing, you literally do not get to play the "Well i stole it first!" card until someone actually loses something of worth, and so long as you KEEP complaining, well, you guess what's gonna happen.

If your answer is "nothing" then you're partially right.

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Kratos's hair shading strays too much from FE-style shading. I suggest taking a look around the Sprites/Competition board and finding experienced spriters' work, or even the official mugs, to reference (read: NOT COPY). Study the way they use the shades to define hair, and look for any consistent patterns that appear.

As for a majority of the clothing, there's a lack of anti-aliasing which makes it seem very rough. Again, referencing is probably the way to go on fixing them.

Overall, the foundation is okay, but a lot of the smaller details are preventing the sprites from looking above-average. My ultimate suggestion would be to spend more time learning how to make the finer details in sprites.

Edited by AthenaWyrm
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I respect people who can sprite (it's something I wish I could do, among a number of things including BUT NOT LIMITED TO drawing in general and acting) but... I found this incredibly ironic. The way I see it, yall (spriters) take premade faces/characters/whatever and make changes to em. You're pretty hilarious to bitch at someone else for doing the exact same thing. Granted this is legal since it's (at the moment) non-profit, but when someone does it to your thing, suddenly it's just wrong? Hypoooocrisyyyyyyyy.

You're forgetting that most of us do not splice, and therefore are not actually stealing any of IS's original sprites, since we make them from scratch. Sort of kills your entire point.

Like, if someone went and took something I'd spliced a while back and used it I probably wouldn't care, but if they took something that I put actual effort into and made from scratch, then yeah, I'd care, it's my sprite and I made it myself.

Of course this is just my opinion, other people would still probably want you to ask to use their splices.

Edited by seph1212
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Well this seems to be mostly sorted out but I would just like to remind you all that this topic isn't for discussing whether or not spriters are "stealing" from IS by using official Fire Emblem sprites as bases for their own, and I don't want to see those arguments here (if you want to discuss it then make a topic in general or fftf [sidenote: I think that would make an interesting debate so someone should do that] ).

So back on topic people! Post something dealing with Sephie's work (critique and the like) or don't bother posting.



Well I'm not hostile about the thing, but generally, people don't approve of this. I'm not gonna try to persuade you to change your mind, but I don't just support this myself. I'm gonna stop this before eCut takes my warn bar up to 50%.

You're actually due for a decrease~

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My. first. slice. ever. It's Leon from Tales of Destiny and a slice of Lance, Rath, Nils and Angry Hector.

how your first sprite didn't end up with wonky facial expression and raccoon eyes is beyond me

<----- can't draw can't sprite

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how your first sprite didn't end up with wonky facial expression and raccoon eyes is beyond me

<----- can't draw can't sprite

Yeah it was a lot of work and I resplice him several time. I had so much trouble with customizing Rath's body.


The gerneric soldier is back. His neck ist now much shorter and I recoloured him with Murdocks Armorcolour.

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