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They showed her promoted model at the 30 sec mark, Chrom's child., her eye, her getting a level up, her promoted sprite, the ending of the review using a clip of the "reveal".

So it's a lot longer than just 5 seconds.

Wait. They said and did all that? That is just an epic fail. Seriously, you can't get any worse than this. Spoiling Lucina's identity that much is almost trying to ruin the game for people.

Edited by Diortem
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Wait. They said and did all that? That is just an epic fail. Seriously, you can't get any worse than this. Spoiling Lucina's identity that much is almost trying to ruin the game for people.

Well, it's not exactly the best kept secret in the world or that hard to figure out, especially considering her voice. Though I must say that I actually like it from what I've heard from the review.

Still cannot tell who it is since I suck at pin pointing VAs.

These review scores are pretty high judging from all these sites. I certainly wasn't expecting a 9.6 out of IGN. Strange that no flaws are listed though, I would think there would be something that would bug reviewers.

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Luckily not all the reviews were like that, but I like how they say the story drags on... when it really doesn't in the slightest, unless you can't handle a couple minutes of exposition (WHICH YOU CAN SKIP EVEN ON YOUR FIRST RUN, If they're that annoying). That's one of FE's biggest draws, that the story is fleshed-out and well-structured.

Also, I hesitate to watch the Gametrailers review, but how bad is it?

FE writing in general is standard rpg tripe, which only serves to suggest the people who enjoy it have an infantile view of the world. That you can skip the writing does not suddenly mean that it isn't bad and the concept that you'd want to skip it is simply bad also

Anyway anything over 8/10 would be overrating this game, imo

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Yeah that IGN one is a bit of a shocker. I was happy to see a solid show from RPGamer - they have a fairly good review history imo, they don't pull their punches with big titles that are disappointing (like dragon age 2).

My annoyance with the Gametrailer review wasn't the score (every reviewer is entitled to an opinion), but rather the blatant spoilers in the video review. Just seems a little lazy and inconsiderate.

Edited by Merric
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Well, it's not exactly the best kept secret in the world or that hard to figure out, especially considering her voice. Though I must say that I actually like it from what I've heard from the review.

Still cannot tell who it is since I suck at pin pointing VAs.

These review scores are pretty high judging from all these sites. I certainly wasn't expecting a 9.6 out of IGN. Strange that no flaws are listed though, I would think there would be something that would bug reviewers.

Well, there are some people who do not know that, as few as it may seem. I can see your point, but spoiling it THAT much is just not a good idea for such a big release.

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FE writing in general is standard rpg tripe, which only serves to suggest the people who enjoy it have an infantile view of the world. That you can skip the writing does not suddenly mean that it isn't bad and the concept that you'd want to skip it is simply bad also

Anyway anything over 8/10 would be overrating this game, imo

Have you even played this?

[spoiler=on Marth]Anyway, as I said in another thread, spoiling Marth's gender isn't such a big issue; it's who she actually is that's a spoiler. It's revealed relatively early that Marth isn't a man, so that's not much of a spoiler. The real spoiler is how she's related to Chrom, which, thankfully, isn't revealed.

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FE writing in general is standard rpg tripe, which only serves to suggest the people who enjoy it have an infantile view of the world. That you can skip the writing does not suddenly mean that it isn't bad and the concept that you'd want to skip it is simply bad also

Anyway anything over 8/10 would be overrating this game, imo

Ever heard of opinions?

EVERYTHING is an overused stereotype. It's how you USE those stereotypes that make things good or bad. You think the way Fire Emblem uses tropes makes the games have bad storylines, fine, you can think that, but not everybody agrees with you, and stating or even implying that anybody that likes the story and thinks it's good is "infantile" or "holds an infantile view of the world" is close-minded at best, and insulting at worst.

As for the rating, that is also completely and totally subjective. There's no way to determine if this game is actually worth an 8, a 9, a 2, or a 4, because every single person in the world has a different view on what each of those ratings mean, and how this game meets with those ratings. Therefore, every single opinion on this game is equally valid, and not a single one of them is "right", because that would imply someone elses opinion is "wrong".

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Wait people actually care about the story in FE?


I played some FE games in Japanese and enjoyed them just fine, since I remembered the order of the menu options from the previous games. To be honest, I don't even pay much attention to the story even when the game is in English.

Edited by Lauren
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I base which games I like mostly on the story. The story of Awakening is one of it's biggest draws for me, and if we were just getting the gameplay with a bunch of faceless units, I wouldn't care about it half as much.

So yes, there are quite a few people that actually do care about the stories in Fire Emblem games.

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I base which games I like mostly on the story. The story of Awakening is one of it's biggest draws for me, and if we were just getting the gameplay with a bunch of faceless units, I wouldn't care about it half as much.

So yes, there are quite a few people that actually do care about the stories in Fire Emblem games.

The thing is, the units aren't faceless---this isn't Advance Wars. The FE characters are designed very well. In my opinion, character design, setting, and gameplay, for Fire Emblem specifically, make the game.

As for other games, like Kingdom Hearts, for instance, the story drives the game, and the design, setting, and gameplay come secondary (even though all these factors in this game art pretty much top notch).

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Great scores across the board~

When I read the Gamesradar review, I noticed that the reviewer focused on how FE's formula was basically in top form.

On the other hand, the reviewer liked to mention that she didn't like the characterization of the supporting cast, and was annoyed by the humorous aspects of the dialogue.

Seems pretty weird to me. I guess the localization wasn't her cup of tea.

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yeah, and yet most other reviews highlight the supporting cast and characterisation as stand out points of the game that complement the danger presented in classic mode. I suppose that means that the game is appealing to people with quite different tastes.

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Added the Game Revolution review which gave a very very respectable 4.5/5. GR are pretty hard reviewers - average awarded score according to metacritic is only 64%.

Haha. "It Ends" Is quite possiblely the greatest listing of a flaw possible. And given that you can still play dlc and side quests, not exactly true either

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