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[FE13] The Great Awakening

Ema Skye

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Kjelle's Paralogue: FREE!

Killed things.

Paralogue 4: FREE!

Killed things.

Chapter 14: 2/55

Shino and Tharja went west. Killed boss on turn two. Other people got some exp elsewhere.

Noire's Paralogue: FREE!

Shino, Tharja, Chrome, and sully were the only one's deployed. Everyone moved up. Tharja killed everything cause I wanted her to get level 15 dark knight. Holed up in the fort there till I killed everything. Noire even picked up a few kills/hits. Tharja then went and finished off the boss.

Yarne's Paralogue: FREE!

Nosferatanked everything basically. Only 5 units deployed. Shino, tharja, Panne, Chrome, and Sully. Panne recruited Yarne then paired up and yarne ran. Chrome paired with sully and sully killed anything that walked towards them. Even managed to get all 4 houses. Also I chose to fight both armies.

Morgan's Paralogue: FREE!

Noire training session. Made her a theif, paired her with Shino, gave her a forged bronze sword. Had her kill things. Morgan got a few kills as well. Noire ended up at like level 13. Got no items.

Promote Noire to trickster GET RESCUE.

Promote Morgan to Sorc even though he already has Tomebreaker from shino. BUT HE ALSO HAS LIFE TAKER WEEEEEEE.

Boo yeah baby. I got rescue.

Noire and Morgan are already stronger than most of my other units. Wtf.

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Chapter 5: 5 turns (total=23)

1. Miriel w/ Chrom takes the bottom left(in Forest), Kellam pairs with MU and MU kills Barbarian, Stahl+Fred Go up and left(equipped with Javelin) to damage enemies(Fred is a little too slow). Maribelle Ricken stay at starting spot(to aggro Dracos)

2. Pair-Up swapping to get Kellam w/Maribelle and Ricken with MU. Chrom Blocks fort, Frederick stays where he is(his lack of speed sort of lost a turn here).

3. Chrom Blocks fort MU moves left Fred moves in range of the top group and Heals with Elixer

4. Reinforcements appear and I'm unable to defeat them all because of the Dracoknights.

5. MU finishes off the two Draco Reinforcements.

Chapter 6. 5 turns (Total=28)

-MU and Frederick takes on the RHS,,

Chrom,Maribelle. Miriel and Stahl take the left, Ricken and Kellam take the middle.

Part way through Frederick drops MU off, MU helps near the middle. The final enemies and Valider are taken on in turn 5. Fred kills Valider on turn 5 with a Killer Lance(Crit).

Chapter 7: 3 turns (Total=31)

Very simple just charged Fred w/ Chrom and MU with Kellam. The rest hung about to make a few kills here and there around the starting area.

Chapter 8: 6 turns (Total=37)

Chrom, Maribelle, Ricken and Kellam stayed near the top, Maribelle used Mend whenever possible for EXP.

Miriel and MU went to the left(Miriel Main unit) and then, south and finally split off with MU heading to boss and Miriel pairing with Gregor(may as well use him while he's free) to handle the Fighter and Dark Mage near the Master seal Village

Frederick and Stahl went down the middle using Pair-up to extend movement on turn 1, Stahl ends up reaching the Master Seal house

Nowi and Gregor hung around the bottom left and then centre to get Nowi some EXP, Gregor like mentioned before ends up helping Miriel handle the enemies near the Master Seal Village.

MU reached level 20 so I had him Reclass to Draco-Knight at the end of the chapter and bought a Bronze Axe for him.

Chapter 9: 5 turns (Total=42)

-Basically rushed the chapter with MU paired with Nowi making sure to kill the Archers on the way, the rest handled the enemies near the start and slowly approached the south(Fred Paired with Ricken was on the left). Kellam didn't end up doing much.

-Libra is recruits himself on turn 4 ally phase(Maribelle carried chrom along the safe path at the wall).

-when near the south MU swaps with Nowi for 2 turns so she can get some EXP, she ends up killing a few enemies(Including Tharja) with the occasional Dual attack from MU.

-On turn 5 player phase Frederick(passed to Maribelle) is swapped with Nowi and MU flies to the Boss, Frederick attacks it wielding the hammer.

Gaiden 2:"9 turns"(free) (Total=42)

-Just getting EXP, Supports etc, had Maribelle and Libra use staves(not including Rescue) whenever possible. Had MU with Nowi fly towards the large groups, Stahl(with Javelin) take on the enemies north of the starting position. Got Stahl-Miriel to S-rank and promoted Miriel to Dark Knight.

Chapter 10: 2 turns (Total=44)

-Maribelle and Libra both get Magic Potions putting Maribelle at 8+2 Mag and Libra at 16+2 Mag for this chapter and each have the Rescue Staff.

1.Frederick Pairs with MU, Miriel Paired with Chrom defeats the Master Seal Thief with Elthunder,Stahl w/Kellam goes toward Bullion Thief w/Killer Edge, Nowi Pairs with Maribelle, Ricken with Libra,, Maribelle moves to the square above the fort and rescues Libra, Libra moves left and slightly up a pathway possible and Rescues MU. MU moves as far towards Boss as possible.

2.Chrom defeats Angel Robe Thief with Killer Edge, Kellam is swapped to to Defeat Bullion(s) thief, MU moves to boss and attacks w/ Bronze Axe and ORKO's the boss.

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Chapter 15: 3 Turns baby 58 total

People went clutch. Took me a few tries to learn how to do it but bam. I don't think it's possible to get any lower than this though.

Chapter 16: 3/61

Rescue Shino up a bit and then he just kinda ran the rest of the way with tharja. Killed boss on turn 3. I also have a slinking suspicion that this might be two-turnable. But not with my current comp.


Reclassed Tharja to Sorc.

Made Lucina a great lord.

Made Kjelle a Great knight.

Gregor to Hero.

This is subject to change. I made a second save file cause I want to test something. If I end up changing this I will just end up going back to the save file which is right after Ch 16 and I'll change these to whatever I actually reclass them to.

Chapter 17: 3/64

YEAH. SUCK ON THAT. I went up the right side. Killed boss with Shino on turn 3.

Chapter 18: 5/69


Chapter 19: 1/70

Noire paired with sully. Sully ran up switch rescue shino and tharja. Shino runs up kills boss on EP1.

Chapter 20: 2/72

Noire paired with sully. Sully ran up rescue shino and tharja who ran forward farther. Next turn Noire ran forward and rescued Shino again for like 2 or 3 steps which allowed Shino to move up to the end of Walmart's range. Killing him on enemy turn

Reclass Morgan to Sage.

Chapter 21: 2/74

Lots of op shit. Shino kills boss on last turn. Didn't get boots or any other items.

Chapter 22: 1/75

Rescue spam Shino and Chrome kill Aversa. I DIDN'T GET VALFLAME I SAD.

Chapter 23: 4/79

People grouped up and killed things. This could defintely be 3 turned if you tried. I was 1 enemy and a half (guy with like 20 hp) short of this being 3 turned. Kind of depressing.

Chapter 24: 3/82

Noire/Shino spamming rescue across the top of the map with levin sword and shino killing things. Morgan with sully paired up took the bottom half. Cleared on EP 3.

Edited by Shinori
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Chapter 25: 2/84

Had multiple people die but multiple rescues got shino up there.

End: 2/86

Noire warps shino up shino runs forward kills a few things. Noire kills the general blocking the path. Shino walks forward gets vengeance proc with low hp. Gets hit by Grima and then vengeance crits him for the kill.

86 turns. And I'm pretty sure this is easily able to be in the low 70's turn wise if you did it Low all the way and had a better team.

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Units! Battles/victories

Chome: 75/35

Is lord. Used early game, paired up with sully part of the time late game, neglected otherwise.

Frederick: 41/26

Used to save turns early. Become abusive thing for +1 move mid to late.

Sully: 156/97 Died D=

Amazing Unit amg. Killed things. Didn't die until I really let her. 9 move when paired with Noire which gave me a 9 move rescue.

Panne: 60/43 Died

Used to save turns early then she kind of fell off. I never changed her class cause I'm bad. She can DEFINITELY be great though. Died on chapter 18.

Gregor: 29/15

You are a worthless piece of crap.

Basilio: 1/1

Yeah pair up with Flavia to kill things late game.

Flavia: 9/5

Yay you kill things.

Lucina: 35/21 Retreated

Killed things saved a few turns. Paired with Kjelle mostly.

Kjelle: 11/5 Died

Promoted to great knight for +1 move. Helped with rescue and mostly used with Lucina though. Decent overall.

Morgan: 87/70 Died

Amazing unit. Right there with Shino. Killed tons of things, had survivability. Did not regret picking,


Noire 91/39

AMG TRICKSTER RESCUE THAT NEVER DIED. WHAT THE FUCK. Strong defense had good magic for my one levin sword which was used in 24 and onwards. and had decent str for most other things. op.

Shino(avatar): 280/261

Easy MVP. Killed anything and everything. 1RKO or 2HKO every boss in game. Sometimes even 1HKO. Pretty amazing.

Tharja: 125/90

Almost regretted picking her. She wasn't as good as my first tharja but she did what she needed to. Paired up with shino had kids and kids overtook her. Then she just did what shino told her to do and helped him.

Maybe I'll give you stats later. Idk.

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Chapter 8 - 4/30 turns

sumia + fred got rescued ahead by lissa, while gaius and virion handled some of the initial enemies.

sumia got the second seal on turn 3, and killed the boss on turn 4, while avatar and chrom were able to reach the master seal with the help of rescue on turn 4 as well.

Gregor got the other village.

also did paralogue 3 apparently

Chapter 9 - 3/33 turns

Sumia and Fred went to the boss


Chapter 10 - 2/35 turns

Sumia promoted to FalconKnight

Lissa and Sumia rescuechained Frederick to the boss and he KE'd him.

Chapter 11 - 3/38 turns

Stupid thief ruins life and i was too lazy to reset.

UNIT         CLASS               LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS  WEPON                   SUPPORT
CHROM        LORD                12.88 29 15 02 17 15 13 13 03  B SWORD                 S ANNIKA
ANNIKA       DARK FLIER    20/10/01.00 44 14 20 20 32 18 15 16  B TOME D SWORD          S CHROM C VIRION
FREDERICK    GREAT KNIGHT     ??/11.56 40 18 06 16 15 09 23 03  A LANCE A AXE B SWORD   S SUMIA
LISSA        CLERIC              11.92 23 06 11 07 07 14 04 11  C STAFF                 C VIRION
VIRION       ARCHER              09.80 24 11 02 13 09 10 10 04  C BOW                   C LISSA
SUMIA        FALCONKNIGHT     19/03.89 37 17 11 31 27 21 15 17  A LANCE E STAFF         S FREDERICK
DONNEL       VILLAGER            03.35 18 06 00 03 05 13 03 01  E LANCE
GAIUS        THIEF               09.77 25 07 03 17 17 07 05 03  C SWORD
OLIVIA       DANCER              01.51 18 03 01 08 09 05 03 02  D SWORD

Chapter 12 - 2/40 turns

Frederick and Sumia killed the left side, then went up to kill some other dudes, while Annika and Chrom went straight up the middle and wrecked everything, killing the boss on turn 2. Chrom had his rapier equipped to kill the paladin's that mu didn't orko.

Chapter 13 - 1/41 turns

promoted a bunch of dudes

like everyone because i have like 35000g and might as well

Chapter 14 - 1/42 turns


got the buillon i guess

Chapter 15 - 2/44 turns

Lissa rescued Say'ri, and stuff

Cherche went left, and Sumia Frederick Annika and Chrom killed stuff in the middle

UNIT         CLASS                 LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS  WEPON                   SUPPORT
CHROM        GRATE LORD         14/03.83 38 20 02 23 18 16 18 08  A SWORD E LANCE         S ANNIKA C LUCINA C MORGAN
ANNIKA       DARK FLIER      19/10/10.73 50 19 25 22 40 22 19 18  A TOME D LANCE          S CHROM C VIRION C LUCINA C MORGAN
FREDERICK    GRIFFON KNIGHT  ??/11/03.05 38 18 07 21 20 11 19 07  A AXE                   S SUMIA
LISSA        SAGE               14/05.45 31 08 20 13 15 19 07 14  B STAFF E TOME          B VIRION
VIRION       BOWKNIGHT          10/02.28 32 16 03 16 15 12 12 07  B BOW D SWORD           B LISSA C ANNIKA
SUMIA        FALCONKNIGHT       19/08.86 39 19 14 33 31 24 16 21  A LANCE E STAFF         S FREDERICK
DONNEL       VILLAGER              03.35 18 06 00 03 05 13 03 01  E LANCE
GAIUS        TRICKSTER          10/01.62 29 09 07 21 21 07 06 08  C SWORD E STAFF         B CHERCHE
OLIVIA       DANCER                04.23 21 03 01 11 11 05 05 02  D SWORD
CHERCHE      GRIFFON KNIGHT     13/03.77 37 19 01 18 18 12 18 05  C AXE                   B GAIUS
LUCINA       GRATE LORD         15/01.78 41 18 08 23 28 20 18 12  C SWORD                 B MORGAN C CHROM C ANNIKA
MORGAN       GRANDMASTER        12/02.99 38 17 18 20 23 15 16 14  C TOME C SWORD          B LUCINA C CHROM C ANNIKA

Chpter 16 - 2/46 turns

almost had enough rescue range for 1 turn but fell just short.

can't wait till mu can rescue

Chapter 17 - 2/48 turns

should have had galeforce earlier.

Chapter 18 - 1/49 turns

Have galeforce now

mu owned yen'fay

Chapter 19 - 1/50 turns

you don't even have to try to one turn this one

Chapter 20 - 1/51 turns

Galeforce or rescue should be limited man

MU just trucked a dude, rescued Lissa, who rescued sumia who rescued olivia who danced mu who danced im so confused

it was just a lot of galeforce and rescue

Chapter 21 - 1/52 turns

Rescued and killed the boss

my notes say i did Jerome's gaiden somewhere between 20 and 23 and i wasn't sure if i was allowed to do tikis so i didnt

Chapter 22 - 1/53 turns

too lazy to get any of the wepons

Chapter 23 - 3/56 turns

Cherche Sumia Lucina Morgan and Frederick wrecked dudes

Lissa rescued Chrom and annika down after to help out.

Chapter 24 - 2/58 turns

MU more or less blew up the whole map. Morgan helped a bit too.

As did Sumia Fred, and the gang

Chapter 25 - 1/59 turns

rescue chain

Grima - 1/60 turn

Chrom wrecked Grima

Stats after i eat.

Edited by General Horace
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Gaiden 3:20 turns(free)

-Just getting EXP, Supports and weapon rank for MU had Maribelle and Libra use staves(not including Rescue) whenever possible, after dealing with all enemies but the boss and an Armoured Knight I trapped the Javelin Armoured Knight so he attacked unequipped Ricken and Maribelle healed him each turn. Put Chrom!Frederick Unequipped at the bridge to block the Boss, Libra healed them as they took damage. Killed the Knight and Boss on turn 20 to end the chapter.

Chapter 11: 3 turns

Maribelle+Ricken Rescue MU+Nowi and MU equipped with Hand Axes just flies in range of enemies near Gangrel. Miriel and Libra to the right to take care of the Mages, Stahl+ Kellam hang near the top and take the kill of the Master Seal Hero(damages by MU).

Chrom+ Frederick just kill a couple enemies on the LHS.

Chapter 12: 2 turns

-Mu gets Dracoshield and STR/DEF Potions

-Miriel gets Spirit Dust and MAG/SPD/DEF Potions

-Nowi gets a STR Potion

-Stahl Promoted to Paladin

1.Frederick kills and AK(drops Beastslayer), Chrom(Kellam paired) trades with Frederick to give him the Beastslayer and kills the Knight with a Rapier. Maribelle moves north Rescue Staves MU, MU(equipped with 4 Handaxes and a Master Seal) MU flies next to an Armoured Knight just before the gap between the port and the boat. Mirel w/Stahl moves to the left and attacks the Paladin. Serge gives Libra a Hammer and then Libra w/Ricken moves to the right just in range of the AK's and Rescues Maribelle to a safe spot just below him.

2.MU moves to the boat next to the Boss and Promoted to Griffon.

The rest of the characters clean up the remaining enemies(Miriel moves in range of the remaining Cavaliers on the left), Fred kills the AK and Chrom moves in range of a remaining Cavalier on the port. MU defeats all of the enemies on the Boat on the Enemy Phase.

Chapter 13: 1 turn

-Rescue chained MU and he kills the boss.

Gaiden 4: 16/Free

Very similar to Gaiden 3 just got a load of EXP, WEXP,Support etc.

-MU reaches S-rank with Nowi

-Frederick is re-classed to Dracomaster

-Maribelle reaches level 20 and promoted to Valkyrie

-Ricken Promoted to Sage

Chapter 14: 1 turn

-Got the Bullion with Miriel killing an AK with a key, Ricken Rescue Staffing Stahl and Stahl moving to trade with Miriel adjacent with the Chest.

-Frederick Flies over to the bosses boat swaps to chrom and kills the Mage, MU just flies over and kills the boss.

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