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Automatic Pony Colors


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So I'm making this axe knight animation:


And the palette is totally compatible with the other cavalier animations and that's great. One small irritation though:


The colors for the horse's outfit don't change accordingly for the axe animation like they do for the original animations.

I've got this palette:


And the colors in question are 14 28 31 and 8 14 31 (GBA format). What's weird is that these are the same colors used by the original cav animations (Or at least that's what FEditor Adv is telling me).

Is this something hardcoded to the cavalier animations or did I miss something?

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The horse's outfit is a different colour to the cavalier's armour, if that's what you're asking. It's always been this way and is the same for all cavalier animations. Use the eraser recolour method in Paint and you'll see that the colours are not the same.


You can do this without rescripting, for example.

Edited by Agro
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I thought the cavaliers were fighting with sticks. But when I looked a bit closer, they're carrying axes. Maybe fix that a bit? It's pretty hard to notice the ax blade.

no it isn't you're just not very observant

I'd guess it has something to do with default palettes, it's definitely nothing hardcoded...

Looking closer, in the axe one it seems that the armour colours for the horse and the guy are the same :( This isn't how it is in the original animation, of course.. If you look at the player sword one next to the player axe one, their palettes are definitely not the same, at any rate.

Edited by Jubby
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It's also worth noting that generic colors through FEditor might not cover all of the possible generic colors. Handling of these isn't something automatically done in the game, so FEditor is what's making the different palettes. Xeld might've just not programmed for those colors on the horse's outfit to be recognized as generic colors.

As a side note, I'm pretty happy that we've finally got a nice looking Axe Cavalier!

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Well what's driving me nuts is that eCut's uses the same colors I'm using for the horse outfit (Colors from the vanilla animations) but her's changes colors correctly for enemy/NPC and mine don't.

I'm at a total loss.

The rider armor is different because I used the colors that FEditor's doc says will change colors (And they do) but they aren't from the vanilla animation.

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Make sure that the "team" colours are in the right spot on the palette and in the right order, in addition to being the right colours. Is all I can think of, anyway. This aspect of things is full of hax AFAICT.

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It could be that you just need to edit the generic colours in the actual animation manually; I'm pretty sure that'd solve the problem. :P Whether there's a different solution, Idk, but that's what I'd do :3

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ugh i'm getting tired of reading this and hoping someone to know

open up the .file of any cavalier animation dump, scroll to the bottom, and you'll see the 4 palettes

what I did was just take the bottom 3 palattes(0x60 bytes) which are the enemy, NPC, and other palettes and paste them into the new processed axe cavalier's .file

of course if this is not the issue at hand, ignore me

o 3o

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open up the .file of any cavalier animation dump, scroll to the bottom, and you'll see the 4 palettes

what I did was just take the bottom 3 palattes(0x60 bytes) which are the enemy, NPC, and other palettes and paste them into the new processed axe

Why the hell didn't I think of this earlier. I was even messing with those colors yesterday.

I'm hesitant to call this a color ordering problem because if I compare the sword/lance palette to my palette in the VBA palette viewer they match completely.

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