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eShop Download vs. Game Cartridge


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  1. 1. Which will you be getting?

    • Cartridge
    • eShop Download
    • Both

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I'll be getting the cartridge. I like looking at the pretty art on the pretty case while looking through the pretty booklet and other pretty inserts a day or two later after playing the pretty game.

It's cute.

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Cartridge, hands down. It'd probably take overnight to download the game to my 3DS, and I'll want to play the game as soon as possible. Also, physical gives me the option of lending it to friends to get them into the series, trading it in(I can't see it happening, but, the option is there) and not having to worry as much if my 3DS dies/I trade it in.

However, I'm pretty happy it is coming up on the eShop, because niche titles, once the first run is through, are really hard to find. By having it up on the eShop, it means late adopters don't have to spend lots of money and time tracking down a copy, they can just buy it off the eShop.

Also, on eShop downloads, I just personally disagree with Nintendo's policy of digital copies being at the same price as physical copies, and as IS is Nintendo owned, I wouldn't expect a discount

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Yeah, I'd like the cartridge, too...

The only reason I won't get it is because I can't.

Unless, of course, I'm willing to take a trip to the capital, buy a more-than-a-thousand-dollar ticket, buy the game, and come back.

That's not happening. So, I'll just have to resort to the eShop download. But really, that news was like an angel coming to bless me or something. :)

Now I don't have to wait six (yes, six) months to get the game. Yay!

I'll get the cartridge when I go back to America. (So yeah, I'll be getting both. The download so I won't have to wait six months; the cartridge because, well, you know, it's the cartridge.)

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I don't really know honestly. Do we even get a digital download?

I would say normally the cartridge would be preferable but with this one it's a bit more difficult, since I find the box' look hard to swallow.

I mean, if you buy digitally it costs you just as much as if you buy the cartridge even though despite the absence of the material costs. Of course, if they could lower the prices, the cartridges probably couldn't compete anymore.

But as it is, the game is linked to the system. I might consider buying an XL on of these days and it would be annoying not to be able to play those games on that one. After all the whole point of handhelds is flexibility and convenience.

You can transfer all data between two 3DS systems, at least.

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I've already preordered the cartridge, so my fate is sealed, but I've no regrets. Others have already voiced the same feelings I have about preferring a material possession for spent money, but even more than that, my preorder nets me a neat art book so I can flip through the book and look at pretty pictures of the game's large cast when I'm not playing the game. (Or, considering FE's gameplay, even when I am playing the game.)

Of course, there's also the fact that a download of a retail 3DS game would take not only gobs of time but gobs of memory as well, and I don't have the time/system memory for that, considering I want to get the DLC and some other downloadable titles in the future.

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Okay, wow... So far, cartridge out-does eShop downloads by a lot...

That many people want the box and GameStop bonus?! *_*

Well, digital downlod hasn't really caught on on consoles yet, unlike PC. Also, using an example from my own country...

Virtue's Last Reward was a limited physical release, retailing at $50AUD for 3DS and Vita. (This wasn't the RRP, that was $60-65)

On the PSN, it's $50 for the Vita, so the same price it was sold for physically

On the 3DS eShop, it's $70, $20 more than retail, and $5-10 more than RRP.

It's still cheaper for me to import a copy from the UK than it is to buy off the eShop, and if I had a Vita, cheaper still (As well as the fact that unlike the eShop, PSN has sales), so even if I didn't prefer physical, it's still about $10-20 cheaper for me to get physical than digital, which as a poor student, overrides the only bonus of the eShop, and that's not waiting wweks to play.

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Well, digital downlod hasn't really caught on on consoles yet, unlike PC. Also, using an example from my own country...

Virtue's Last Reward was a limited physical release, retailing at $50AUD for 3DS and Vita. (This wasn't the RRP, that was $60-65)

On the PSN, it's $50 for the Vita, so the same price it was sold for physically

On the 3DS eShop, it's $70, $20 more than retail, and $5-10 more than RRP.

It's still cheaper for me to import a copy from the UK than it is to buy off the eShop, and if I had a Vita, cheaper still (As well as the fact that unlike the eShop, PSN has sales), so even if I didn't prefer physical, it's still about $10-20 cheaper for me to get physical than digital, which as a poor student, overrides the only bonus of the eShop, and that's not waiting wweks to play.


I never thought that the retail would cost more than the download... I always thought they were the same.

Guess not... (Oh, and thanks for the FE13 stationary.)

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For most, digital costs less than retail, although the difference isn't too great normally (Using Persona 3 Portable as an example, it retailed for $70AUD physical, $40(? Could be $50)AUD digitally on the PSN). It's not a big difference, mostly, and what you save by buying digital, often comes back in having to buy expanded memory (Especially for full PSP games, because they're usually 800MB-1.2GB each, 3DS ones are generally between 500MB-1GB for full retail games)

Nintendo though, are of the opinion that Retail and Digital should be the same price, so all their first/second party games are at the cost of the physical game, or in Virtue's Last Reward's case (Although Nintendo didn't do the pricing for this one) greater than the cost of the physical game. IIRC, they allow 3rd parties to price for themselves, but all their games will be same as physical retail, and seeing as physical retail gets the bonus of sales, preorder bonuses, trade ins, lending, and safety from being lost when the system is broken, I personally, don't see the point of picking download over retail in this case in my situation.

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Nintendos digital prices really should be cheaper. There's no production, distribution, tariff, or retail fees; so why the fuck is it the same price.

Hear, hear.

Hear, hear.

Hear, hear.

I agree. It should be cheaper.

(But then again, SO SHOULD ALL OF APPLE'S PRODUCTS!!! They're wa~ay too overpriced...)

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Nintendos digital prices really should be cheaper. There's no production, distribution, tariff, or retail fees; so why the fuck is it the same price.

Cause Iwata says basically because you're getting the same experience, so it should cost the same.

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Looking at it from that perspective, that makes sense. But still...

Eh, whatever, Nintendo is a company. Company's exist to make money. Nintendo just happens to be a company that gives people entertainment, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a company... So, yeah, I guess they're trying to bring in whatever profits they can...

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This is going to be my very first 3DS game since I'm getting the system along with the game (still holding out for the pretty blue one, which sadly doesn't seem to be coming), and thus I don't really have any knowledge on how the eShop or digital downloaded games work. That being said, a thought occurred to me: if I purchase both the cartridge and the digital one, do I get 3 saves for each game, 6 saves total? Or do you only get three saves to the SD card regardless? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm having trouble trying to divide the saves among my siblings and I, and after all the wonderful things I read about this game I'm having a hard time trying not to make more than one save for myself....

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I bought a 3DS last week along with Kid Icarus to maintain me entertained until FE13 arrives, so i might as well wait and get the cartridge too. After all this game is the sole reason i bought the system.

Also Silver Lightning have a good question...i may also have this save problem here..

But i believe you will get 6 saves, because the cartridge stores the saves on itself ( i think ) and the downlaoded version will use the SD card ?

That's what i think but let's an aswer...

EDIT : Also, if i buy both and then the DLCs, will it be playable on both FEs ? I believe so since it's stored in the SD card but who knows.

Edited by Lanko
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Already pre-ordered FE:A because I wanted the artbook, so I'll be getting a physical copy. I don't like to download and install games (I prefer going to the store to pick it up versus sitting and waiting for it to load on my 3DS), plus I don't like having to worry about memory space. Not to mention I don't want to worry about my 3DS malfunctioning, thus losing all my games in it as well.

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I bought a 3DS last week along with Kid Icarus to maintain me entertained until FE13 arrives, so i might as well wait and get the cartridge too. After all this game is the sole reason i bought the system.

Also Silver Lightning have a good question...i may also have this save problem here..

But i believe you will get 6 saves, because the cartridge stores the saves on itself ( i think ) and the downlaoded version will use the SD card ?

That's what i think but let's an aswer...

EDIT : Also, if i buy both and then the DLCs, will it be playable on both FEs ? I believe so since it's stored in the SD card but who knows.

Yes, you can play the DLCs on both... I think. I asked the same question a week ago or something, and I think the answer was "yes."

And you'll probably get 6 files. I don't see why not. One's the cartridge. One's the download. They're in two different forms. They're separate.

Anyway, yeah, that's what I'll be doing... I'll get the download and the cartridge. (But I won't be giving any files to my siblings! Yay, greedy ol' me! XD)

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