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FE7 playable strategist unit


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Hi, this is the first time I have visited this forum and I am looking for something in particular.

I was hoping there was a rom hack for Fire Emblem 7 that made the nameable strategist a playable unit, and that's really all I want in said rom hack. Nothing else about the story is changed, the unit isn't given any dialogue, just a playable unit. I looked through this particular forum, but I didn't find anything of that nature (except a few other attempts that were never completed).

If there currently isn't a hack like this available, how difficult would it be to scrape together one for myself?

I can imagine the kind of resources I would need, animation sets, character portrait, unit sprites.

But yeah, I mean, that's literally the only thing I want to add. If I were to do it myself, what kind of time investment would it require?

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Things you will need:

  • Nightmare Modules to make/edit your class and character parameters. You can simply edit the pre-existing "Tactician" Prince class and Mark's character slot (I don't remember if that exists).
  • Image editor to make your battle animation sprites
  • FEditor Advance to edit text and insert your animation
  • Event Assembler to load the Tactician class and character unit
  • Assignable name for the Tactician hack: Notes
    Video showing the process:

Considering how the "Mark" tactician is already integrated into the dialogue, you can save yourself the work of making a mug. And changing every single conversation that has them involved. But if you do want to do that, have fun making a portrait and editing all of that text.

All of the knowhow needed to do the first 4 points are in the GBA Ultimate Tutorial

I'm not really gonna give you any more help on this stuff. What you want to do is pretty simple in concept, but requires a lot of work.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Considering how the "Mark" tactician is already integrated into the dialogue, you can save yourself the work of making a mug.

Wouldn't you still need to make a mug for the status sheet, though?

Edited by Starlight36
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  • 2 weeks later...
You can use that question mark mug.

While one could do that, it would look very ugly and unprofessional, especially if/when it pops up in the character endings. Even reusing Bramimond's mugshot would be better than that, since at least he actually kinda looks like the tactician with their hood up. Although, that still doesn't fix the mini-mug problem...

I dunno, mostly it just seems lazy to me, not to make a new mug.

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did you actually come back to a two-week old topic just to say that

I'm sure there was some invisible text in his post that said more than what everyone else saw he said, therefore no he didn't come back just to say what it appears he said.

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For a super low-tech implementation:

  • Make a unit for the tactician. You can do the stats and most everything in Nightmare normally.
  • Go watch
    , do as instructed for the tactician unit's name.
  • Need to have a way to match a character's affinity to the tactician's. We'd need some ASM for this.
  • Add the unit to the party in the Prologue and Ch11/whateverworksforHectorMode.
  • For cost-cutting, you can use the Question Mark mug. If you can get a male/female mug you want to use (preferably hooded, I suppose), then that's cool as well.
  • For a super super low-tech implementation, don't integrate the tactician into dialogue at all.
  • If you really wanna go the extra mile, turn all of those "character talking to you" events into 'Talk' events with the tactician unit.
  • Now we're getting into super fancy shit, but you could also stand to have a battle animation. That'd be cool.

Fuck, I should just go make this. I'll be a hero to millions.

Alternatively, I can wait for Jubby to do his My Unit hack. He's been working on it for a while, dunno where it's at but it looks promising.

Edited by Archiblad
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it's drifting along lazily~

I haven't been working on it the last couple weeks cause FE13 + working full time, but I'm still kinda sloooowly hacking away at it :P

Edited by Jubby
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Ah. It wasn't working for me. I got it working now, and just in case someone might google this issue in the future, here's what I did.

I has a placeholder for my tactician name for now("You, Player"). I searched for that text string and it was at 1011FF0. The anti-huffman-type pointer for that is F0-1F-11-88. I searched for it until I came to the bottom-most occurrence(thus, the pointer in the most recent FEditor write of the pointer table) of that in my ROM and replaced it with the pointer to the RAM location. Then it worked.

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Klok, a MU feature in super FEXP would be nice.

I promise nothing, but there are many ways of implementing this system in RMXP.



These are two that I found with simeple searching, and I also found two more than had broken links. Point being, it's doable, and I've even seen some eventing systems that did it too. I'll be looking into it in the future, assuming there's demand for it.

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  • 2 years later...

So uhm has any progress been made in this rom hack? I can't tell you how much I'd love to play as the tactician x³

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