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Clarification on Children

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So one thing I'm not too sure about is the whole children thing:

Do you only get the chance to recruit the children who's mothers you got an S rank convo with? If so, do any of you bother to fully use all female parents to S rank them, or just use a couple? If not, could you explain how exactly the system works?

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OK, so, first, you have to be past Chapter 13 (some kids need to wait a bit later than that, but not much). Then, once you have an S support between a mother and a father, a sidequest should appear on the world map. Enter the sidequest, do whatever you need to do to recruit the child, and once you finish the chapter, they're yours. You can wait as long as you like to recruit them. The only way you can miss recruiting the children is if the mother dies before she receives an S support with someone.

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You recruit one of the children (who is plot relevant) automatically, after Chapter 13, and once it goes the the world map you will probably be given access to a paralogue with Chrom's wife's child. Those kids, you aren't forced to see the S-rank conversation for. For the others, there has to be an S-rank support built.

This doesn't necessarily mean you have to train the mothers, but they have to be fielded, and it's a lot easier if they are paired up, so I recommend you train them alongside their future husbands.

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So do you train/use all the mothers? Cause I'm somewhat on the fence about doing that.

I only used Cordelia (paired with Avatar) and Cherche (mainly for giving Virion S support bonuses) during the entire main story, (Used Sumia a little to give Chrom S support bonuses after pairing her) but I got the other mother's paired during the random battles on the world map solely for the sake of recruiting their children.

On hard most at least, most of the mothers are usable throughout the game, I just personally like to have one team I use for most of the game.

Edited by Zelos
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So do you train/use all the mothers? Cause I'm somewhat on the fence about doing that.

If you want the children to have good starting stats (and inherited skills), it's advisable to train both of their parents: they get the average of their Inherent bases and their parents' current raw (without their Class bases) stats plus their own Class Bases.

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Little note is that if you pair every mother, you can access every child's paralogue from Ch.13, since they all end up connecting with each other. I guess that's one advantage of doing every pairing, but it requires a lot of skirmish use, coming from experience.

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Brady is probably the least useful, coming in as a cleric with D staves midway through the game when finding a staff user is not very difficult. If you have arms scrolls, you'd have to reclass him to cavalier right away and get him some weapon ranks. As for the rest of the kids, the people whose parents you don't use often will end up being mediocre, while overpowered parents will produce uber children who might even have capped stats at their level 10 base.

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