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Wii U Games: Any you would like to see made?


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So, since the Wii U came out just last month, I bet people are already contemplating what games they'd love to see on it! I have a couple in mind besides the obvious (3D Mario, some more 3D Zelda, some FE, etc.).

For instance, if you're a Zelda fan, do you remember Four Swords Adventures for the Gamecube? In multiplayer mode, you and your friends had to use GBAs as controllers so players could freely go in and out of caves and buildings and stuff without other screens obscuring the outside view.

I've been thinking that if a new Four Sword game were made for Wii U, the game pads could function the same way because they have their own screens! I've always been a big fan of Four Swords Adventures and Minish Cap, and I want to see more Four Sword games, particularly one in 3D. I mean, wouldn't Vaati look absolutely badass in 3D? I'm also a fan of Toon Link due to the Four Sword games. However, I'd give it a more unique title this time like Minish Cap had. I think too many people get FSA confused with Four Swords for the GBA and I've even seen people say they're the same game! I came up with Quest of Four, though that's pretty basic. xP

Another game I'd love to see on Wii U is Mario Paint! Fans my age should remember this game back from the SNES days. It was a fun little Mario title where you could make pictures with art tools and use stamps to make scenes similar to what you'd see out of Super Mario World. There was also the bug squishing game (which kind of annoyed me, actually) and the song maker. I think with the stylus and Wii U game pad, a Mario Paint game would be awesome on Wii U. You'd use the stylus to draw and move stamps onto your canvas and erase. It would also work for squishing bugs if that game was brought back. And, of course, for putting notes on your musical staff.

Oh, and what's more, the Wii remote would be compatible with this game as well to function the same way, except obviously, you'd be pointing it at the TV screen.

Basically, I've been thinking of games that would really work well with the game pad's features. This is all I've got for now though.

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Smash Brothers 4

F Zero U. That is all.

This so much. They missed a great opportunity with the Wii.

A track editor and online racing would make it even better.


Also Killer Instinct, Custom Robo, a good 3D pokemon game(not that the other ones were terrible, they were just really mediocre), and a new Star Fox game.

I am also hoping that one day SEGA will make either a 3D Ristar game or a 2D Ristar game with co-op.

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F Zero U. That is all.

As for Four Swords, they've said the system can support only up to two GamePads right now, and even then I haven't seen them talk about it, but I think Four Swords U would be a good way to usher in the way to use four GamePads. Since Four Swords Adventures is the only Zelda game I haven't played yet, I want to see how they can even put Adventures on the Virtual Console. I still want to see a Legend of Zelda game that takes place after Spirit Tracks and introduces the Four Sword to the Adult timeline.

And yeah, I would love a Pokémon Stadium 3.

Edited by Phantom Roxas
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Zelda/Mario/Star Fox/Kirby/Metroid/F-Zero/Fire Emblem/Smash Bros/Donkey Kong U.

Oh, and TimeSplitters 4 would be nice.

Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct was made by Rare, who were bought by Microsoft in 2002.

Yeah, that's not happening...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Killer Instinct was made by Rare, who were bought by Microsoft in 2002.

Yeah, that's not happening...

So were Goldeneye 007 and Donkey Kong Country, and look what happened. Activision and Retro studies remade/brought back both, respectively. Although, Goldeneye was without Pierce Brosnan...

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Super mario galaxy U.

It's already been made pretty clear that there won't be anymore SMG games. Ninty said it would be too difficult at this point since they've used so many ideas already on them.

As for Four Swords, they've said the system can support only up to two GamePads right now, and even then I haven't seen them talk about it, but I think Four Swords U would be a good way to usher in the way to use four GamePads.

Bah, that stinks. I want Ninty to make a way to use four game pads then! xP

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I don't know how many people played Custom Robo, but I would love that on the Wii U, with more guns and parts to customize robots, and make it an FPS or TPS instead of birds eye view. F-Zero HD of course, a new Star Fox with online multi-player, and a Kirby Air Ride 2 (Another game nobody played). Of course the one I want the most is a new Zelda, but who doesn't? SSB4 as well!

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So were Goldeneye 007 and Donkey Kong Country, and look what happened. Activision and Retro studies remade/brought back both, respectively. Although, Goldeneye was without Pierce Brosnan...

First of all, the Donkey Kong Country franchise (and anything else Donkey Kong-related) is 100% owned by Nintendo. Rare was just the second-party developer that made the DKC games (by the way, Retro Studios is also a second-party developer, as is Intelligent Systems).

As for Goldeneye, Rare bought the licence to make Goldeneye, a license which has since expired.

Killer Instinct on the otherhand, is 100% made and owned by Rare (along with Banjo, Conker and Perfect Dark - among others). So if a new Killer Instinct is made, it will be on a Microsoft-made console, rather than a Nintendo one.

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I don't know how many people played Custom Robo, but I would love that on the Wii U, with more guns and parts to customize robots, and make it an FPS or TPS instead of birds eye view.

Oh my god someone else knows about that game!

As for the camera thing, I think the player should be able to choose between FPS, TPS, and bird's eye.(I personally liked the bird's eye view on the smaller and medium-sized stages)

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Trauma Centerrrrr, the touch screen would be a great way to bring some precision to the tv Trauma games and still account for the wide disparity in tv sizes/latency without making it an unnecessarily ruff ride. The tablet was made to do cool operation stuff.

Elite Beat Agents too fuck the police it'd be gr8, or get Inis to give us something like a Gitaroo successor, if not sequel. I'd beg for at least something from them, they seem like they had some ideas too awesome to be contained by normal controllers.

This guy does a good job of explaining why, in large part, most successful (console) games so far have centered around a kind of spatial manipulation which most easily lends itself to games that are somehow combat-based:

I want the WiiU to prove games can make other stuff interesting, and not just in a "learning by association" sense. Give me a game where the screen makes something like diplomacy or conversation interesting, like having it be a detailed monitor of somebody's mental state, and make conversation into actual gameplay that's more engaging than the typical dialogue tree approach. Maybe something like an Ace Attorney game with more fleshed-out, interactive Nagatama or twitch-detection mechanics.

Nothing so I don't get tempted to buy it.


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I would like to see GOOD games made on the WiiU

Nintendo Land? Doesn't that exist irl now?

Mario U? Another Cash-In game?

F Zero U. That is all.


But I fuckin swear mo motherfucking god if they fucking castrate the fuckin soundtrack one more time I'm gonna tug their intestines out from their throat and feed it to coyotes all in front of a mirror so they can vividly witness the ent--

Oh yeah, anyways

F-Zero 4 would probably just be on that gad-forsaken 3Ds machine, just like they did to Luigi's Mansion.

Nintendo, take your middle fingers and stick them up your crevasse sized assholes as soon as you're done rubbing them in our faces.

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I would like to see GOOD games made on the WiiU

Nintendo Land? Doesn't that exist irl now?

Mario U? Another Cash-In game?

But I fuckin swear mo motherfucking god if they fucking castrate the fuckin soundtrack one more time I'm gonna tug their intestines out from their throat and feed it to coyotes all in front of a mirror so they can vividly witness the ent--

Oh yeah, anyways

F-Zero 4 would probably just be on that gad-forsaken 3Ds machine, just like they did to Luigi's Mansion.

Nintendo, take your middle fingers and stick them up your crevasse sized assholes as soon as you're done rubbing them in our faces.

...The fck?

There are many things wrong with this, but for now I will simply ask,

When was the soundtrack "castrated"?

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...The fck?

There are many things wrong with this, but for now I will simply ask,

When was the soundtrack "castrated"?


F-Zero GX's soundtrack just took a big, larva-infested diarrhea dump on the memories of anyone who played F-Zero X. Fuckin audiosurf techno drum n bass music

The only saving grace was some of the character theme songs

Thing is, there have been 7 F-Zero games released so far (F-Zero, F-Zero X, F-Zero: Maximum Velocity, F-Zero GX, F-Zero AX, F-Zero: GP Legend and F-Zero Climax)...

Yeah I know, but my brain doesn't seem to count the non-proper console games because it isn't a full experience IMO. I hacked an F-Zero X song into F-Zero GP: Legend once, but it didn't save it. Not that it's a bad game.

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F-Zero GX's soundtrack just took a big, larva-infested diarrhea dump on the memories of anyone who played F-Zero X. Fuckin audiosurf techno drum n bass music

The only saving grace was some of the character theme songs

I've barely listened to any of GX's soundtrack, but I liked the songs that I did hear.

Also, I don't think there's anything that we agree on.(and from my experience, you're the only person who has said that GX's soundtrack is bad)

But regardless,

this song is amazing.

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