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First time playing FE9

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Ive just barely begun a blind run of FE9, this is my first time playing is there anything I should know beforehand? Like any weird recruitments hidden weapons anything like that?

Also was Ike intended to be really good or is he just getting lucky level ups,Im on Ch.3 btw. Its just that im used to having weak Lords and Ike kicks ass so far

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Ike has godly growths. He is supposed to be amazing. Find the hidden items map for the desert chapter. You don't want to miss that stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Shinon is quite hard to obtain, because you need to talk to him with a certain character, then defeat him with another. Stefan is, well, hidden... like super hidden.

And for Ike he is really good for the first few chapters, but after he is sword-locked in the spear-world, so he become way less useful until he promotes,after he basically become immortal.

And mount are OP.

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Ive just barely begun a blind run of FE9, this is my first time playing is there anything I should know beforehand?

Doesn't knowing things about the game before you play it, defeat the purpose of it being a 'blind run'?

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This is my mistakes =>

- Do the support conversation when it availables. The chapter count is not stack d*mn it!

(I thought it counts the total chapter number to get support rank A. So I can make support C, B, A in a row, but it's not like that. I stuck at support rank C most. sigh)

- You can forge only 1 weapon per chapter.

and uh, for your semi-blind run




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