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Army of MUs! (Opinions and suggestions appreciated!)


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for those already posted, add in some description and personality, even skills and such, the more details the easier I can draw! The more I know someone ,the easier I can draw them, which is weird o.e

Edited. I've done my best to be detailed , I just don't added the skills because I haven't read much about FE:Awakening (just read about classes and characters) and about that matter I'm still ignorant.

Edited by Warg
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Okay Heya everyone! 2 quick things before I reply to everyone:

If your artwork isnt up here after the release of FE:A, it might...be awhile 8D and I'll get started right after I crank out this 2000 word final essay for my winter course! Also, if someone is displeased with their initial artwork, LET ME KNOW. I would like to make it up to you with a better picture. (If the picture is indeed not up to your expectations and mine.) I don't care how mean it sounds, or how horrible you'd look, I appreciate any and all criticism, especially from this community (Which I noticed is filled with intellectuals that can actually keep a good, meaningful discussion when needed...I lurk alot. well used to, before College :D ) So Astra. Dont worry bro. YOU JUST FILLED ME IN ON SOMETHING IMPORTANT. And that's really cool, it was actually something I was looking for. +10 avoid seems like the better option now that you dangled it in front of my face. I'm pretty laid back, SO COME AT ME BRO.

IF EVERYTHING GOES TO PLAN AND I PULL A MIRACLE OUT OF MY BUTT AND FINISH EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE, I would love to do a group picture with everyone... Literally we have the brute/tank, the speedy fighters, alot of support clerics/mages, and a few riders here and there!

Now onto the replies:

@Gone2Ground: How buff do you want it? how armored do you want it? Katana on your back or a greatsword?

@Warg: Your description reminds me of someone I know! Will do my best!

@Eberict: Where was your family originally from? Keepsakes and items passed down from generations is really cool. I went back to Thailand (where my parents are originally from) and met alot of my relatives 3 years ago, when I was 16...my uncle owned a whole sword and guns collection, and he kept trying to give alot of the rarer military grade ones to me, I really wanted it too..stupid 9/11...>:o May I ask what you teach? and I really want to write a letter about it, I feel like theyre literally milking college kids with the online passes and such, its absurd. Could you give me a description of what you would look like in the F.E world?

@Asura: I don't actually think I'm bad, but I'm certainly not good. At least, that's what I believe. Its the fact that the mountain is still so high up, so daunting, that gives me the motivation to strive for something much higher. Really, what I'm trying to say is...I'll always be hungry to improve! By the way...Tell me a description of village-girl you...because a Pegasus Sister Duo/Trio is needed to round out this army. HOW DARE YOU NOT FIT THE TROPE!? :(

@RayDavid99: Hair Shorter or longer than Abel(at least I think thats Abel. I'm usually wrong.)?

@Struck: Average? HOW ABOUT I MAKE YOU FABULOUS? Just kidding, gotcha. Btw I LOVE drawing scars haha...Until all my friends tell me scars are gross. Stupid females, not appreciating battle trophies :(


@Tarquin: Breaking games since 1993. Guessing you are the sister? :O

@Frosty Fire Mage: Gotcha! and Thanks!

@Wheels: Lot's of details, that will help alot! Dark purple hair? PICS OR IT NEVER HAPPENED. Also, that sucks! (your immune system) Is it a genetic thing, or just you? Also, here's a facepalm for you breaking your big toe! /insertfacepalm

@Chidokyo: Just FYI. you are the official male loli of this group. :)...:)....:P...ew.

@Tarquin: You're tasking me with a female warrior? RADY. WHY YOU DO DIS TO ME??? WHYERUUUUU!?!?!? I feel as If I am looking into a family feud...

@Murdok: Instead of Joshua, I'm gonna just draw Murdok. :)

Man if typing all that up counted towards my essay. ID BE DRAWING BY NOW. Stupid Forum people. Grrrr >:P

Edited by SlayeZ
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I'll give you pics or it didn't happen!

Oh wait... (This was just after I got orange/blonde bits in it, as evident in the pic XD) atm I have like, a buzzcut after my hair all fell out XD

And no, not genetic, at least not directly from my parents. I probably had someone with it back in my line, but no one really knows who XD My cousin also has a form of it too. And yeah, that toe breaking isn't the stupidest thing I've done XD Also, take your time with the art, school > derp like this XD But, of course, don't spend all your time working, otherwise you'll burn yourself out. Everything in moderation~

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@Gone2Ground: How buff do you want it? how armored do you want it? Katana on your back or a greatsword?

Urgh, I hate katanas, let's make it a greatsword. Armor would be a chain or scale shirt with some pauldrons/kneecaps/elbowcap, and he'd be pretty buff (Due to MANLY!)

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@Chidokyo: Just FYI. you are the official male loli of this group. :)...:)....:P...ew.

Oh god, I'm a shota?

I don't know whether or not that's a good thing. :C

Good luck with your essay, though!

Edited by Chidokyo
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Oh, I wasn't serious, I just wanted people to giggle.

But I will be creating a Joshua Avatar to transfer over to my main file, since he's horrendously absent from the Spotpass list.

How about I give you this version of "Murdok Dracul" instead, which I'd like to create as my own Avatar:

Asset: Speed

Flaw: Defence

Class: Strategist -> Grandmaster -> Swordmaster -> Assassin -> Dark Knight (Yep, it's a long one, but it'd be awesome)

Skills: Magnificent Flame, Sword Expert, Astra, Lethality, Life Absorb

Weapon of choice: the Levin Sword

Appearance: Slim. Medium height. Madly long, big, messy, dark hair, and a goatee beard 'n' 'tache. Likes to wear a long coat, like his hero, but his long coat's colour is split down the middle: black on the right side (his right), and white on the left (hey, a little bit like Stefan, but I didn't realise I was copying him until just now).

Personality: He likes to get into fights just to prove that magical swords kick arse. He has a thing for dark magician girls with psychotic tendencies. Since being promoted to a Dark Knight, he's rarely seen without his horse. He spends his free time atop the steed's back, reading books about the legendary King of White Dunes and his beautiful blonde bride, when he knows he should really be studying magical tomes.

His horse's personality: The mare is called Heavyhoof. She spends her free time viciously murdering and devouring cute ponies. She approves of her master's taste in women. She laments that the legendary Joshua was never recorded to have ridden a horse into battle, but she supposes he was just so awesome that a horse couldn't have made him any better.

Edited by Murdok Dracul
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Haha, SlayeZ, you're a real good guy. Let's all hope you don't come to regret this generousity, haha. I look forward to seeing your evolution as an artist through this, :D. As for the group image, I don't see that happening until after FE13 has devoured all of our lives, but it would be well worth the wait and really cool to boot. Do you maintain an online gallery of any form (DeviantArt, etc?)

@Eberict: Where was your family originally from? Keepsakes and items passed down from generations is really cool. I went back to Thailand (where my parents are originally from) and met alot of my relatives 3 years ago, when I was 16...my uncle owned a whole sword and guns collection, and he kept trying to give alot of the rarer military grade ones to me, I really wanted it too..stupid 9/11...>:o May I ask what you teach? and I really want to write a letter about it, I feel like theyre literally milking college kids with the online passes and such, its absurd. Could you give me a description of what you would look like in the F.E world?

This is going to be long, haha. I apologize in advance. (And have no idea why one part is suddenly bolded. Can't fix it.)

My family is originally from Prussia, specifically from Silesia (which is now Poland/Czechoslovakia, but was originally Bohemia in 1350 when my family was first established) . We were nobility who sold our lands and left before WWII started, which is how we survived Stalin's purge when our half of Germany fell behind the Iron Curtain. My branch of the family left earlier--my great grandfather was a sapper officer with the Germans during the Chinese Boxer Rebellion, then moved to the Philippines because he didn't want to go back to cold Germany. We've been here ever since! My great-grandfather and grandfather worked for the American Navy as engineers, but when WWII happened, a young officer freaked out over Germans on the base, so we got placed in a POW camp. Ironically, this is how we survived the war -- the Japanese came, won, saw us in prison and assumed we were their allies, so they gave us a house (in a district where all the Americans and half-Americans were extracted and executed en masse) where we lived alongside the Japanese officers as friends. After the war, my grandfather went back to working for the Americans, but also did "divining" -- he could find water underground, so developers would come and ask him to tell them where to dig for it. The staff I mentioned was one of his tools; he carved it himself out of guava wood. I also have his pocket watch, an old Remington from the 1920s made in Hong Kong. It's a necessary heirloom because men in my family cannot wear wrist watches--they short out or fall out of sync if we do.

Your uncle's collection sounds really cool! You have me wondering what counts for "rarer military grade." Specifics, please!

My field is History (as if that block above didn't give it away), though I dabble a bit in Geography and English Literature. Right now, I'm trying to merge the skillset of History with that of English Literature to formulate a kind of Media Literacy (critical analysis of what we are served in the present Image Culture) because questioning the agenda, bias, and societal structures of media--news and ads alike--is an invaluable skill for the modern world and greater social justice, etc.

I encourage you to protest the prohibitive cost and lack of resale-ability of textbooks and to encourage others to do the same!

Appearance: A young man who looks to be in his early twenties (but who isn't) with an average build (MU Average) with less than average height (Richt is a good measure). Short-cut, dark brown hair, similar style to Azure's. Typical Sage appearance--large, wide cloak over simple tunic, breaches, tall boots, exposed arms, gloves--except the cloak would be too large, trailing on the ground (like all my clothes before I take them to be altered, -_-). Metal and leather patches sewn or bolted into the cape for protection (LUCK) and a pointy wizard's hat for... height. Equipment might include a crooked staff, a portable sundial, or a large tome.

Work hard on that essay ! :)

Also, Wheels, your hair is very, very, very cool. I don't even know how it became that way, and it seems to me that maintenance would be a nightmare, so props on dedication and style!

Edited by Eberict
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@Asura: I don't actually think I'm bad, but I'm certainly not good. At least, that's what I believe. Its the fact that the mountain is still so high up, so daunting, that gives me the motivation to strive for something much higher. Really, what I'm trying to say is...I'll always be hungry to improve! By the way...Tell me a description of village-girl you...because a Pegasus Sister Duo/Trio is needed to round out this army. HOW DARE YOU NOT FIT THE TROPE!? :(

I understand the feeling of constantly trying to break your limits and achieve new levels of skill, but careful that you don't put too much pressure on yourself, dude. I know from experience that a perfectly healthy desire to better yourself can become a destructive obsession easily. Not that you seem to be in any danger of that, so far, so good on you! Anyways, enough of my dimestore wisdoms; onwards!

The description Tarquin (or K) gave was actually pretty spot on. (We decided to design each others Avatars for the game, cause it's hard to be objective about yourself. I don't think she liked me posting all that stuff in public, though...)

I don't know if I'd be good enough to be a Warrior, but Pegasus Knight definitely doesn't fit me at all. They're just too girly. Sorry, bro. u_u;

I'm sure you'll get some PK's in here eventually. If not, well... K and I will probably reclass to Dark Pegasi Fliers at some point for LS (after the experience DLC, most like), but we'll switch back, cause we don't like Pegasi all that much. So maybe we can be the sister duo who USED to be PK's, but gave it up for some angsty reason or another, eheh.

All the luck in the world for your essay, SlayeZ! ...I hate writing essays so goddamn much.

And Wheels, your hair is fucking awesome.

Oh, and K! I loved what you wrote. Contrary to what you may have hoped, I wasn't insulted at all~ I'm comfortable with who I am. ^_^ You are who you are! Embrace it!

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@Tarquin: You're tasking me with a female warrior? RADY. WHY YOU DO DIS TO ME??? WHYERUUUUU!?!?!? I feel as If I am looking into a family feud...

XD What's wrong with female warriors?

Not a feud, just a... friendly tiff. Yes, that's all it is. Certainly, no one is in danger of any major bodily harm, no.

Again, while I certainly don't mind you drawing it (I'm sure Ash would like it), you don't have to. Please, concentrate on your schoolwork. T'would be silly to have your grades suffer over something like this. I wish you good fortune on your essay! Also, I'll just reiterate what everyone else has been saying - your skills with a pencil (?) are truly something to be admired. Pray, don't put yourself down.

Eheheh... I tend to be the focus, thus the caution. I tend to tease a little too much for my own good in person, xD.

Please, I'm not a monster who goes berserk over some light ribbing. Tease away, sir!

To repeat what has been said ad nauseum: that hair is just lovely, Wheels. I'm sorry to hear of its loss.

Oh, and K! I loved what you wrote. Contrary to what you may have hoped, I wasn't insulted at all~ I'm comfortable with who I am. ^_^ You are who you are! Embrace it!

*growl* Well, many congratulations on your self actualization. You're still going to get a punch in the face when I catch you. Look at me, embracing who I am.

Goodness, this is a long post.

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Please, I'm not a monster who goes berserk over some light ribbing. Tease away, sir!

It's a theoretical, as I keep that sort of thing for IRL where I can project properly with body language and intonation, haha. But very well... could probably use a strong warrior for protection anyway in a world like Fire Emblem's, :)

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...I got a bit of a mercenary vibe...

It's a theoretical, as I keep that sort of thing for IRL where I can project properly with body language and intonation, haha. But very well... could probably use a strong warrior for protection anyway in a world like Fire Emblem's, :)

Hark then, Sage Eberict - so long as you offer me no grave offense*, I, Dame Tarquin, do swear upon my honor that I shall guard you with spell and sword! ...That is, I'll murder any enemies before they can hurt you too much. That counts as guarding, right? I'm not all that well-versed in defensive combat...

*What constitutes grave offense subject to change. May be disproportionally trivial or quasi-imagined.


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...I got a bit of a mercenary vibe...

Haha, I got that too, actually. I think it's the swagger.

Hark then, Sage Eberict - so long as you offer me no grave offense*, I, Dame Tarquin, do swear upon my honor that I shall guard you with spell and sword! ...That is, I'll murder any enemies before they can hurt you too much. That counts as guarding, right? I'm not all that well-versed in defensive combat...

*What constitutes grave offense subject to change. May be disproportionally trivial or quasi-imagined.


...I don't suppose pairing up until we're a respectable Rank together will in any way protect me, will it? And I don't mean from the enemies... your plan for that is sound enough.

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Speaking of pairing up, are there any Generals or Great Knights about? That'd probably be a suitable partner for my guy.

Wow, I wish this whole idea could be a big multiplayer game of FE.

Intelligent Systems need to get on this. FE MMORPG. That could be the best game in the world. And the best idea I've ever had.

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It'd be so cool to see Let's Plays in the future with an army of MUs that forum members can sign up for. XD

That would indeed be cool. It's such a shame that one can't recruit the Avatars of specific people over a wireless connection but must rely on local Streetpass. Such a sad lost opportunity. v_v

...I don't suppose pairing up until we're a respectable Rank together will in any way protect me, will it?

...Perhaps? I see no immediate reason to dispute your postulation. You would certainly give me a very desirable MAG increase during my active phases. XD

I wonder that I should end as a Sorcerer instead (within the context of this topic). There are two other Dark Knights, and uniqueness and individuality within a group are absurd desiderata of mine. A most dire conundrum.

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I might be able to do a playthrough like that when the EU copy releases, because I'll have two copies of the game, and two 3DSs. the only limit would be the 20 bonus character limit, and my lack of capture card making for a really good show.

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It certainly wouldn't happen until the grinding DLC is out methinks XD And psh, work XD You're talking to the girl uploading allllll the Knights of Iris stuff to the Wiki XD

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January 19, 2013

And still going XD

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