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Is My Unit Broken in this Game?


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I would be impressed by anyone who has their Avatar use swords and magic equally.

Hell, I'd be impressed by anyone who has their Avatar use swords, period.

Othin, my good sir, during the demo, I used the sword more than the tome during the demo. It made sense considering the amount of axe users. It made MU harder to hit and more accurate.

Also, yes making HP the lowest stat seems like a disaster simply because it compromises his/her defense. I usually go with luck as the flaw because someone pointed out (I think it was Othin or VincentASM) it was least essential stat.

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Even if my unit ends up with 25 str and mag they get access to magnificent flame. Wich makes that 25 turn into 37. Also i have a nagging feeling grandmaster caps str and mag at 40. Might just remember wrong

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I've been thinking of going for assassin. Honestly, my luck with RNG fails enough that all those 50's/60's will screw me over in the end.

...Then again I did get an uuber defense Ryan in FE12. >>

Now if only I could find a picture of a female assassin model. (Because I'm super picky like that.) If all else fails I WILL use grandmaster and focus mostly on swords.

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Even if my unit ends up with 25 str and mag they get access to magnificent flame. Wich makes that 25 turn into 37. Also i have a nagging feeling grandmaster caps str and mag at 40. Might just remember wrong

Hmh, Grandmaster's caps are all 40 by default IIRC, then they increase/decrease based on your +stat and -stat.

There is a stats calculator on the main page. ;P

Edit: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/char_max_all.html

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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