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Awww man... How fast do you guys powerlevel?


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Now I'm discouraged. I was only able to keep my title of "Walking Death" for one day. And then someone caught up.

I want to beat Lunatic Classic and then make my team on Lunatic+ Classic now.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Hot damn. That team was impressive. I especially like the battle with the Avatar and Chrom.

Someone had to take you off your high horse eventually, Rey. Even if you won.

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I had a fully maxed out MU!Sorc!Severa with forged Aversa's Night before the game came out because Canadaland, sadly either no one has been crushed beneath her heels, or they just haven't reciprocated streetpass.

Yes I know a single maxed character is whatever, but I was hoping to noobtrap someone ;-;

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I will fight tha Powah.

But in all seriousness, FeMU!Assassin!Sniper! Avatar.


It's against our rules to double post, so please don't.


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