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FE9 data, does it apply to future files?

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When I start a new FE10 file using data from an FE9 save, will it remember the FE9 data when I start a new file later on? Or do I have to plug in my FE9 memory card every time I start a new file?

(That would be especially annoying since my new Wii is one of those without Gamecube compatibility... meaning to get FE9 data in the first place I'll have to start a file on my brother's Wii and transfer data via SD card, which won't be an option when he leaves and takes his with him.)

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Or do I have to plug in my FE9 memory card every time I start a new file?


It will check the memory card slots every time you start a new game. INCLUDING one from a clear file.

If there's nothing there, the defaults will be used.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Start 3 files with (One easy, Normal and Hard) with your FE9 Data and then save them all at Prologue then use the remaining 3 files for your actual game play.

This way you have FE9 Bonuses for each playthrough on every difficulty setting as long as you don't overwrite.

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Start 3 files with (One easy, Normal and Hard) with your FE9 Data and then save them all at Prologue then use the remaining 3 files for your actual game play.

This way you have FE9 Bonuses for each playthrough on every difficulty setting as long as you don't overwrite.

Yeah, that's probably what I'm going to end up doing. Except only Normal and Hard mode, since I am morally opposed to playing Easy. Also probably just Hard, since I'll probably only play Normal once just to chill out and have a stress-free game while I unlock Pelleas and Lehran for the REAL game. :P

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