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Physical copies of fire emblem awakening may be delayed.


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I knew this already when I found out about the Amazon delay. I think it ultimately depends on each individual store's demand for the game at the moment. Hopefully I won't have to wait until Friday to get my game...

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I demand the blood of every single person responsible for this as compensation. And for all of those same people to play Superman 64.

Edited by Diortem
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No, no, no, no, no.... they told me it would be in tomorrow. I may just have to get the eShop download now. >_> How much is it and how do I do it?

The Fire Emblem: Awakening eShop price is the same as the retail price. It's $39.99 at the eShop.

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Ugh it looks like I'm due for another phone call to my gamestop. I haven't talked to them since Friday so I should probably check with them on their shipments before I get surprised by an 8th release date

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I swear, the more I here about the game getting delayed, the crazier I become. Maybe it'd be best if I were to avoid the forums for a little while, at least unitl I get the game. Since I ordered the game off of amazon it could arrive anytime between the 7th and 11th. Damn it all. -_-

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Damn, that sucks. And Gamestop posters said tomorrow too...

Well, what about the 3DS bundles? Might they be late too?

I called my gamestop earlier and he said the bundles are shipped together with the games, so I guess so.

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Ugh it looks like I'm due for another phone call to my gamestop. I haven't talked to them since Friday so I should probably check with them on their shipments before I get surprised by an 8th release date

I'm going up to mine tomorrow morning to at least pay off the remaining balance that I owe for the game...Hopefully I won't have to wait an extra four days for the game... DX And I haven't spoken to my GameStop since Friday as well...

Damn, that sucks. And Gamestop posters said tomorrow too...

Well, what about the 3DS bundles? Might they be late too?

If they're shipping with the games, then chances are the bundles may be delayed as well.

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If they're shipping with the games, then chances are the bundles may be delayed as well.

Aw damn it... I've already waited so long for this game, I dun't wanna have to wait anymore. DX

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Yeah, I called the Gamestop in San Antonio where we reserved our copies. They hadn't even been shipped from the manufacturer, apparently. Daily phone calls for us. -_-

I guess that I wouldn't have had much time to play it until the weekend, but still...

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Aw damn it... I've already waited so long for this game, I dun't wanna have to wait anymore. DX

I know the feeling. Believe me. I have been waiting since the game was announced for Japan and unlike some people, I couldn't afford to import a Japanese copy and I can't really read Japanese either. xD

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I hear this happens often for monday releases(just lower profile games). This true?

From what I experienced when I got Pokemon Conquest, GameStop won't sell you a game from Nintendo that comes out on Monday until the following Tuesday. That's what I was told would happen with Fire Emblem: Awakening as well before the street date was lifted.

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I know the feeling. Believe me. I have been waiting since the game was announced for Japan and unlike some people, I couldn't afford to import a Japanese copy and I can't really read Japanese either. xD

Yeah, same here, actually. And I've been waiting for a 3DS FE at all since the system came out.

From what I experienced when I got Pokemon Conquest, GameStop won't sell you a game from Nintendo that comes out on Monday until the following Tuesday. That's what I was told would happen with Fire Emblem: Awakening as well before the street date was lifted.

Seriously? Why the hell do they do this? :/

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, same here, actually. And I've been waiting for a 3DS FE at all since the system came out.

Seriously? Why the hell do they do this? :/

I'm not sure why they do it. I guess they just like to stick to the Nintendo release dates of Sundays and Tuesdays?

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Whelp. There goes the significance of that "deco stickers countdown" thread.

I'm still waiting for the physical cartridge. I wouldn't be able to use my Save Dongle otherwise.

No hearing Olivia's English voice for me until later in the week, I guess.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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