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Need help finding part for battle scene...


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Okay, so I'm not having any luck finding something I need to use for a battle scene I'm trying to make in a sprite comic. Can anybody tell me where I can find the battle platforms characters use when they're attacking from a distance? You know, like when an archer attacks with a bow or a mage attacks from two squares away.

I've tried Google and such, but no luck. >_<

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Distance the platforms yourself or use the layers on VBA to take out the front sprites.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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well if you dont know the distance, than screen shot a ranged battle, open it in paint or something and then select the area between platform and it'll tell you how many pixels apart they are

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well if you dont know the distance, than screen shot a ranged battle, open it in paint or something and then select the area between platform and it'll tell you how many pixels apart they are

Except the only platforms I already have are the melee ones, which are cut off because they're meant to join together. I'm staying I need the platforms that aren't cut off and stand by themselves.

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This was the top thing in SoC's third link, did you click them

Yeah. But it didn't give me the platforms I needed. The ones shown on the right are the type I need, but they're the only ones of that type in the whole picture, and I need the plains platforms, not the path ones. xP

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Yeah. But it didn't give me the platforms I needed. The ones shown on the right are the type I need, but they're the only ones of that type in the whole picture, and I need the plains platforms, not the path ones. xP

use the layers on VBA to take out the front sprites.

Come on now.

Open up VBA. Get into a battle with the platforms you need. Pause the game. Disable layers. Advance Frame. If it's not the layer you need is disabled, advance frame again.



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Then go get it. You're really making this much harder than it needs to be. And if you're against using ROMs/emulators, I guess you're just shit outta luck.

How so? And I'm not AGAINST emulators and ROMs, I just prefer not to use them. I also wouldn't get one just to take screenshots. It just doesn't seem worth the trouble.

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I also wouldn't get one just to take screenshots. It just doesn't seem worth the trouble.

So... question. How do you think they got the sprites/backgrounds in the first place? Since... you know... that section of the site says "Unfinished" for the platforms that you need?

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So... question. How do you think they got the sprites/backgrounds in the first place? Since... you know... that section of the site says "Unfinished" for the platforms that you need?

Oh, I know taking screenshots on the computer is how they do it. I'm just sure they use the same program to play the games too.

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...So I don't see the problem here.

You have a need, solve it using the methods available to you.

If you can find it just by looking around the internet? Get it yourself via the methods we provided.

Don't want to because you're too lazy or think it's too much of a hassle? Then too bad.

Effort required divided by your output = You getting what you need.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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...So I don't see the problem here.

You have a need, solve it using the methods available to you.

If you can find it just by looking around the internet? Get it yourself via the methods we provided.

Don't want to because you're too lazy or think it's too much of a hassle? Then too bad.

Effort required divided by your output = You getting what you need.

True. I guess I have no choice then, do I? xP Thanks for the suggestions.

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i got ya here:


Ranged platform template.


Melee template.

Heres an example of a platform:


(sadly, i cannot find what i did with the others. I had a grass platform but...i cant find it.)

Heres an example of a background:


What you can do is have the background in Paint open first, open another Paint window and copy/paste the platform template (with the transparency on for pasting) onto the background image. Then you take the platform image and copy that onto the template part and line it up to the blue template squares and BAM, there ya go.

I cannot seem to locate my other platforms (they must have gone byebye) but yeah, if you can find other platforms on spriter resource sites, (spriters-resource.com does not have any platforms but they do have spells and hit effects) just use those.

FEPlanet doesnt seem to have any platforms. But yeah. Thats how you do it and thats the templates for them.

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