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Army of MUs! (Opinions and suggestions appreciated!)


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I was so tempted to give you a shield!

What kind of shield?

Something about the head and neck seems off,(perhaps the head is a bit too big and the neck is a too long?) but maybe I'm just crazy.

I still really like this, and although I wasn't expecting a cape, I'm glad you added one.

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@Intrier: You Measure your hair? woahzer. Wanna trade? the back of my head grows so fast lol D: You'll have to show me one day!

And lucky you! igobacktoschoolmonday;-; Even though I am the manriest of men, I find myself reading more romance/slice of life manga than I do action. But no one needs to know about that. NO ONE. :)

What's stopping you from not accepting it is my awesomeness ofc. wink.gif


Nah I just make estimates. My family does too, my hair is quite literally become a game in my house. Also if you want your bangs constantly growing right over your eyes in 2 weeks and then you hair attempting to grow even faster, than sure xD And why not, maybe if I find my camera charger.

whosaysIdon'thaveschool? Haha it's fine man, I may not be the manliest of anything, but I'mviolent enjoy reading those too, though action is definitely a nice changeI'm telling everyone, I'll make posters too Jk~

My denseness shall overpower your awesomeness

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@SlayeZ I suppose i should start calling you senpai, then, HMMMMM?

But for serious you don't have to do this, it just seemed rather interesting, and your artistic skill makes me happy IN THAT WAY

Name: MyBalls (or Justicia/Lorelei for normal-ish names)

Class: Dark Flier

Asset/Flaw: HP and Luck

Skills: renewal

life absorb



Lightning Speed

Class progression would be: Tactician -> Hero -> Dark knight -> Bride -> War Cleric -> Dark flier

Appearance: Three waist length braids, slim eyebrows over shifty eyes, with intense freckles, an 'imperious' nose and a face covered in dirt and old contusions. Wide shoulders and muscular arms, large hands with long fingers.

the torso is defined and muscular, with a group of pearls pierced in a circle around her navel with a faded white tattoo of a hand circling the pearls and reaching up the center of the chest ending with an open palm with an eye in the middle of the forehead with the fingers trailing out to the nape of the neck. Wide hips and strong legs and thighs, with proportionally sized feet.

Clothing: something like the middle one http://i916.photobuc...zps34181667.jpg

but with the falcon knight leg covers for the thighs, and a headdress/crown like Aversa's. Replace the shield with a(n) (El)fire tome, and her right eye has an eye-patch over it. the piece of fabric between the thigh armor is replaced with a long cloth that goes to mid calf and has an inverted Eye of Horus on it.

Personality: (Not sure what good it might do besides from helping to imagine what pose/stance to use)

I'm told that I have most patience than most people, and that I can empathize with most situations, I'm also very pragmatic and never reveal my actual awareness. I have no tolerance for people that are willingly ignorant and cannot stand people think their opinion is worth it's weight in gold. I am a pacifist at heart but understand the necessity of violence, I have no natural skill at most of what i do (sculpting, being a musician, flying a Pegasus, etc.) but I work through it diligently and mercilessly.

It is super awesome that you did those drawings, you have a great deal of skill there, and if we knew each other IRL i would so eat Cheetos and watch netflix with you

Edited by Perrfersser FerrtSperrkle
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So i thought of a way to actual make an Army of MU's playthrough. At the end of my first file, ill just keep transferring new Avatars to the file (total of 9-10) and grind them all to hell..then when going for lunatic I'll transfer all of them...chapter 4 ill grind monies from DLCs and hire EVERYONE. /thereby breaking the game

@Wheels:NOPE TOO LATE Was the Lute hair a wig? if no then how long did that take you?


But ayeee at least you get the Special FE bundle! ./Ireallywantit. But I can never sell my Red 3ds...because I never bought it. My best friend bought it for me :D

@Chidokyo: BEST OF LUCK TO YOU DOOD, is there a relatively not popular place that sells videogames near you?

Another Artist that inspires me! From "Girl's the Wild" a Webcomic




I'm no where near close to these guys ;C

@Noctis/Sasuke/Ragna - lol sorry :P

@TheGreatOld - Feel Free to add me on xbl! Ill probably be on weekends to play Halo4/BLOPs2/Finish The ME:Trilogy Edition/Play Dragons Dogma this semester ;D

@Yojimbo - EHHH. EHHHHH EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Maybe. Lemme see your description. You guys suck I'm too gullible

@Asura: IT'S OKAY IF YOU GET FAT, THAT WAY THERE'LL BE MORE TO LOVE. IKR ;-; Curse you correge, changing our habits! *highfives* Hey at least I havent been visited by the dreaded college beer belly yet

I recently got into grappling too! since no matter how strong I get I'll still be light, might as well learn how to move around when I get thrown to the ground....which would probably happen alot.

So I'm guessing you're the brawn and shes the brain? (comparative to each other)

yes. yes I would.Come@meBrodette

So we three are all in the same boat about horror movies then? YESSSSSSS!!!

Lol did you get lasting nightmares? betterlatethannever

oh if you like gore effects, GO SEE DJANGO UNCHAINED. Such a good movie. :)

If you let me in, you won't have to die alone, if she does decide to kill you later! WE'LL BE TOGETHER TILL THE END OF TIME .




Marriage based on my desires alone? Well you see, if I was such a fickle and simple man, that would be the case. Bur alas, someone of my stature could never be complacent with trivial primitive desires. What attracts me, is the interwoven delicacies of the human heart, and the smile that very same heart can create.

Basically, I am Allured by ass and titties. Basically.

HEY WOAH THAT'S SUPER CREEPY WHO ARE YOU AND HAVE WE MET BEFORE?!? Alot of girls called me that when I was in high school. It got to the point where I started coming up with pickup lines using that name...Such as:

"Maxipad's the name, getting in your pants is my game. wink.gif"


"If you need a shoulder to cry on, Maxipad's super soft and super absorbent."

Okay I'll stop 85% of the people in this forum are gonna be super creeped out. But yeah, that was my nickname, until everyone grew out of it by Junior year. NOSTALGIAAAAAA~ Now I feel old. 4 MORE MONTHS TILL IM NO LONGER A TEEN

BTW I FINISHED YOUR PICTURE (see you're not last!):


Oh baby.

JK. I tend to save the best for last wink.gif



You noticed too huh? That's an easy fix, and yeah I was suffering from a big headache yesterday, think I really do have a concussion. I can fix it for yah, I thought it was a bit weird too! NP, no badass is complete without a cape. or a scarf. or something flowy. Or muscles. lots of it.


LOL. Well at least youre a girl so long hair is A-Okay! As for me, I can rock the emo look kay? Is your hair curly or straight?

No one D: Were you taking winter classes? or still in high/middle school? And I'm glad you're not the manliest of anything. That would be weird. You would look like Asura's picture in my mind. 8D Variety is the key to a fun life wink.gif

We'll see how strong your hurpdurp is!!

@Sperrkle: Holy shit. nuff said. :) AND GOOD, I HOPE I MAKE YOU HAPPY IN DAT SEXY WAY

Edited by SlayeZ
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So i thought of a way to actual make an Army of MU's playthrough. At the end of my first file, ill just keep transferring new Avatars to the file (total of 9-10) and grind them all to hell..then when going for lunatic I'll transfer all of them...chapter 4 ill grind monies from DLCs and hire EVERYONE. /thereby breaking the game

@Wheels:NOPE TOO LATE Was the Lute hair a wig? if no then how long did that take you?


But ayeee at least you get the Special FE bundle! ./Ireallywantit. But I can never sell my Red 3ds...because I never bought it. My best friend bought it for me :D

@Chidokyo: BEST OF LUCK TO YOU DOOD, is there a relatively not popular place that sells videogames near you?

Another Artist that inspires me! From "Girl's the Wild" a Webcomic




I'm no where near close to these guys ;C

@Noctis/Sasuke/Ragna - lol sorry :P

@TheGreatOld - Feel Free to add me on xbl! Ill probably be on weekends to play Halo4/BLOPs2/Finish The ME:Trilogy Edition/Play Dragons Dogma this semester ;D

@Yojimbo - EHHH. EHHHHH EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Maybe. Lemme see your description. You guys suck I'm too gullible

@Asura: IT'S OKAY IF YOU GET FAT, THAT WAY THERE'LL BE MORE TO LOVE. IKR ;-; Curse you correge, changing our habits! *highfives* Hey at least I havent been visited by the dreaded college beer belly yet

I recently got into grappling too! since no matter how strong I get I'll still be light, might as well learn how to move around when I get thrown to the ground....which would probably happen alot.

So I'm guessing you're the brawn and shes the brain? (comparative to each other)

yes. yes I would.Come@meBrodette

So we three are all in the same boat about horror movies then? YESSSSSSS!!!

Lol did you get lasting nightmares? betterlatethannever

oh if you like gore effects, GO SEE DJANGO UNCHAINED. Such a good movie. :)

If you let me in, you won't have to die alone, if she does decide to kill you later! WE'LL BE TOGETHER TILL THE END OF TIME .




Well you see, if I was such a fickle and simple man, that would be the case. Bur alas, someone of my stature could never be complacent with trivial primal desires. What attracts me, is the interwoven delicacies of the human heart, and the smile that very same heart can create.

Basically, I am Allured by ass and titties. Basically.

HEY WOAH THAT'S SUPER CREEPY WHO ARE YOU AND HAVE WE MET BEFORE?!? Alot of girls called me that when I was in high school. It got to the point where I started coming up with pickup lines using that name...Such as:

"Maxipad's the name, getting in your pants is my game. wink.gif"


"If you need a shoulder to cry on, Maxipad's super soft and super absorbent."

Okay I'll stop 85% of the people in this forum are gonna be super creeped out. But yeah, that was my nickname, until everyone grew out of it by Junior year. NOSTALGIAAAAAA~ Now I feel old. 4 MORE MONTHS TILL IM NO LONGER A TEEN

BTW I FINISHED YOUR PICTURE (see you're not last!):


Oh baby.

JK. I tend to save the best for last wink.gif


You noticed too huh? That's an easy fix, and yeah I was suffering from a big headache yesterday, think I really do have a concussion. I can fix it for yah, I thought it was a bit weird too! NP, no badass is complete without a cape. or a scarf. or something flowy. Or muscles. lots of it.


LOL. Well at least youre a girl so long hair is A-Okay! As for me, I can rock the emo look kay? Is your hair curly or straight?

No one D: Were you taking winter classes? or still in high/middle school? And I'm glad you're not the manliest of anything. That would be weird. You would look like Asura's picture in my mind. 8D Variety is the key to a fun life wink.gif

We'll see how strong your hurpdurp is!!

@Sperrkle: Holy shit. nuff said. :) AND GOOD, I HOPE I MAKE YOU HAPPY IN DAT SEXY WAY

No! My name is Kisuke(that is until either awakening comes out or I pick another name.)

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LOL. Well at least youre a girl so long hair is A-Okay! As for me, I can rock the emo look kay? Is your hair curly or straight?

No one D: Were you taking winter classes? or still in high/middle school? And I'm glad you're not the manliest of anything. That would be weird. You would look like Asura's picture in my mind. 8D Variety is the key to a fun life wink.gif

We'll see how strong your hurpdurp is!!

Yeah, I guess, but I don't like it too long xD You might do good in it, I can't say, because the emo look gets my imagination... Derpyer. Uh, it's currently a wave thing due to the perm dying to the superior prowess of the originally straight hair(It was quite literally gone that day after)

I'm in high school xD and my... Your lucky that Iam going to look like a tall loli jk do not look like that. I'm more like a willow apparently, and yes, yes it is~

It is over 9000!/why

Edited by Intrier
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@Max - I'm definitely going to go see it! I loved Inglourious Basterds/Grindhouse/Kill Bill/Pulp Fiction/every movie he's ever made. T_T I just need money to spare. And nah, I haven't ever had nightmares cause of a movie. cool.gif

Even though I knew what was coming I clicked the spoiler anyway. First I was -_-;;;, then XD.

Yeah, I guess so! ... Damnit, we're perpetuating the 'sisters must always be opposites' stereotype, aren't we?!


BTW, K is working double shifts today so she can't answer you. I've taken the liberty of getting a reference picture for her instead:



OK, OK, for serious. Her hair is a lot like FE9/10 Titania's, just blond and maybe a half foot shorter. We have really similar looking faces, and the only detail of clothing I can give is that she dresses really conservatively. Like loose jeans/turtlenecks, pantsuits, button up shirts, etc. Plus she has this long dark red overcoat she wears whenever possible. I don't know if that helps.



At first I thought you were saying something profound, THEN hat.gif

OHMYGOD those lines were so impossibly lame they somehow looped back around to cool. Actually I got it from Valkyria Chronicles' Maxipad, ahah. Unless you ever went to school in New York or Oslo we probably haven't met. ^_^

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Soooo, Max, any word on that last batch of pictures? No, like, pressure or anything. I know you're busy, so take, take, take your time~ *is actually really impatient*

Disregard this if you already posted them only to have them disappear into the void Monday night.

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okay message to no one /blogfaqs OMG FIRST DAY OF SPRING SEMESTER I GOTTEN WEAKER NOW I'M SUPER HYPED TO DIET AND EXERCISE LIKE A BOSS. Not looking forward to HW at all.. :C

Into significant news I guess this is the HANG OUT WITH SLAYEZ topic now, which i totally dig. :D


@Intrier: So you permed it to be curly? Alright. I CAN DEAL WITH STRAIGHT HAIR. NO PROBLEM.

also, I will lay your derpy imaginations to rest!

So you have:




x 4 years



Just Kidding.

I formatted my computer, so allmost of my pictures are gone.I'll just grab the latest one from Google Docs. Cuz reasons. (Too lazy to take one right now, IM DOING DA HOMEWORKERU).I keep a timestamp of my bodymass progression, it's pretty cool to see how you progress.


prepare for your imagination to be destroyed by canon! I hope it gives you nightmares


@Wheel: Did you steal someone's wheelchair? GRAND THEFT WHEELCHAIRI never tried cosplaying, I figured theres already enough asian people doing what they do best already Lookin like asian people + I get really lazy when it comes to making costumes/props :(

Also, how the heck did you get so sunburned!? that sounds so painful, YOUMADBRODETTE?

oh and you crazies. I took Chem Bio and Anatomy all at the same time. + Scholarship required me to be in honors. NOT FUN. And now I dont even need the credits anymore. First world problems :(


GURL YOU BETTER WAIT THE FUCK UP CUZ...I've got alot of homework D: What the hell happened to syllabus week!?

Just for your taste in movies, B-RANK SUPPORT! Monies is always a problem ;____; oh life, why u need so much monies!? Rhetorical Question, don't answer that. I DONT WANT TO KNOW ;C Wanna rob a bank with me? ...;)

LOL IM SORRY. I was like. Clare. Buff...C: couldnt resist. But if you were legitimately buffer than me. I'd feel a little salty. just a little.

And hells yeah you 2 are, nothing wrong with that though, THAT JUST MEANS YOU TWO ARE SPECIALIZED. Or try really hard to be different


So Kari has green skin? Dats Hawt Okay so conservative, flowy hair, long legs, PURE MALICE and a heart of gold? gotcha. Double shift? oh noes D: SHE BETTER BE MAKING DAT CASH MONIES


And I was saying something that could melt the most frigid of souls, subdue the most ferocious creatures, woe the most indomitable forces of the world...But then I stopped for a second, and realized. GURL YOU BETTER GET TO AT LEAST A-RANK SUPPORT BEFORE YOU HEAR ANY OF THAT STUFF. Besides, I have an image of the most manriest of men to upkeep, how dare i spout lily livered nonsense!?

See, there's something in the lame stuff that's...just awesome. It's like those very very cheesy things that...when said at the right moment, can make that moment...sooo vivid and memorable. (Then you look back at it and go...Man that was cheesy.) That why all of my moments are memorable...because I'm lame awesome of course.

Woah woah woah woah, YOU'RE NORWEGIAN? AND LIVING IN NEW YORK? That must be EXPENSIVE Just because you are a viking. +50 badass points in my book. And now I totally have an image of your FEself in my mind. Yeah we've probably never met. because if we did, we'd already be good friends ;) *brodettefist*

btw, you so unoriginal, though Valkyria Chronicles is SUCH a good game. DISSAPOINTING ME HUN~

Good thing you trust me to have full control over your drawing...I hope you dont regret that decision I'll do my best to live up to your crazy expectations of me.

@Arturis: ITS NOT BIG DEAL BRO. I'm not a frequent forumer here, but I think no one would care if you weren't as formal to me. FEELS KINDA WEIRD. Hi, I'm Maximirrian you probably knew that from peeking into the spoiler boxes...you horrible person nice to meet you! :D

@Eberict: DONT DIE ON ME BRO!! You and K are too...poetic with your words, MAKES ME FEEL KINDA BAD WHEN I TYPE WITH ALL CAPS. Not really. I may have to make you do my linear algebra homework for me...:) Just kids, then I WOULDN'T BE LEARNING

@Eberict+TheVikingSisters: I feel as if anyone who looks at martial arts and practiced fighting as barbarian to be...well...uneducated. To train...no, to dedicate into a martial arts...is no easy task. To train oneself, to push one's body to it's limits...That is the pinnacle of mind over body. To be a disciple of martial arts, or to fight in general...One must have an extremely strong will, strong enough to endure physical pain, strong enough to not give up. Not only that, but the art of fighting comes in the millisecond thoughts, tactics, and split second decisions that delve into a person's placement, positioning, actions, and reaction. That is a spectacle. You can be a theory fighter and say "ill do this if the opponent does that" all you want, but the amount of thought two world class fighters (be it MMA, or boxing) put into each of their actions is astounding.

It's really hard to explain, but even the slightest movement can be to gain an advantageous decision, or taunt someone, or stretch a muscle, etc etc. Also, they think well in advance..lets say:

(Theory Fighter Time)

I swing to provoke you, you grab my arm to try and break it, I could:

A) push in with my whole body to become more compressed, thus making hyperextension of my joints harder

B) Jump and wrap my legs around the arm you're grabbing me with, putting all of my weight on your arm and twisting it

C)Pull my arm in as fast and as strong as possible and use that momentum to elbow a weak spot (Solar plexus, nose)

and the list goes on and on, with many variables like a person's mass, arm/leg length, experience in what type of fighting (Ground control/jab distance fighting/Grappling(Which is basically ground control/etc.)

And then those initial options have a ton of sub options depending on the situation.

(As in example A, as I bring in my whole body weight to protect my extended arm, I could elbow you in the neck/nose, and knee you in the gut/netherregions at the same time, all while giving effective force and 1 leg on the ground to readjust if that didn't go as planned)

Now I can say all this, but what if I'm caught off guard? What if I have no energy left? Then my plans would differ greatly.

Okay so, here's the other aspect of all this. What if, I intentionally baited my opponent into grabbing my arm? (Via slowing down the retraction of the jab.) Usually a jab is a very fast, so it's hard to grab or counter against. While they could have had very good reaction times and grabbed it, we're going to assume that's not the case because mentally, that's what I would want. Even if I do not get the desired reaction, I'm still landing blows to them, so it's win win. The only downside is if the person reads me and in turn waits for the split second to perform a counter, then my plans would be to his advantage.

There's a lot of thought behind it, even if it doesn't seem like it

There's so many ways to tackle a situation in a fight, it's like a highspeed chest game. This form of adapting and brain power is something that ANYONE who claims martial arts and fighting is barbaric has overlooked, or never took the time to look into.

I'm no expert but there is a noticeable difference in fighting and violence. To fight is usually out of respect towards your opponent's skill, or to defend oneself. Violence, is the act of harming others with killing intent. That is barbaric. And K's speciality. Just kidding, from Ashe's statement, K has good battle intuition, which is good. Not everyone has that, or a sharp one at least (these days). I can never go beyond sparring or practice, I have this weird mental block that makes me HESITATE hard when I actually think of hurting people. It's weird, like I've never been able to consciously hit hard, and I would hope that I'd never have to hit someone with that much force.

There's also people with a better physical build that goes in swinging and wins, and thats called uneven match up, or bullying. which I find lowly, and not true fighting.

Anyone who practices a technique knows the dangers of a technique, because they know the dangers, they would never use it on someone weaker than them (unless in a life or death situation) be it out of pride, honor, or just pure common sense.

Those who would abuse their strengths against the weak...those types...I regard them as trash.

Naw I'm just an average guy. The sisters however, are interesting. Lets study them like lab specimens


I'll redraw both yours and Chidokyo. The sage's robe came straight from Awakening's concept art of the characters. I'll throw in my own flair this time :D

and a beard for you. If you provide us more awesome crazy stories!</b>


Sorry hun but you'll have to give me till the weekend to entertain you. BUT I WOULD LOVE YOU IF YOU DID THAT FOR ME ;D (freedrinks)

You must get mad tips!

As for everyone else; I forgot, it wasn't saved on my phone as it REFRESHED ITSELF WHILE I WROTE THIS. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

BTW, there's other ways to contact me if this ever happened again

My youtube account is MHBurstProductions

my skype is slayez- (which is basically my new MSN) I barely use this anymore due to schooling but eh

my phone is...eh. wait a minute. yeah. about that.

my email is MHBurst@gmail.com.

Edited by SlayeZ
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I borrowed it from school XD I'm not a particularly good cosplayer (Well comparatively, it doesn't help that someof the best cosplayers in Australia live here XD (Not even kidding, a pair of my friends went to Japan representing Australia in the World Cosplay Summit, came 4th overall and won the Brother Award, which was for best costume)), but it's done wonders for my self confidence, quite honestly. I'm weak, and a little pudgy (A whale by the internet's standards XD) and I had a friend who used to put me down a lot about my appearance/mannerisms/personality, while I absolutely hero-worshipped her, so I had little self confidence. But yeah, since I started cosplaying, I've become more comfortable in my own skin, and because I make all my cosplays (Lute's was actually the first one I sewed to completion without using patterns) I can make sure they fit me nicely and look good. I'm certainly never gonna be an amazing professional winning comps all over the place, but it's certainly helped to build me as a person ^_^

I got that sunburned just walking around town for a day XD Where I live has really strong sun, not heat wise, but UV wise. So I got really burnt XD I'm healing up pretty good now, which is good :D Peeling all over the place though XD

Bio is like, my specialty XD I literally walk in late, brush past my teacher, steal his powerpoint to plug in my laptop, play Fire Emblem, heckle him as the lesson goes on, answer every single one of his questions correctly and get As on every test XD He finds it hilarious XD Chem's gonna take some more work XD

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@ SlayeZ

Wow, very impressive physique! I can see why you'd want to flaunt a body like that in an FEWorld

Actually, I have some reference pictures that you could use in order to strive for perfection.


I've drawn these myself on my fancy tablet. COMPARE STYLES GO

This is the most recent one I drew of myself a month ago. I intentionally left the eyes unrealistic. 3:


This is another one I drew 2 years ago with longer hair:


Aaaaaand I guess I could post a RL me...

This was taken last October? Pretty recent I guess.


You can use those to help you visualize my hair a bit better. :u

Can't wait for the redux!

Btw this is such a casual thread now. Does it even fit in this sub-forum anymore? Lmao.

Edit: Idk if this helps but I'm really into shawls like this, this and this. Use this to your advantage! ;D

Edited by Chidokyo
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@Maximillian - *sternly* Now, now, don't play the martyr. We've all been submerged by a deluge of homework. Buck up, young man! ...In all seriousness, I hope you do well with your coursework. All this frivolity can wait.

Your mindset is admirable, but I must contest your view that ignorance is the root of bias against martial arts. Alas, I know some very well-educated and well-informed people who nevertheless find martial arts and combat sports of all kinds to be crude and uncouth. They know perfectly well of the skill and diligence it requires - they simply see it as 'lesser.' *sigh* But what can one do? Also, I liked your theoretical scenario - very illustrative for those who may not be aware of the intricacies of a fight.

I don't actually get as much of "DAT CASH MONIES" (as you so put it) as you might think. Sadly, many of my regular patrons are broke bastards. They are generous with what little they have to spare, though, so I overlook the habitual occasional lack of funds when they urgently require a drink.

Is that first picture actually you (at any point)? If so, you are (or were) far more... er... delicate looking than I would have imagined.

And my, aren't you the chivalrous one?

Very well, boy, you have a reprieve. Amuse me, and you may become my jester - keeping your lowly life.

Ugh, I've become the butt of some joke, haven't I?

Eberict, I don't suppose you were able to read my reply to your last post before both were annihilated?~

(Sidebar: Chidokyo is correct. We're severely off topic here. We ought to either discuss something Awakening related or facilitate a move to a different board.)

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okay message to no one /blogfaqs OMG FIRST DAY OF SPRING SEMESTER I GOTTEN WEAKER NOW I'M SUPER HYPED TO DIET AND EXERCISE LIKE A BOSS. Not looking forward to HW at all.. :C

Into significant news I guess this is the HANG OUT WITH SLAYEZ topic now, which i totally dig. :D


@Intrier: So you permed it to be curly? Alright. I CAN DEAL WITH STRAIGHT HAIR. NO PROBLEM.

also, I will lay your derpy imaginations to rest!

So you have:




x 4 years



Just Kidding.

I formatted my computer, so allmost of my pictures are gone.I'll just grab the latest one from Google Docs. Cuz reasons. (Too lazy to take one right now, IM DOING DA HOMEWORKERU).I keep a timestamp of my bodymass progression, it's pretty cool to see how you progress.


prepare for your imagination to be destroyed by canon! I hope it gives you nightmares


@Wheel: Did you steal someone's wheelchair? GRAND THEFT WHEELCHAIRI never tried cosplaying, I figured theres already enough asian people doing what they do best already Lookin like asian people + I get really lazy when it comes to making costumes/props :(

Also, how the heck did you get so sunburned!? that sounds so painful, YOUMADBRODETTE?

oh and you crazies. I took Chem Bio and Anatomy all at the same time. + Scholarship required me to be in honors. NOT FUN. And now I dont even need the credits anymore. First world problems :(


GURL YOU BETTER WAIT THE FUCK UP CUZ...I've got alot of homework D: What the hell happened to syllabus week!?

Just for your taste in movies, B-RANK SUPPORT! Monies is always a problem ;____; oh life, why u need so much monies!? Rhetorical Question, don't answer that. I DONT WANT TO KNOW ;C Wanna rob a bank with me? ...;)

LOL IM SORRY. I was like. Clare. Buff...C: couldnt resist. But if you were legitimately buffer than me. I'd feel a little salty. just a little.

And hells yeah you 2 are, nothing wrong with that though, THAT JUST MEANS YOU TWO ARE SPECIALIZED. Or try really hard to be different


So Kari has green skin? Dats Hawt Okay so conservative, flowy hair, long legs, PURE MALICE and a heart of gold? gotcha. Double shift? oh noes D: SHE BETTER BE MAKING DAT CASH MONIES


And I was saying something that could melt the most frigid of souls, subdue the most ferocious creatures, woe the most indomitable forces of the world...But then I stopped for a second, and realized. GURL YOU BETTER GET TO AT LEAST A-RANK SUPPORT BEFORE YOU HEAR ANY OF THAT STUFF. Besides, I have an image of the most manriest of men to upkeep, how dare i spout lily livered nonsense!?

See, there's something in the lame stuff that's...just awesome. It's like those very very cheesy things that...when said at the right moment, can make that moment...sooo vivid and memorable. (Then you look back at it and go...Man that was cheesy.) That why all of my moments are memorable...because I'm lame awesome of course.

Woah woah woah woah, YOU'RE NORWEGIAN? AND LIVING IN NEW YORK? That must be EXPENSIVE Just because you are a viking. +50 badass points in my book. And now I totally have an image of your FEself in my mind. Yeah we've probably never met. because if we did, we'd already be good friends ;) *brodettefist*

btw, you so unoriginal, though Valkyria Chronicles is SUCH a good game. DISSAPOINTING ME HUN~

Good thing you trust me to have full control over your drawing...I hope you dont regret that decision I'll do my best to live up to your crazy expectations of me.

@Arturis: ITS NOT BIG DEAL BRO. I'm not a frequent forumer here, but I think no one would care if you weren't as formal to me. FEELS KINDA WEIRD. Hi, I'm Maximirrian you probably knew that from peeking into the spoiler boxes...you horrible person nice to meet you! :D

@Eberict: DONT DIE ON ME BRO!! You and K are too...poetic with your words, MAKES ME FEEL KINDA BAD WHEN I TYPE WITH ALL CAPS. Not really. I may have to make you do my linear algebra homework for me...:) Just kids, then I WOULDN'T BE LEARNING

@Eberict+TheVikingSisters: I feel as if anyone who looks at martial arts and practiced fighting as barbarian to be...well...uneducated. To train...no, to dedicate into a martial arts...is no easy task. To train oneself, to push one's body to it's limits...That is the pinnacle of mind over body. To be a disciple of martial arts, or to fight in general...One must have an extremely strong will, strong enough to endure physical pain, strong enough to not give up. Not only that, but the art of fighting comes in the millisecond thoughts, tactics, and split second decisions that delve into a person's placement, positioning, actions, and reaction. That is a spectacle. You can be a theory fighter and say "ill do this if the opponent does that" all you want, but the amount of thought two world class fighters (be it MMA, or boxing) put into each of their actions is astounding.

It's really hard to explain, but even the slightest movement can be to gain an advantageous decision, or taunt someone, or stretch a muscle, etc etc. Also, they think well in advance..lets say:

(Theory Fighter Time)

I swing to provoke you, you grab my arm to try and break it, I could:

A) push in with my whole body to become more compressed, thus making hyperextension of my joints harder

B) Jump and wrap my legs around the arm you're grabbing me with, putting all of my weight on your arm and twisting it

C)Pull my arm in as fast and as strong as possible and use that momentum to elbow a weak spot (Solar plexus, nose)

and the list goes on and on, with many variables like a person's mass, arm/leg length, experience in what type of fighting (Ground control/jab distance fighting/Grappling(Which is basically ground control/etc.)

And then those initial options have a ton of sub options depending on the situation.

(As in example A, as I bring in my whole body weight to protect my extended arm, I could elbow you in the neck/nose, and knee you in the gut/netherregions at the same time, all while giving effective force and 1 leg on the ground to readjust if that didn't go as planned)

Now I can say all this, but what if I'm caught off guard? What if I have no energy left? Then my plans would differ greatly.

Okay so, here's the other aspect of all this. What if, I intentionally baited my opponent into grabbing my arm? (Via slowing down the retraction of the jab.) Usually a jab is a very fast, so it's hard to grab or counter against. While they could have had very good reaction times and grabbed it, we're going to assume that's not the case because mentally, that's what I would want. Even if I do not get the desired reaction, I'm still landing blows to them, so it's win win. The only downside is if the person reads me and in turn waits for the split second to perform a counter, then my plans would be to his advantage.

There's a lot of thought behind it, even if it doesn't seem like it

There's so many ways to tackle a situation in a fight, it's like a highspeed chest game. This form of adapting and brain power is something that ANYONE who claims martial arts and fighting is barbaric has overlooked, or never took the time to look into.

I'm no expert but there is a noticeable difference in fighting and violence. To fight is usually out of respect towards your opponent's skill, or to defend oneself. Violence, is the act of harming others with killing intent. That is barbaric. And K's speciality. Just kidding, from Ashe's statement, K has good battle intuition, which is good. Not everyone has that, or a sharp one at least (these days). I can never go beyond sparring or practice, I have this weird mental block that makes me HESITATE hard when I actually think of hurting people. It's weird, like I've never been able to consciously hit hard, and I would hope that I'd never have to hit someone with that much force.

There's also people with a better physical build that goes in swinging and wins, and thats called uneven match up, or bullying. which I find lowly, and not true fighting.

Anyone who practices a technique knows the dangers of a technique, because they know the dangers, they would never use it on someone weaker than them (unless in a life or death situation) be it out of pride, honor, or just pure common sense.

Those who would abuse their strengths against the weak...those types...I regard them as trash.

Naw I'm just an average guy. The sisters however, are interesting. Lets study them like lab specimens


I'll redraw both yours and Chidokyo. The sage's robe came straight from Awakening's concept art of the characters. I'll throw in my own flair this time :D

and a beard for you. If you provide us more awesome crazy stories!</b>


Sorry hun but you'll have to give me till the weekend to entertain you. BUT I WOULD LOVE YOU IF YOU DID THAT FOR ME ;D (freedrinks)

You must get mad tips!

As for everyone else; I forgot, it wasn't saved on my phone as it REFRESHED ITSELF WHILE I WROTE THIS. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

BTW, there's other ways to contact me if this ever happened again

My youtube account is MHBurstProductions

my skype is slayez- (which is basically my new MSN) I barely use this anymore due to schooling but eh

my phone is...eh. wait a minute. yeah. about that.

my email is MHBurst@gmail.com.

Q_Q lucky, I can't even have a body like that even if I worked for it(danged genetics). Plus I can't just stick to one name yet, I have wait for FE 13 and then I'll have my permanent name :I

Also three more days(for the states that is) Who's excited? :D

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I've been so confused about this street date being broken and then reinstated thing for Awakening :C I'm trying not to talk about it to not make me want it EVEN MOREEE, it makes the last few days so unbearable :C

But we technically are still sorta on topic, you guys are giving me reference pictures to use!

@Wheels: HI MY AUSSIE SISTER. and that's great! Well no, that sounds really rough that you had to go through all that, but now that you've found what you like doing, thats SUPER great! I may not understand what you may have felt all those times, but I can relate to your love of cosplay with my love of exercise. Though it came about due to severe heartbreaks a personal problem, it did the same thing for me as cosplay did for you!

And thats super duper cool that your friends got to go to JAPAN. did they buy you any souvenir? (I so jelly)

Also, maybe you can make me a costume sometimes! haha i kids

And Yeah I love bio too, and I figured I'd love anatomy as an extension, but man remembering 3 fields of sciences at the same time...never again. ;____; /scarred for life



And theres a reason for being shirtless! Most grapple sports (minus Judo, and to an extension Sambo) Usually go shirtless during matches or sparring due to the fact that you can grab on to other people's shirts as leverage, so I used to always be like WHY U NOT WEARING A SHIRT MANG but my teacher (Who isn't really a teacher, but someone with 7 years experience who I met on campus; is a really nice guy, gave me free 1 on 1 lessons till he suffered from a heart attack) taught me to basically be shirtless. (If any of that made sense)

Also, personally, I hate it when I'm sweating with clothing on, it sucks D; and hinders my movements ;-;

But in the FE world, I probably would be wearing a robe or a 1 sleeve shirt just so I can conceal things under there. like weapons or armor, or even muscle. The less your enemies know about you, the less advantageous they are!

ANd I loveeee have an element of surprise

@Chaplain: No problem bro! any time :D

@Tarquin: You're booked by homework too? :C I guess we can all brave it together then!!~

As you said, I'm a pretty delicate and polite person, so fighting feels strange to me, but there's something about it that interests anytime I do spar...I can't put my finger on it but I think it has to do with the thought process...that happens without thinking.

I'm inclined to respect your friends (If I may call them that) because people are different, and they have varying opinions and ideal. Though being me, Big respects to anyone who commits to anything! Be it sports, martial arts, art, music, or academia! To dedicate oneself and commit is one of mankind's greatest challenges. :D

You must really enjoy your job huh? And may I ask why you picked bartender out of all the other jobs you could have done? To be honest if you never told us, I'd probably wouldn't even come close to guessing bartender!

Yep, the very first picture was me when I was 15 years old. I was told back then that if I grew my hair out, I'd look like a girl. See? I'd make a great alluring seductive dancer!

That's okay though, I grew facial hair, lost some baby fat due to a growth spurt (one at 13, one at 17, one at 18...and I think one right now, I grew a few inches or so I'm told...so yay I'm not done growing ^^) I'm 19 now, so hopefully I look rugged and manry Not really, but this is the internet, I CAN PRETEND I HAVE CHEST HAIR ;-;

and I try to be as chivalrous as I can! To prove that chivalry Isn't dead!

AND GURRRRL. If I am to be but a lowly jester, there would be no reason for me to live a meager existence. :(

Don't worry, I am as arrogant as you are evil! So you're not the butt of some jokes...alone anyway :D I'm right with you in that field of expertise 8D


@Kisuke: Don't quote me this time! I have to scroll down more!

You never know dood,I used to be very skinny and never thought for a SECOND I'd be a muscle head when I was older. My dad is very big, intimidating, looks philipino/mexican while my mom is very small and pale, kinda chinese looking, but with bigger eyes. (They're both from Thailand btw!) So I came out as the bastard child that's inbetween. I got a big head (and of course, a big brain) from my dad, and potential growth from him too, but my mom gave me an innately slim frame and a lighter skin...So I end up looking Korean. :C This mistake happens alot, I've heard more Korean from strangers than I ever did English. But I kid you not, I used to be very skinny. and play alot of video games. Wait I still do that. :D

Sounds alot like Awakening huh? MY DAD IS LIKE VEIKE AND MY MOM IS LIKE...uhh. VILLAGER-CHAN? (or Say'ri)

what genetic problem do you have? (if I may ask) Don't let anything stop you from trying to achieve whatever you want to do. Even if it's harder for you, or you're not fit for it. TO get to anywhere in life, you have to build up to it. It may not be a possible goal, but you can rest easy knowing that you gave it your all!

I'm super excited~ doing all my hw early so i can record it :D

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Oh, don't worry about me, believe me -Lck has to be my real life flaw completely XD That friend was the least of my worries that year (Okay, more like her putting me down was the least of my worries, and her seducing the guy I liked because he bought us expensive things...but that's all years ago XD) But yeah, she's still one of the least of my RL problems to date, I've sort of talked about another in the Tharja appeal thread, but that's neither here nor there XD

Noo, they didn't have time, alas! As soon as they touched down in Japan they were on press duty right away, then they has the pre-comp cosplay parade or something like that, and next day was the competition, so they spent the whole day preparing, and then I think thye only got 1-2 days to themselves before being shipped back to Aus XD Not much of a holiday, but they were fully sponsered to go over for that IIRC, so the sponsers were cheap XD

I could, though the shipping would be hell XD Australia's incredibly expensive OTL

Haha, I love science, so I would be pretty happy with a triple science threat XD Both my Bio and Chem teachers are really buddy buddy, and my Chem teacher's daughter actually had the same illness I have ATM, so he's really understanding. Got an awesome timetable too XD 12:45pm-3:40pm on Mondays, nothing on Tuesday, 8:35-10:15am on Wednesdays, full day on Thursday and 2:20pm-3:40pm on Fridays.

So many XDs XD They're basically my full stop XD

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Eberict, I don't suppose you were able to read my reply to your last post before both were annihilated?~

(Sidebar: Chidokyo is correct. We're severely off topic here. We ought to either discuss something Awakening related or facilitate a move to a different board.)

I think I did! You mentioned quantum mechanics, which excited me because that's a facet of physics I never really got to cover but still find fascinating. Then the site stopped working for a few days--the culprit behind the disappearing posts? Sadly, I don't remember too much else beyond that...

I'll also agree that I feel rather guilty for being so tangential now on the main Awakening board. If there is an elsewhere we can continue discussion, I'd love for that to happen!

On a side note, I'm also getting booked by homework I'm aiming to complete before I get my hands on Awakening. Entertained by the moniker "Viking Sisters." laugh.gif

But yes, anywhere else we can take this?

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@Intrier: So you permed it to be curly? Alright. I CAN DEAL WITH STRAIGHT HAIR. NO PROBLEM.

also, I will lay your derpy imaginations to rest!

So you have:




x 4 years



Just Kidding.

I formatted my computer, so allmost of my pictures are gone.I'll just grab the latest one from Google Docs. Cuz reasons. (Too lazy to take one right now, IM DOING DA HOMEWORKERU).I keep a timestamp of my bodymass progression, it's pretty cool to see how you progress.


prepare for your imagination to be destroyed by canon! I hope it gives you nightmares



You will never be able to style your hair in anyway not even hairspray can touch this, but on the good side, your bed head will be restricted to 2-4 small derpy strands

... You've just made my imagination derpier, dear god, you are ripped, and I am now curious if you can do the bum bum thingDon't kill me I watched too many movies that I remember CANON DOES NOTHING, Mwahahaha~I guess I'll post a picture up at some point... when I'm not busy adjusting to classes and eating homework like cereal

My derpyness will always prevail, and if it does fail... I'll just use my Hakka awesomeness


@ Whoever wants to know where we could go?

We could go to the General board./goesbacktobeinglazy

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This release fiasco has been an immense irritation to me as well. One shouldn't have to worry about whether or not a pre-order will be available for pickup on release. My yearning for Awakening has grown to the point where I may just eschew Gamestop and its damnable artbook altogether and buy it digital, despite preferring physical media. dry.gif

@Maximillian -

I don't know that I'd say I enjoy bartending. Truth be told, I despise the taste and smell of alcohol (well, I've gotten used to the latter, now), and I don't much enjoy having to make small talk with strangers. I only started because I could not find a decent paying job elsewhere, and my family was in dire need of a supplemental income. A friend offered to hire me to work at her newly opened bar, and I accepted. It's truly a testament to my incredible bartender-fu that I managed to learn how make ambrosial drinks despite barely being able to abide even smelling my own creations. XD Also, it has never ceased to amuse me that it is perfectly legal for an 18 year old to bartend in New York, but not to actually drink what they're serving. I mean, it's obvious it's going to happen.

You've made an enormous mistake, you fool! Don't you know that women these days (evidently) prefer effeminate girly-looking men to macho manly men? You would attract so much more female attention had you remained your old, feminine self!

...So, what you're saying is you prefer death to indignity, is that right?

@Eberict - Ah, yes, I did indeed say that! I'll just reiterate what I can recall of the more important things: My sympathies for your illness! I hope you are feeling better now. I'm focusing more on quantum mechanics and particle physics, though I have no specialization as of yet. You said you minored in Physics, correct? Why did you decide to study History as opposed to Physics? Also, what is your particular historical field?~

Well, there are worse sobriquets.

@Intrier - The General board is a sound suggestion, or perhaps the Creative board? We'd have to ask a mod to move us, i suppose. Though, as no one has yet come to reprimand us, perhaps it is unnecessary. ...Well, let's see how how it goes.

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@Slayez: Hahaha! soooo sorry dude, I'm like that all the time online! It's just a weird quirk of mine, I didn't even notice how formal sounding I was, cuz I'm so used to it. So don't worry, there isn't really a reason for it except that's me being my boring, formal self! So let's try this again:

Yo homie, sup!? Never saying that again. EVER.

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Ohh, I see. Being shirtless is very practical indeed. In some cases.

I'm such a wimp when it comes to exercise. XD

When I did used to do daily exercises, which was like years ago, I did have some semblance of developing abs.

I'm sure it's long gone by now, so I'm just...flat. Lolol

Sorry for not mentioning that I'm an artist earlier. /tehe

I just find it fascinating to compare art styles without being too direct about it.

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