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Henry & Libera?


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Any info on their NoA names yet or are we still in the dark? If this has already been discussed, please enlighten me or ignore this topic.

Edited by Andreyas
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As odd as it is... you're right, neither are on the official site.

Huh. That's really strange. Didn't even notice.

Maybe they're being saved for upcoming character-of-the-days?

Edited by Iridium
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Please don't refer to characters by NOJ names. Currently, when people use names other than the accepted fan names, it's a pretty safe assumption that the "new" name is the official NOA translation. The NOJ names are not this; they're just random crap that have proved to be worse at predicting the actual translations than the fan names themselves have been. Only confusion can result from using them over fan names for the characters whose real names have not yet been announced.

As for the official site, the Japanese site only has 30 characters. All 30 of them are up and visible; Say'ri, Anna, Tiki, and Validar are hidden, but accessible. The others just aren't ones they cared to put up for some reason.

Edited by Othin
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That would probably be a good idea.

As for the official site, the Japanese site only has 30 characters. All 30 of them are up and visible; Say'ri, Anna, Tiki, and Validar are hidden, but accessible. The others just aren't ones they care to put up for some reason; it's unlikely that'll be any different here.

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As odd as it is... you're right, neither are on the official site.

Huh. That's really strange. Didn't even notice.

Maybe they're being saved for upcoming character-of-the-days?

They weren't on the Japanese site either and American is basically a copy of it

I'm guessing Libra/Lavera and Henri.

I'm probably somehow way off.

Henry is too common, albeit Henri is the French spelling and would be pronounced "Anri", but that would be too close to the legendary hero, and they'd probably want to give him something more exotic sounding since he's Plegian.

Libra might work.

Edited by Mysterique Sign
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What about Paris? I can't think of a name for him.

He's almost certainly a reference to Paris (Iliad, best known as Hector's brother and the guy who screwed Troy.)

In which case he's probably not changing. 99.9% sure.

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The NOJ names are not this; they're just random crap that have proved to be worse at predicting the actual translations than the fan names themselves have been.

Although the fan-names tend to be correct more often (Frederick, Sumia, Miriel, and Olivia), I wouldn't say the NOJ names can be completely discounted. That was the spelling of Chrom they used, nearly the spelling of Say'ri they used (lacking the apostrophe), and their context makes Emelina/Emerina -> Emmeryn and Sallya/Sariya -> Tharja make a lot more sense as well.

It's also probably less confusing than using the fan-name for Serena/Selena, which ends up doubling with Selena/Celina, who is also in this game.

Paris as Hector's brother.

For some reason, I could see that.

I mean, they sort of look alike, and their art poses are similar...

And they both have axe access.

Wait for it.


I am amazing.

Edited by Iridium
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Please don't refer to characters by NOJ names. Currently, when people use names other than the accepted fan names, it's a pretty safe assumption that the "new" name is the official NOA translation. The NOJ names are not this; they're just random crap that have proved to be worse at predicting the actual translations than the fan names themselves have been. Only confusion can result from using them over fan names for the characters whose real names have not yet been announced.

Please, do enlighten me on how "Riviera" (an actual word) is a worse name than "Libera" (bland Engrish), or on how "Sariya" was not a mistranslation, or on how "Chrom", "Lucina", "Basilio", "Flavia", "Gangrel", "Taguel" and "Marth" totally don't match what the English versions use.

Or I guess if you're right and all NoJ names are in fact objectively wrong no questions asked, I suppose I should stop using the names Holsety, Falaflame, Thorhammer, Cuan, Ethlin, Sety... y'know, NoJ names which the fandom has accepted for nearly a decade without a single complaint?

I won't deny that there are some bad NoJ names, but honestly the number of bad ones is quite grossly overstated, especially with the FE13 batch; the majority actually match their English names (see above) or their fan names (Chambray, Tiamo, Callum) with reasonable frequency. I swear that 75% of the time people's issues with the NoJ names is that they're different from the fan names (for example, "Henri" and "Olivié" are not incorrect names by any means; they just differ from the fan names by a single letter each). You don't have to like them and nobody's forcing you to use them (except NoA when they happen to match), but whining about them and claiming that fan names are as a rule superior or more authoritative is just plain stupid.

(seriously, "Libera" is the superior name? what kind of alternate reality IS this)

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I'm fairly certain that what Othin was trying to say is, we shouldn't name the topic after the NoJ names because when people see the topic, some of them are going to assume those are their official English names, and instead of actually checking the thread, they may go to other forums and topics, and start spreading the word that they have official names, and when/if other English names get revealed, it'll end up confusing people and causing problems. Not big problems, but it would still be better to avoid them altogether.

That's the way I see it, anyway.

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I prefer to assume that people aren't stone-cold stupid and are in fact capable of putting in the tiny bit of skeptical thought and research to realise that these, in fact, aren't NoA names. If they're not going to do something as simple as checking SF's name chart or basically every other FE resource ever, that's not my problem and it shouldn't be anyone else's.

Besides, it's silly to claim that people making this error is a phenomenon in any way exclusive to the NoJ names - people likely do the same with fan names too (remember, the fan names in use on and popularised by SF certainly aren't the only ones).

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I may be mistaken, but you seem to think people are attacking the NoJ names. I can't speak for anybody else, but I don't have any ill will toward any kind of name. It seems kind of ridiculous.

The reason why it would probably be best to use the "fan names" while on Serenes Forest is because Serenes Forest has been using those names for the characters for a long time now, and the people that frequent Serenes Forest are going to be used to them. They're going to see a topic with different names for the characters, and the thought is going to cross at least some of their minds that these names just may be their English names.

Now, again, I may be wrong here, but I believe some people want to be the center of attention more than they care about actual facts. There could be someone that comes here and sees these names as the topic title, and rush off to other Fire Emblem forums to check if that forum has this "news" yet. If they don't see any topic about it, this hypothetical person could then post a topic about it, therefore being the member of that forum to "discover" the "new character names" and maybe get a bit of attention for themselves.

Now, I'm not saying this would happen, that this would probably happen, or that any of the people here are remotely like that, but the point is, it could happen, and as I said before, it would be better to just use the names people are familiar with for now, until actual official names are given, just to avoid any possible problems. Considering it really doesn't change anything except this, and that there really isn't any other reason to care about which name gets used for now, we may as well go with whichever option would have less of a chance to potentially cause a problem.

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Please, do enlighten me on how "Riviera" (an actual word) is a worse name than "Libera" (bland Engrish), or on how "Sariya" was not a mistranslation, or on how "Chrom", "Lucina", "Basilio", "Flavia", "Gangrel", "Taguel" and "Marth" totally don't match what the English versions use.

Libera is a Latin word, it means free (as in, liberated). Hardly "bland Engrish."

Edited by Paperblade
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