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Building a family?


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Perhaps I'm a little bit too specific about my team builds in Fire Emblem, but I like to make sure that my characters are all related in some odd way. (In Sacred Stones, I only use people from Renais.)

I'm pretty excited for Awakening, because my being anal pays off in the sense that I can now build nice big happy families.

Are you guys planning on doing the same?

My plan for Awakening is to make sure that all of my members are tied to the royal family of Ylisse in some way.

Chrom will marry My Unit, and produce Lucina and Morgan. (Lucina and Morgan are the cutest siblings ever by the way.)

Lissa is going to marry Frederick and produce Eudes. (Plus I actually like the idea of Lissa and Frederick. There's something I find really endearing about a princess and her knight)

Then I may have Lucina marry Eudes, but I'm not sure yet mostly because I'm not sure if I want cousins getting married.

My second plan is to have Maribelle marry somebody, and then have Brady marry Lucina.

I'm not sure who I want to pair Maribelle with though...

I suppose this post has turned into two questions!

Do you like to make sure your teams are all related in some way? Do you just not care?

Have any specific plans for Awakening?

Also, who do you think goes well with Maribelle? (That isn't Chrom, Frederick, and MU.)

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Well, a way to make that easier would be having a male Avatar to expand on Chrom's family XD

Chromxwhoever -> Lucina & second child

AvatarxEmmeryn -> Morgan

Then you have Morgan, Lucina and the second child marry other children characters (If all are female, your choices are Azure, Bredy, Chambray, Laurent and Jerome), Lissa marries, has Wood, Wood marries another child as well (Serena, Nn and Noir are guaranteed not to be part of Chrom's family already)

That should leave you with...13 members of Chrom's family, either by marriage or by blood, not including the parents of the children characters being related by their child's marriage. If you inclkude the parents, then it's up to 17, which is more characters than you can use on the final chapter XD

EDIT: On topic of the questions, I don't mind about relations, I'm just gonna go for who I like the most XD And I have sort of specific plans, but they mostly involve the different MUs I'm going to play in each playthough for each gender (Like my first female will be a Grandmaster, second a Trickster, third a Falcoknight, each with their own sort of headcanon personalitites and backgrounds (LIke the Falcoknight is a flirt, and since I realised her similarities to Tiamo (She'll have long red hair as well as riding a Pegasus to start with...) it went into my headcanon that she saw Tiamo's crush on Chrom, and decided that she was going to show her up by romancing Chrom))

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Personally I go by their support conversations and go from there so there is a level of care for my teams. Some were just because I felt a certain way like Tharja and Henry. I just went with whichever character I wanted to ship with my Avatar and then went from there.

Gaius is a good choice for Maribelle, especially since they have a connection from the past (revealed through their support.) I would say Frederick too since he puts Maribelle through butler trainning, but you're sticking with Lissa x Frederick. Personally I loved Lissa with Donnel since their support is cute.

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Well, a way to make that easier would be having a male Avatar to expand on Chrom's family XD

Chromxwhoever -> Lucina & second child

AvatarxEmmeryn -> Morgan

Then you have Morgan, Lucina and the second child marry other children characters (If all are female, your choices are Azure, Bredy, Chambray, Laurent and Jerome), Lissa marries, has Wood, Wood marries another child as well (Serena, Nn and Noir are guaranteed not to be part of Chrom's family already)

That should leave you with...13 members of Chrom's family, either by marriage or by blood, not including the parents of the children characters being related by their child's marriage. If you inclkude the parents, then it's up to 17, which is more characters than you can use on the final chapter XD

I considered marrying Emmeryn for quite some time actually, but I don't know if I'm willing to wait for her spotpass chapter to be released..

I'm pretty set on letting Frederick have Lissa.

And I'm a pretty avid shipper of Chrom X MU.

Not that I don't love Sumia, but I can just hear Tiamo/Cordelia's heart breaking the moment they get married. ;~;

Personally I go by their support conversations and go from there so there is a level of care for my teams. Some were just because I felt a certain way like Tharja and Henry. I just went with whichever character I wanted to ship with my Avatar and then went from there.

Gaius is a good choice for Maribelle, especially since they have a connection from the past (revealed through their support.) I would say Frederick too since he puts Maribelle through butler trainning, but you're sticking with Lissa x Frederick. Personally I loved Lissa with Donnel since their support is cute.

I'm considering Gaius.

He's pretty cute, and I do like that him and Maribelle are related from the past.

Plus.. he's soooo cute.

MODEDIT: yo don't doublepost

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Well, if you don't want to marry Emmeryn, marrying Lucina or Chrom's other child will give you one less character in the Chrom family, but still enough to fill your party with Chrom family for all the main story chapters XD

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Well, if you don't want to marry Emmeryn, marrying Lucina or Chrom's other child will give you one less character in the Chrom family, but still enough to fill your party with Chrom family for all the main story chapters XD

What's the limit??


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Not that I don't love Sumia, but I can just hear Tiamo/Cordelia's heart breaking the moment they get married. ;~;

I know, that's why Cordelia's my waifu. "It's alright, Naui's here for you Cordelia"

I'm considering Gaius.

He's pretty cute, and I do like that him and Maribelle are related from the past.

Plus.. he's soooo cute.

Personally my marriage spread goes:

Naui (Avatar) x Cordelia-My main choice waifu (Tharja and Olivia tied for second)

Chrom x Sumia-Because Sumia and Cordelia are friends and Chrom and I are friends. It all works out!

Lissa x Donnel-Princess and the Village boy, it's like opposite of Beauty and the Beast (Because Donnel is a helluva unit)

Sully x Vaike-Dunno why, I just think they look good together. Plus Blonde Degel!

Mariabelle x Gaius-Their support sold me with their past interactions.

Miriel x Frederick-Miriel feels jealous when Frederick is around other women...Love it!

Panne x Stahl-Stahl's trying to please her and she's not havin' any of that until the end. Stahl has to work for his girl!

Nowi x Ricken-Had to put the two children together to make a child...plus Nowi loooooooooves~ Ricken

Olivia x Lon'qu-the two shyest characters in the army making a womanizing son...hillarious!

Tharja x Henry-Let the curse war begin!

Cherche x Virion-Another past interaction because of master and servant.

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16 for the final chapter, which is the most you can get in a chapter that's not a sidequest (I believe it's 30 characters for the final sidequest, but don't hold me to that)

Well, my marriage spread for my first playthrough is (just as a comparison)


ChromxOlivia (Canon?What canon!)

LissaxFrederick (Reminds me of SethxEirika which is a favourite of mine)

SullyxLibera (MAnly woman meets womanly man, it's like a sitcom)

MaribellexLon'qu (Loved her training to make him less afraid of women XD)

MirielxRicht (Silly hat family go!)

SumiaxHenry (THis was just really sweet, to me)

NowixDonnel (Putting the kiddies together, besides, purple haired Nn!)

CherchexGregor or Vaike (This really hinges on the localisation for Gregor, if they did make him a caveman, then it'll be Vaike. If he still has his insight, just speaks broken english, then probably Gregor)

CordeliaxStahl (Stahl's just adorable, Cordelia needs love to heal her broken heart, I reckon they'd be really nice together)

TharjaxGaius (Mostly because I want Pegasus Knight for Noire, not because I like the pairing)

PannexKellam (I just liked this support, dunno why)

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I know, that's why Cordelia's my waifu. "It's alright, Naui's here for you Cordelia"

Personally my marriage spread goes:

Naui (Avatar) x Cordelia-My main choice waifu (Tharja and Olivia tied for second)

Chrom x Sumia-Because Sumia and Cordelia are friends and Chrom and I are friends. It all works out!

Lissa x Donnel-Princess and the Village boy, it's like opposite of Beauty and the Beast (Because Donnel is a helluva unit)

Sully x Vaike-Dunno why, I just think they look good together. Plus Blonde Degel!

Mariabelle x Gaius-Their support sold me with their past interactions.

Miriel x Frederick-Miriel feels jealous when Frederick is around other women...Love it!

Panne x Stahl-Stahl's trying to please her and she's not havin' any of that until the end. Stahl has to work for his girl!

Nowi x Ricken-Had to put the two children together to make a child...plus Nowi loooooooooves~ Ricken

Olivia x Lon'qu-the two shyest characters in the army making a womanizing son...hillarious!

Tharja x Henry-Let the curse war begin!

Cherche x Virion-Another past interaction because of master and servant.

Hrmm.. Those are all pretty valid reasons.

I think Chrom X MU is a really good pairing, it adds a lot of chemistry to the family.

The good and evil bloodlines mixing, the betrayal of the family in the future of despair. (Morgan stays with Grima possessed MU)

Morgan and Lucina have a really cute relationship.

You can tell Lucina really cares about her father and her mother etc.

Plus, Chrom X MU = Crazy powerful Lucina and Morgan.

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CordeliaxStahl (Stahl's just adorable, Cordelia needs love to heal her broken heart, I reckon they'd be really nice together)

Oh cool! I paired both of these two during my second playthrough when I make Tharja my waifu.

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I shall also be marrying Cordelia. Serena shall marry Azur, who will be sired by Chrom. I don't know who Morgan will marry, since she's actually pretty annoying in a majority of her supports. I know I want Azur and Eudes to be related somehow, hence why I am making them cousins, and by marrying Eudes with Noir, it helps the sisterly bond shown in Noir and Serena's supports be more meaningful. I may end up pairing Lissa with Frederick, and I like the aforementioned comparison to SethXEirika, since Frederick is very much the Seth character, and since Lissa is Chrom's sister, she's the Eirika by default.

Outside my family, MariabelleXGaius and Lon'quXCherche. Call me biased for not liking Lon'qu with Cordelia, but I do legitimately think Cherche helps Lon'qu overcome his problems beyond the "I'm afraid of women, but I'll make the exception for you" Lon'qu has going on with a majority of his supports, but really matter to me with Cherche because she helps give him closer. Similarly, MariabelleXGaius is such an interesting story that, although I admit to not bothering with other supports, I'm so fascinated by it that I can't resist pairing the two of them.

Lucina will marry Jerome. I guess to tie all that up, I should see if Bredy would be an interesting option for Morgan.

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Oh if we're doing children then

Lucina x Jerome-(Much like everyone else, Mask x Mask)

Cynthia x Azure-(Womanizer x Hero, this'll be fun)

Selena x Brady-(Sele-Brad aliance!)

Morgan x Eudes-(I think they're cute together)

Noire x Loran-(Let's see how Loran handles Ms. Dual-Personality)

Degel x Chambray (Dunno, everyone kinda shoves Nn and Chambray together, so I went a little left field.)

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Oh if we're doing children then

Lucina x Jerome-(Much like everyone else, Mask x Mask)

Cynthia x Azure-(Womanizer x Hero, this'll be fun)

Selena x Brady-(Sele-Brad aliance!)

Morgan x Eudes-(I think they're cute together)

Noire x Loran-(Let's see how Loran handles Ms. Dual-Personality)

Degel x Chambray (Dunno, everyone kinda shoves Nn and Chambray together, so I went a little left field.)


I'm probably going to have Lucina marry Eudes.

I think I want Morgan to marry Serena or Cynthia, mostly because I like the idea of the Prince of Ylisse's bride being tied to the Pegasus Knights in some way.

Oh my god I'm too picky.

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I'm probably going to have Lucina marry Eudes.

I think I want Morgan to marry Serena or Cynthia, mostly because I like the idea of the Prince of Ylisse's bride being tied to the Pegasus Knights in some way.

Oh my god I'm too picky.

Forgot that IS allows cousin pairings...still wouldn't do.

Or you know reclass the girls as a brides...just saiyan...

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Forgot that IS allows cousin pairings...still wouldn't do.

Or you know reclass the girls as a brides...just saiyan...

Mmmh.. I dunno.

I really like the idea of Morgan X Serena, even if we don't have the support yet.

I bet it's cute, Serena is so tough and serious and Morgan is so.. not.

I guess Lucina and Eudes is a little weird.

Are there limits on how many times a person can support?

Perhaps I'll just have Lucina support with everybody in her immediate family. (Chrom, MU, Morgan.)

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Mmmh.. I dunno.

I really like the idea of Morgan X Serena, even if we don't have the support yet.

I bet it's cute, Serena is so tough and serious and Morgan is so.. not.

I guess Lucina and Eudes is a little weird.

Are there limits on how many times a person can support?

Perhaps I'll just have Lucina support with everybody in her immediate family. (Chrom, MU, Morgan.)

Haha the Tsundere and the Cheery kid...funny!

Yeah, but don't let me stop your shippings, after all fanfic-ers will go wild with this.

Dunno really. There must be at least 3 supports since the Avatar should be able to support his/her partner and their two children.

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Chrom x Robin 5Ever!!!11!!11

Lissa x Lon'qu (I was sold on this since last year when there was a Japanese trailer showed off the support system and hese were the first example, also Chrom hires Lon'qu to be her bodyguard so bodyguard crush is in effect, also also it xplains how Eudes became a Myrmidon since Lissa can't even handle a sword in any of her classes, also also also Eudes and Lon'qu look a lot alike, in my opinion)

Frederick x Sumia (she needs a nice girl, she needs a niceguy. Also considerng Henri to boost Cynthia's magic (I want to make her a Dark Flier))

Sully x Stahl (Finally, Cain and Abel can declare their undying love!)

Virion x Cherche (their past history, plus she can keep him in line)

Vaike x Maribelle (opposites attract, and I want to make Bredy a War Monk and I figure Vaike would give him a much needed strength boost, and t explains why Bredy talks like a thug)

Miriel x Henri (They talk about making a baby through SCIENCE MAGIC!

Donnel x Olivia (Olivia goes well with anyone, and the young villager with low confidence marrying the shy, beautiful dancer, and I like that she sings a song about Naesala and Leanne i their supports, and Azur gets Good Growths)

Ricken x Nowi (a cute little toy ship)

Panne x Gaius (she can keep up with him as sneaks through the night)

Cordelia x Gregor (was originally thinking Stahl, but red-head Serena's too tempting, plus she can inherit Axe Expert or Zeal in addition to Myrmidon)

Riviera x Tharja (a holy man and a heretic, it's too rich to pass up)

Kellam x forever alone (sorry, buddy, no one could see you way up there)

Lucina x Jerome (Jerome's the one who made her mask)

Eudes x Cynthia (they shall both become super hammy heroes of justice together Super Sentai Emblem Ranger!)

Azur x Serena (A wannabe ladies man and a Tsundere, clearly their love was written in the stars)

Bredy x Degel (he's a bit of a coward and she protects the weak, and it's almost like giving me a second chance at Titania x Rhys WHICH I'M STILL MAD ABOUT BY THE WAY)

Chambray x Noir (they're both timid scaredy cats)

Laurent x Nn (I can just imagine them both thinking "Idiots, I am surrounded by idiots")

Morgan shall stay single, since he's still a little kid

As you can see I put far too much thought in this

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The idea of having Chrom be a Granpa really appeals to me.

I'm going to marry Chrom to Sumia to produce Cynthia and Lucina, then marry MU to Lucina to produce Morgan. Liz will marry Frederick, and Wood will pair with Degel. Cynthia will be paired with Bredy and Morgan with Jerome.

With Emmeryn included, the extended family of Chrom by blood or marriage comes to... about.12 people. Which is a nice, round number.

Also, Lucina and MU is pretty much the single most powerful MU pairing. Best child, best access to all the Dual Support abilities. And those nice bonus scenes.

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Avatar X Paris

Chrom X Olivia

Lissa X Frederick

Cherche X Virion

Tharja X Vaike

Sumia X Henry

Cordelia X Donnel

Miriel X Ricken

Maribelle X Libera

Stahl X Nowi

Lon'qu X Panne

Kellam X Sully

There. That's my pairing list for first gen.

Uuuugh, don't feel like making a second gen list...

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The good and evil bloodlines mixing

MUxLucina causes a lot of underlying tension. Like, he's going to betray them in the bad future, yet she falls in love with him anyway type thing. oh god damn it i need to stop reading tragedies.

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MUxLucina causes a lot of underlying tension. Like, he's going to betray them in the bad future, yet she falls in love with him anyway type thing. oh god damn it i need to stop reading tragedies.

I know, right? I generally hate tragic endings, regardless of how fitting or emotionally stimulating they are. That's why I'm pretty happy that both endings are pretty positive.

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