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GameStop has closed preOrdering


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As of today.

You can order the 3DS + FE13 cartridge for $199, but the game itself is finished for preorders as of hours ago.

MFW I walk into gameStop today and try to preorder...

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...Well then. Even if that is a sign that they probably didn't have too many games set for preorders, that's still impressive. Plus, that just signals to Ninty that people want it more.

Edited by Diortem
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It's not a bad idea to have a thread dedicated to it, imhotep.

I would try to divert discussion from there here, but that thread is mostly an informatory thread anyway.

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Well, I'm thankful I preordered my copy at least three weeks ago. Can't imagine going into a GameStop and not being able to buy it because they ran out. o_o

Oh well, I guess there's always Amazon for the people that weren't able to reserve it?

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Well, I'm thankful I preordered my copy at least three weeks ago. Can't imagine going into a GameStop and not being able to buy it because they ran out. o_o

Oh well, I guess there's always Amazon for the people that weren't able to reserve it?

Yep, except they're saying there'll be shipping delays thanks to having to order more stock from Nintendo XD

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I went to preorder today and found out I was $5 short of what I needed to actually preorder it.


EDIT: whooh, noticed it's only for the game only. I preordered that a while ago, and honestly aren't going to use it because that was before the bundle was announced. If there's any way I can give you a receipt number or something (which I doubt) I'd be happy to give my preorder to someone

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Wait, can you still pre order the bundle?! As in, you are guaranteed the bundle AND the art book??? I'm so late on pre ordering this cuz I'm waiting to see if I'm going to have enough funds for tuition payments and other expenses due next week....

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If anyone has missed the pre-order deadline, I suggest you call your local GameStop to see if pre-orders are available in-store.

It's not a bad idea to have a thread dedicated to it, imhotep.

I would try to divert discussion from there here, but that thread is mostly an informatory thread anyway.

Imhotep gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Yeah. The artbook comes with the bundle.

At least, their site says so.

I also confirmed it in store. The GameStop employee check his computer and everything.

Edited by Lauren
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