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[FE11NM] Ye olde Shadow Dragon Draft


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Alright, it's time to do this!

...is what I was saying before my atrocious turncounts. I didn't beat the Prologue in 20 turns D:

Prologue I

Rushed north. Standard.


5 Turns

Prologue II

Rushed south. Standard.


4 Turns

Prologue III

Do I really need to explain anything?


7 Turns

Prologue IV

Why don't they let you trade the Door Key :(. I felt pity for Gordin so I recruited him so he could die later.


8 Turns

I was Abel to get Abel down south early to die for his prince. RIP Useless Unit #1

5 + 4 + 7 + 8 = 24 Turns. No free prologue for me. Next chapter is when the fun begins >:)

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Fun's already started for me. I did this in school, instead of, you know, doing school stuff.

Prologue 1: 5 free

Standard Marth only stuff

P2 lul puns: 4 free

Marth only clear

P3: 7 free

Frey died for great justice.

P4: 11 free

Abel sacrificed himself for his lord's protection. Marth saved the DEFENDER OF THE EARTH. Malladus is useless. DOGA and ARCHERY GIRL join the party.

Chapter 1: 11 turns

I did this better in the other draft... Anyway, Caeda sold her Wing Spear, Marth got money, Cain hides and then the team kills stuff.

Chp2: 10 turns (21)

What is this... anyway, DOGA chokes points, PIRATE MAN joins the party. No one died... except the enemy, they all died.

Chp3: 9 turns (30)

BOSS IS EBIR, 14 SPEED FML. Silver lance abuse, DOGA walks, and TREASURE HUNTER MAN and STAFFY CHICK join the party.

Chp4: 9 turns (39)

Axe bros and Cain die for whatever sins I'll be commiting in this draft they did. MAGIC MAN MERRIC joins the party, and procedes to kill the boss dude. DEFENDER OF THE EARTH gets reclassed to HORSEY MOUNTY UNIT.

Chp5: 7 turns (46)

Arulis (sp?) dudes not named Biraku Vyland or Hardin die. DEFENDER OF THE EARTH thwomps with 10 Def, but sucks with 5 str. Boss dies, the end. Jagan reclassed to DRAGONMAN. I wish I could call him Monster Hunter...

Chp6: 10 turns (56)

Hardin died to old age or whatever. Biraku choked the exit, letting me get the KILIK KILLING EDGE with DEFENDER OF THE EARTH's stuff. Got all treasures. Boss is Critically Excalibur'd in the face.

Got to chp6x, which I'll do tomorrow. Also, Scarface/Al Capone, make sure you post the teams picked in the "Drafting Tournaments Explained" thread.

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Each individual chapter ia up to 20 turns.

Thank you for telling me, good sir. Hat tip to you.

Chapter 1:

Rushed eastward, of course.

Skipped the gold and got Wrys.

I could have done it in 6 Turns, but Jagen screwed up the javelin shot and forced Marth to steal the kill after Caeda chips (or was it the other way around? I forgot)

I misplaced the picture, but the turncount was 7.


Chapter 2:

Rushed northwest, killing most of the enemies. Got caught up in the middle when all the horses and archers were crowding around and wasted some time

Killed Castor. Darros recruited himself.


Cain died valiantly CHOKING THE POINT. You will not be missed. RIP Useless Unit #3

(And yes, that is Doga down below him. I know, I'm evil >:) .)

I could have fed the boss to someone who could have, y'know, used it, but freaking Jagen stole the kill with a 65% Hit/ 5% Crit.



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Chapter 6x: 12 turns, but it's free so it doesn't matter.


Chapter 7: 10 turns (66)

Marf needs moar Str procs. Boss was Excalipwn'd. Julian is actually decent at fighting.

Chapter 8: 9 turns (75)

Scrubs buy stuff. Pink haired armor dies. ARCHERY GIRL almost bites it, but survives because Marf says so, and because boss is Excalipwn'd.

Chapter 9: 6 turns (81)

TREASURE HUNTER opens door, DOGA CHOKES POINTS, PIRATE MAN and ARCHERY GIRL dual team. NornexDarros OTP. Scrubs die. Village asplodes. Boss dies by DEFENDER OF THE EARTH's sword... I think. Oh, and he has D rank in swords now.

At chapter 10 now, get on my level.

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Chapter 3:

Caeda flies north to recruit Navarre, everyone else runs to the castle.

Caeda got Strength :D



Chapter 4:

Total bloodbath for us and the enemy :P. Cord, Bord, Frey, Matthis, and Darros all die.

Missed Excalibur Merric. Too bad.

Caeda got Strength again




Holy crap Caeda. That Strength :D. And Marth is decimating everything

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Prologue 1

Five turns and Marth leveled up once.

Prologue 2

I wasn’t proud of Marth with his level ups.

Prologue 3

My number one concern is to have good level ups withMarth and Cain.

Prologue 4

I had to wait out the pegasus knight reinforcements to gainsome experience before chapter one.

Chapter 1 – 5/5

Did my best to get Marth to the seize point without goingto a single village. Also having Cain gain experience.

Chapter 2 – 4/9

Ogma, Bord, and Castor are now on my team. I have Jagenattack the boss and Cain finishes him.

Chapter 3 – 6/15

I use Caeda to recruit Navarre because I want to use thekilling edge. Both Marth, Cain, and Jagen team up to kill the boss.

Chapter 4 – 6/21

Rushing to the seize point and Ogma, Cain, and Jagen gainon the boss.

Chapter 5 – 8/29

This chapter was a total cluster**** because since I’musing Bantu, I have Marth go get the firestone. There was a small retreat to avoidmy drafted characters from being killed but they pulled through Bord killed theboss.

Chapter 6 – 7/36

In this chapter I got both master keys and I only used itonce. Also using the armourslayer, Cain defeated the boss.

Chapter 6x

I had to give Vyland experience for the next chapters tocome.









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Chapter 5:

This chapter was ridiculous with all the damn enemies gathering around the middle.

Wolf get. Gordin, Draug, Roshea and Ogma die. Caeda one-rounds the boss



Chapter 6:

Too many archers >:(. Caeda dodged a bullet, and by bullet I mean arrow.

Wolf gets a good level. Rickard get. Vyland refuses to die.



Chapter 6x:

Too easy. Completely routed the map. Julian and Lena die. Recruited Athena for some reason.


13 Free/39

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Chapter 7 – 10/46

I send Marth to the village to get Bantu and Bantu onlydefeated one enemy and that was Minerva. After he was recruited I rushed Cainto the boss and defeated him.

Chapter 8 – 5/51

Gave Cain a health boost before the chapter and it reallyhelped him against the boss.

Chapter 9 – 5/56

Again Cain rushes to kill the dragon.

Chapter 10 – 8/64

I send Marth and Cain to the seize point where Cain againdefeated another boss and both Jagen and Vyland team up to kill the enemy herowho has the master seal.

Chapter 11 – 9/73

I have Vyland, Castor, Bantu, and Bord head south towhere the village is at so they can fight the enemies down there. But onlyCastor did one round in the arena. The other headed to the seize point so theycan kill the dragon, clear the area where Marth seizes, and Caeda recruitsJake.

Chapter 12 – 8/81

I used Jake to attack the healer so Cain can get to theboss easily while Yyland and Bantu cover him.

Chapter 12x

This was an opportunity to get experience for my units.

Stats: http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00001_zpsc826002c.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00002_zpsb4e4d4d9.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00003_zpsd8515194.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00004_zps986a6020.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00005_zps985b285d.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00006_zps4c114d3d.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00007_zps01756869.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00008_zpsf5e55bab.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00009_zps57e0d33e.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00010_zps9bc17dbf.jpg

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Chapter 13 – 3/84

Rushing was the main part of the chapter.

Chapter 14 – 6/90

I have Castor, Vyland, and Bord go get the silver cardand also made Jake kill the healer with the fortify staff. Cain rushed to theboss and kills it.

Chapter 15 – 5/95

Both Cain and Jagen headed to the boss while the otherskill some enemies and avoid Gharnef.

Chapter 16 – 7/102

I used Jake to fire against the enemies from afar whilethe others rush to the seize point. Both Castor and Cain face the boss anddefeated it.

Chapter 17 – 3/105

There was a manakete that has a firestone that isrequired if killed. I have Astram, Bord, and Castor go and get it while Cainrushes to the throne and kill the boss so Marth seizes.

Chapter 17x

More training.

Chapter 18 – 6/111

Rushing to the seize point no matter what.

Chapter 19 – 5/116

Move Cain ahead to the throne so Marth can seize. Also recievethe geosphere.

Chapter 20 – 6/122

Cain was far ahead and defeated Camus. Also Lorenz is onmy team and both Vyland and Castor leveled up at the arena.

Chapter 20x

In this chapter I have Marth gain experiences.

Stats: http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00001-3_zps1ee30cfa.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00002-4_zps47df7cd8.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00003-8_zps872d4ac0.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00004-9_zps44d4984f.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00005-8_zpsbe492982.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00006-8_zps7da6d2c9.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00007-8_zpsf70b9285.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00008-8_zpscff60289.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00009-8_zpsd7e9f6ed.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00010-7_zps21f1efa9.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00011-6_zps1875fb7b.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00012-3_zps3ceb81c4.jpg

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Chapter 7:

I hate this map. Got Bantu to get Tiki, then rushed down south, not caring about the reinforcements.

Fun fact: In a failed attempt, I was able to seize, so I wanted to get some more EXP. I had Rickard attack a Ridersbane reinforcement on a mountain. The bastard crit killed him with a 54% Hit/ 1% Crit



Chapter 8:

Again with the huge waves of reinforcements. Caesar get. Got some shiny new weapons.The replacements were used heavily as bait. Of course, Marth fall short one space of seizing, wasting a turn. So many deaths now, I can't even remember them all :D



Chapter 9:

Surprisingly easy chapter. Got some training in for those who needed it. Skipped Jeorge and got the top two chests.



Chapter 10:

Everyone rushes through the fort. Got Maria and Minerva. The replacements choked the point; there was ~12 enemies gathered there when they finally died.



Chapter 11:

BALLISTAS. GOD DAMN IT. Also, Linde get.



As you can see, I clearly don't give a shit about turns anymore :P. Will put team next time.

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Chapter 12:

Rushed through the palace, taking the treasure route to the throne room. I regret that decision.

Navarre screwed up a crit on the boss and costed me a turn.



Kinda missed the sidequest, guess I need to kill off more units :P

Chapter 13:




Chapter 14:

It took me too long to realize that I needed to lower the bridgeFacepalm_emote_gif.gif

Catria get. Palla was too slow gee_wiz_emoticon.gif



Chapter 15:

Catria training session mainly. Bought tons of stuff that I'll probably never use :/

Fun fact: Gharnef actually missed Dolph 3 times in a row before a Dracoknight flew in to finish him off. Needless to say, I laughed hard.




Caeda is breaking the game (and heavy armor). Jagen has officially been reduced to chipping duty. Wolf is finally rising to awesomeness. I have finally lost all faith in Wrys

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Chapter 21 – 3/125

The one thing that annoys me in this chapter is the paladins and they almost killed Bord. But I manage to kill some enemies so Cain can go in and kill the boss.

Chapter 22 – 7/132

Before the chapter began I've max out Cain's speed and during the chapter Bantu wasn't gaining any stats when he leveled up.

Chapter 23 – 7/139

Manage to use up the geosphere and surprised that Gharnef was near the stairs and I planned ahead to get some pure waters.

Chapter 24 – 4/143

Cain finally reaches to level 20.

Chapter 24x

Grinding before the final chapter.

Final Chapter – 4/147

Cain headed straight to Medeus while the other fight to survive.

Marth – B: 99 W: 53

Jagen – B: 126 W: 45

Cain – B: 198 W: 59

Ogma – B: 90 W: 49

Bord – B: 95 W: 53

Castor – B: 118 W: 56

Vyland – B: 119 W: 57

Bantu – B: 32 W: 24

Jake – B: 70 W: 15

Boah – B: 7 W: 3

Astram – B: 50 W: 20

Lorenz – B: 19 W: 6

[spoiler=Final Stats]













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