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The font REAL men use.


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Zeph may have changed his font to pink but I am still more of a man than him! Why? Because unlike him I have a penis. He lost his in a terrible accident involving an eraser, a glass of milk, a Rubiks Cube, a toilet, a corpse, a calculator, a chip, and Wayne's World on DVD before the Forest's forums were created.

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Zeph may have changed his font to pink but I am still more of a man than him! Why? Because unlike him I have a penis. He lost his in a terrible accident involving an eraser, a glass of milk, a Rubiks Cube, a toilet, a corpse, a calculator, a chip, and Wayne's World on DVD before the Forest's forums were created.

If that's your idea of a joke, you must write for Leno.

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Pink doesnt make you a man. I dont believe that bullshit in the least. Being a man has to do with many more things that just wearing pink. And so many guys do it now that that statement is kinda dead since now its not like "HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT GUY IN PINK!" A crapload of men wear pink now so who cares?

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Makalov is a real man because he has pink hair.

Makalov is a worthless piece of shit anyways. I dont blame marcia for wanting to sell him.......CHEAP.

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Seriously? Sweet. Let me go try it.

On your Wii (or comp too, I did on Wii though), go to KoolIM.com and register there. There, you can access MSN Messenger, Yahoo, ICQ, ect. after filling out the info. However, typing on the Wii-mote gets VERY tedious, so you may want to look into a key board if this becomes long term. I'm lookin in to this.

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