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Support limit?


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Is there a limit on the number of support conversations one can have?

Like in sacred stones, a person could only have five conversations.

What with the children and all, you'd think there would be a higher limit, but is there any limit at all?

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Everyone can support with all of their support partners up to at least A. Only romantic supports can achieve an S rank, and they are, for obvious reasons, restricted to one per couple.

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I don't wanna hurt Chroms feelings.

I think I'll just A rank with like, people in the family. o__e

I lol'd.

So essentially, My Unit is like the player in the Harvest Moon series. You can get ANYONE up to max friendship, but can only marry one guy/girl (according to gender.) Awesome. XD

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Yeah, I'm basically gonna do like what I do in Harvest Moon: Get Chrom to S rank with me, A rank with my son and all other females, and ignore the guys. And I'll do the same with my male MU: S rank with Tiki, A rank with my daughter and all males, and ignore the women. That way I'll have the non romantic support library filled out without hurting feelings! wink.gif

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It helps that you can build supports outside of story chapters. I loved that about FE8. 'Tower Abus'e for me meant going to the first floor of the tower, putting all the characters next to who I wanted them to support with, and END TURN spam. LOL

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