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FEA World: First Love = Marriage


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As far as the whole, "We've talked four times, let's settle down and have a kid" thing, I find it unrealistic. Still, it's a game and from I heard a good one, so I will allow it.

But you don't have a Stardust Assault Mode on the field.

That's the whole thing with FE's support conversation nitpick system since the GBA games. XD

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This and what Onestep said... For those players who DO not pair say Mariabel with Chrom will never find out her early crush. And assume that whomever you pair her up with is her first love. I guess the best interpretation is that this game is based on infinite alternate realities in which caters to all the players' head canon. Meaning if you pair MU with Mariabel, she will be jealous of that 'strumpet' and claim she loves you all along - teaching you and you teaching her and the you saw to the core of my heart thing. On the other hand if she is paired with Chrom then the I loved you all along scenario cones into play again. This is true of most if not all S supports. So on a way what Onestep said is true... S supports are mutually exclusive and this makes sense in a multiverse.... As for the ultimate question if any character married say Mariabel, will the both of them be married as 'first loves'? Well yes and no. If a player nevers sees Maria and Chrom's support, he or she will prob think that based on the idealistic love culture of FE that yes it's another first love = marriage. Even if you DO have hindsight of the other supports, you can STILL claim first love due to convenient multiverse.

As for whether Sairi or Tiki has first loves? I would say whatever is head canon for you works since the game doesn't tell us much about Sayri beyond that she has old fashioned looks (maybe a reference to eastern ideals of love?) and her strong personality are all strong arguments for MU x Sayri = first love. Tiki is much more likely to find her first love to be the MU though... Your points that Tikis been asleep for many years and the fact that she IS the princess of the divine dragon tribe are reasons enough. Come to think of it, if she bears Morgan then wouldn't Morgan be the next princess of the tribe?

Tiki is pretty much is into the MU from the C support... Her adoration of Marth probably has something to do with this, although as you said it's more of. Brotherly affection... But Tiki is just like other females... Who will love a man with an upright personality and a kind aura of a soul (aka Marth's qualities seen to be in the MU).

Another good post and yes the universe Thierry seems to go well with the canons. I also liked the way you analyzed Sayri and Tiki.

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Another good post and yes the universe Thierry seems to go well with the canons. I also liked the way you analyzed Sayri and Tiki.

Yup, like I said above after the edit, this game is quite flexible and you can interpret it as you wish. Whatever is headcanon for you is good enough for you! Enjoy it! laugh.gif

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Basically, has anybody ever played The Suffering? It's about as far from Fire Emblem gameplay wise and themewise as you can get, but it had the interesting element that the main character's backstory was decided in the plot by his own actions in the game.

If he acted like a decent human being, he was innocent of the crime he'd been accused of. If he acted somewhat evilly, he was partially responsible. If he acted like an evil asshole, he was guilty of the crime that he'd been accused of.

I'm just applying something similiar to S supports in this game. If you get an S support with one character, then information revealed in other S supports simply doesn't exist. Serge didn't invite Henry on walks because she wanted to get close to him romantically, Maribelle never had a crush on Chrom and so on, so forth.

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That makes perfect sense. This game seems to be one of those that are built on your options and the actions that are taken on those options. The facts are simply in the air, out of sight, for you to find them; if you don't find them, they don't exist in your story. Its that simple.

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