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Fire Emblem: Tales of the Three Kingdoms


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I know what those of you who know me may be thinking...I have made alot of projects that have had to be redone...and redone...and redone...but...! For now at least is all I can promise...I have finally decided to revive this idea of mine since I had been working on it. I will say however, that FE: bonds of Time is still under construction and will possibly be showing some progress on that post within the next month or two. College has sucked up all my time T___T however I have met another rom hacker there :D so we're working on that project together :D.

But as for this idea:

This hack is basically putting The Romance of the Three Kingdoms into FE form. But with a few twists. For those of you who aren't familiar with it...uh...google it. First twist is I'm combining the two major sources of information from that era that are out: the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel, and Dynasty Warriors, the popular video game series loosely based off of the actual events from the time period discussed in the novel. Basically there are many landless lords in China, namely the Hero of Chaos, Cao Cao, the Tiger of Wu, Sun Jian, and the heroic dragon Liu Bei. All three eventually build up enough power and force to become the three biggest forces in China, then began to fight for superiority. This hack will start from their humble beginnings, initially following Liu Bei's rise to power with his sworn brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. The second twist, is the fact that I am going to further alter and twist the already fictionally editted historic story, by adding in fictional characters of mine (and possibly board members if any become interested once I show some progress). While there will be A FEW playable characters from the actual Three Kingdoms period, most will be NPCs or Enemies. A vast majority of the playable characters will be created. The final twist twist is, there is no magic. With the exception of one or two classes, there will be no magic users available to the players. This includes healers, so healing items will be valued ALOT more. In addition, I am adding several more classes since there is room. And because this is Fire Emblem essentially, I have to change the script since classes like heavy armored knights didn't really exist in China during this time. At least not as often and served as representations of the characters they will serve as.

For those of you interested in helping in any way, here is my current class list for characters. The Class list follows this formula:

Class Name - Weapon Type - Armor/Movement Type









Axe Knight-Axe-Mount

Sword Knight-Sword-Mount

Lance Knight-Lance-Mount


Sword Armor-Sword-Armor

Axe Armor-Axe-Armor

Bow Armor-Bow-Armor

Lance Armor-Lance-Armor

Shaman-All Magicks-Infantry




Commando-Sword / Axe-Infantry

Assailant-Axe / Sword-Light


Warmonger-Axe / Bow-Infantry


Red Knight-Axe / Lance-Mount

Blue Knight-Sword / Lance-Mount

Ranger-Sword / Bow-Mount

Silver Knight-Bow / Lance-Armor

Gold Knight-Axe / Sword-Armor


Arcanist-All Magicks-Infantry

As the story starts, all of the characters will be allied together to fight a common enemy, the mystical Zhang Jiao, leader of the Yellow Turbans, a group of radicals rebelling against the Han empire. As time goes on, they will grow, make friends and enemies, and join the campaign against the wicked tyrant Dong Zhuo and the infamous Lu Bu. At this point however, moral choices will come into play, as you end up quarreling and fighting against former allies. Finally everything goes to hell as one by one the kingdoms and armies fall until their stands only three: Wei, Wu, and Shu. By this point the many friends and allies of this hack will have been torn apart, bonds both made and broken, friends and enemies alike killed, some to leave their legacy onto the next generation...all for the name of the Three Kingdoms. But this is just the beginning....if I can not get too interested in what comes after all of this and stick with finishing this hack first :unsure:

If you decide to propose a character to put into this hack, post a name, class, and starting alliance. If you know anything about the Three kingdoms era, you may choose a side force other than the grand three, such as starting with the Yellow Turban, or Dong Zhuo, or even being a roaming vagrant. A short background would be helpful as well. Also, just because you pick a class doesn't mean that's the class you'll be assigned...I can't have everyone be just one or two classes. That's why there are ALOT of "special" classes I have made and added into the mix, such as strategists, to take the place of bards, etc. so some of you (if your bios fit my ideas) will be placed in special classes depending on the room left over. Just letting you guys know this is the project that will be worked on alongside Bonds of Time ^_^.

Also any ideas or assistance you may have are more than welcome and greatly appreicated since I'm still a novice hacker and still learning this stuff XD

Edited by ziose0
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First twist is I'm combining the two major sources of information from that era that are out: the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel, and Dynasty Warriors, the popular video game series loosely based off of the actual events from the time period discussed in the novel.

These are the least credible sources of information available.

Chen Shou's Records of the Three Kingdoms is the best source of information from that time period. He was a historian who lived during the era and served under both Shu and Jin.

His records are the most historically accurate - Luo Guanzhong's novel is more fiction than fact.

Of course, the novel is probably more entertaining if you don't care about history for the hack. Your main characters for the Yellow Scarves arc are going to be He Jin, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun with history taken into account. Sun Jian and Cao Cao if you stretch some. Not quite as interesting as all the BS stories about Liu Bei and his brothers, lol.

Edited by Tangerine
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Ahhhh, an actual person who knows about the actual history of the Three Kingdoms? :): When I said that I meant fictional sources lol.

Hmm I always considered the historic version for this hack...but then again...I feel I'd have more fun making it fictional. I mean, whether i went historical or fictional, you wouldn't have any run-ins with liu bei, cao cao or sun jian FOREVER. just mostly hear about them. I've always loved Huangfu Song for some reason so he's going to be major ^_^ but sadly killed off by fictional characters :P. But I will definitely look into the Records of the three Kingdoms, thank you for the source ^_^. I've done a bit of research on the actual historic Three Kingdoms era but only enough for a project. I have a copy of the first volume of the romance of the three kingdoms that I've read.

Edited by ziose0
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Sun Jian and Cao Cao are important very early if you're starting from the Yellow Scarves arc historically. Cao Cao is especially important right after the fall of Dong Zhuo.

The real issue with a historical plot is that you would be forced to nearly exclude fan favorites like Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun and Ma Chao. And I can't imagine people playing the hack would appreciate that :P. But you specified you were going for a fictional plot, and the only issue for me was that you seemed to be claiming the novel was historically accurate, so carry on!

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Hmm...I mean. Cao Cao imo was a help in the rebellion...sun jian...ehh. honestly never thought much of Wu from a historic standpoint or from a fictional one :/. And well even though I'm coming from a fictional standpoint, I'm still not gonna make this solely about just specific people (although I probably will end up making most of the main characters side with Shu just for novelty lol). I plan to make it a bit more historical as far as major battles go and events in history, but smaller tidbits and meetings and events I'm gonna toy with. Most "fan favorites" (I hate Ma Chao sorry) will be in the hack, but not as important as they were possibly considered except maybe in a chapter or two. The only real issue I'm thinking about is how I'm gonna handle aging. I mean, I'm planning to stop right after the battle of Red Cliffs and like right before the three kingdoms really take shape as far as now is concerned. Then if this hack works out I'd make a second actually dealing with the three kingdoms more in depth. And possibly include heirs and other characters related to or on good terms with past ones.

Plus it gives me a good reason to start right at the death of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Liu Bei. Possibly replacing Liu Shan with a fictional lord...? since he wasn't too important anyways <.< fictionally or historically.

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I can be of some help if you want to know more about the history of the Three Kingdoms. You may want to look into some of the Strategy RPGs that Koei released about the Three Kingdoms as some sort of basis of how you want to base your story upon. Potential main protagonists can include Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Jiang Wei, Sima Shi, the Sun family respectively, but mainly Sun Quan, Lu Bu, and many more. It really depends on your preferences.

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Hey sorry i haven't been able to update lately ALOT has happened, in addition to the fact that i have been unable to login to serenes for almost a month now ._______. for some reason....

Anyways, my friend whose idea this was has an accident recently, and has fallen very ill. While sitting out of classes he's been working on this project, but it has decided to scrap the idea. (I don't know why he doesn't just join a forum) But as much as I enjoyed this idea, without him and his work with it, there really is no further place for us to go with this so I apologize. I will give it another week or so of trying to see what i can do myself, otherwise, I'll just close this off.

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