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Can't edit text with FEditor ADV.


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I'll thank you all in advance first this time just to mix things up a bit. tongue.gif

The problem is not being unable to get it open (I know about the CRC-32 checksum and all that for when it locks me out), but being unable to use any of the menus save the portrait editor once I do. If you select something like the text editor, it just highlights the option in light blue and stays on the current screen. Modifiying the last 4 bytes to what is displayed in the "CHECKSUM ISN'T -------- (Ex: FA66CC59)" in the help section with HxD (59-CC-66-FA is how I believe it should be done) only results in locking me out, and when I get back in, the problem is still there. I really hope this is solvable without having to start over on a new ROM, but I am willing to do that if I have to.

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Inserted a lot of new animations (All taken from this site or imported from FE6 or FE7), replaced most of the portraits, and have added slightly to the total length of the text of the Rom, starting my first original conversation at 0x0D4C (FE8 ends at 0x0D4B). The only map I have so far inserted was into free space in the middle of the ROM.

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I tried changing the checksum because I could not think of any other way to fix something like this. I presume the problem has to do with the fact that the ROM has been expanded in size? Another thing I noticed just now is that weapon stats no longer display properly.


Or at least the ones without descriptions don't.


Even when I was a little kid using the computer lab at school, every technical problem always seemed to happen to me. tongue.gif For some odd reason, I still wanted to make video games when I grew up. But back on topic, do you know what causes this? I've never seen any mention of it before in tutorials or other help topics.

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feditor will automatically append data to the end of your rom if you don't specify other free space

if feditor is locking you out try saving (before doing anything) and closing/re-opening

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feditor will automatically append data to the end of your rom if you don't specify other free space

if feditor is locking you out try saving (before doing anything) and closing/re-opening

Great Scott, that actually worked! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Though it looks like I'll have to revert to an earlier patch anyway, since the problem with the weapon display is still present. Unless anyone has any idea how to fix that as well?

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