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Best Defensive Character?


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While I know that Fire Emblem is very much a game of counters and strategy, I'm hoping to make an extremely defensive character. I'm just wanting input on what everyone might think the ultimate defensive character to be, assuming it's your main character and can have all the abilities available to him/her.

I'm personally thinking of going with the following;

Aegis - Halves damage from bows, tomes, and dragonstones - Based on skill

Pavis - Halves damage from swords, axes, lances, and beaststones - Based on skill

Sol - Heal hp equal to half damage dealt - Based on skill

Renewal - Heal 30% hp each turn - Passive, and omg amazing


As you can see, I'm not sure what to go with for the last ability. Also not sure on class/weapon would be best. General has amazing def, but armorslayers/hammers/etc almost make the class vulnerable. And skill is obviously very important to the ablities listed, so the class would need a higher skill cap.

Tl:dr - What's your perfect defensive unit?

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For the perfect defensive defensive unit I would advise going in th opposite direction. I have the same exact idea but I realized that aegis and pavise are complete over kill if you have a + defense! General mu with Luna, Astra,sol, life force, nd gale force for females or wrath for males.

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It's a skill, now called Rightful King I assume. I see that you're new here...

Ah, I see. And yes, I am, is everyone supposed to know translated Japanese skill names? I think I'll just remember the actual ones. Anyway, it's kind of a moot point, since your avatar can't become a great lord and I'm pretty sure there's no lord that can learn the other skills listed. UNless I'm wrong? I am new after all.

Edit - Ah thank you Randa for your input. Just wondering, can sol/luna proc on every hit of astra? If so I can see why you'd choose those.

Edited by Rhynox
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Honestly never found interest in skill sets like those, always seemed to defensive while lacking a skill that makes it hard to kill back, but I might try it on some non-armored unit sometimes.

Anyways, this is MY best (soon to be) defensive character:

Paladin Ephraim:

Weapon: Brave Lance. (Forged and named Siegmund)

Skills: Conquest, Res. +10, Limit Breaker, Luna, and Renewal.

I recommend reclassing into a Tactician first before doing it so you get Veteran and get EXP more quickly, but yeah buying Ephraim Day 1 and this is the main reason.

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Well for the record any unit should have limit breaker but who knows how long we'll have to wait to get that DLC same issue with the demon fighter so what would you use in the mean time,

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I hear the Kellam!Nah Morgan (Def+ Avatar)being thrown about for defensive characters, because she has the highest defensive caps in the game. She ends up with a +11 modifer to her defense, and as a General her Defense caps out at 61 without Limit Breaker

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That's actually what I'm working on right now but it's taking for ever to get Astra. So I'm gonna wait until I get Astra on mu pass that on so her inherited skills are Luna and Astra.

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I hear the Kellam!Nah Morgan (Def+ Avatar)being thrown about for defensive characters, because she has the highest defensive caps in the game. She ends up with a +11 modifer to her defense, and as a General her Defense caps out at 61 without Limit Breaker

Dragon slaying weapons seem like they will be a small issue with that, and especially with armor weaknesses it might suck for Morgan. Then again 61 defense is 61 defense and with Limit Breaker Oh Lord that's bulky.

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Dragon slaying weapons only efect her as a manakete and axe breaker makes the matter of hammers irrelevant cause they'll never hit. Unless you give mu - speed.

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I suppose if you see Armourslayers you keep em away, or stack on more Defense with Rallies, a General A Rank paired up (You could chuck Nah here) and a Helswath, that's another...10 Def for Rallies, 10 Def from General pair up (5 from class, 2 from A support, 3 from stats) and Helswath is another 5.\

So that brings up base 61 to 86, before limit breaker XD

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You forgot the tonics tiki tear and Kris's confect for another 6 defense and you can add defense + 2 for the most invincible thing in the game.

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Dragon slaying weapons only effect her as a manakete and axe breaker makes the matter of hammers irrelevant cause they'll never hit. Unless you give mu - speed.


eat super effective damage from wyrmslayers all day every day

(hey what Lucina member tag? cool)

Edited by shadykid
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Hands down Kellam!Nah!Morgan

Throw in Tome,Axe,and Swordbreaker, and she won't ever get hit by the weapons that are effective on her, and she's a brick afterwards.

With Pair Up (Pair her with her Mother with A support), and Rallies, she's invincible save for Lethality.

Yes, I'm referring to Strongest One, BTW. (Anna: Aether->No Damage->No Damage)

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If you think about it she can actually join with completely maxed stats, so if we promote her to a general soon as possible cause I think she'll join as a manakete so it will take a while for her to promote from knight but anyways she'll get that bizarre class change of double digit upgrades in every stat meaning she could do this almost immediately after joining. How broken can you get.

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Mine will be:

Cordelia (Supported by a sorcerer with an S rank Support and max mag/luck/def/res)

Dark Flyer (Due to having mobility, tomes, and lances)

Gale Force





Refresh is for passive healing

Sol is awesome for enemy-turn healing

Galeforce and Lifetaker work together, healing 50% x 2 of her health each turn at best.

Armsthrift ensures that the weapons won't run out.

And of course I'll run it with the Aversa's Night tome for even more healing. 10 uses means nothing when there is an 94% chance of the weapon not being used.

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I hear the Kellam!Nah Morgan (Def+ Avatar)being thrown about for defensive characters, because she has the highest defensive caps in the game. She ends up with a +11 modifer to her defense, and as a General her Defense caps out at 61 without Limit Breaker

Defensively speaking it's actually better to keep Morgan as a Manakete. You gain +5 on your res Cap and the 10 you lose on the def cap is negated by equipping a True Dragonstone. For comparison

Morgan Kellem!Nah General Caps

Morgan (F) 80 52 31 42 32 44 61 40

Morgan Kellem!Nah Manakete Caps

Morgan (F) 80 42 36 36 32 44 51 45

True Dragon Stone: Str +11, Mag +6, Skl +5, Spd +4, Def +13, Res +9

You end up gaining 1 mov, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 4 Spd, 3 Def, 14 res, and a nullification of Armorslayer type weapons in return for losing one point in Skill and few points in Weapon Might. Morgan suffers the dragon bonus regardless of class so that's irrelevant.

Edited by Darth_Lavos
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But that's just solved by a more effective sword breaker thanks to an extra three avoid so she still wrecks the game.

True Dragonstone's +4 Speed ends up giving Manakete + 6 avoid though.


(32Speed * 3 + 44 luck)/2 = 140/2 = 70


(36Speed * 3 + 44 luck)/2 = 152/2 = 76

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Defensively speaking it's actually better to keep Morgan as a Manakete. You gain +5 on your res Cap and the 10 you lose on the def cap is negated by equipping a True Dragonstone. For comparison

Morgan Kellem!Nah General Caps

Morgan (F) 80 52 31 42 32 44 61 40

Morgan Kellem!Nah Manakete Caps

Morgan (F) 80 42 36 36 32 44 51 45

True Dragon Stone: Str +11, Mag +6, Skl +5, Spd +4, Def +13, Res +9

You end up gaining 1 mov, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 4 Spd, 3 Def, 14 res, and a nullification of Armorslayer type weapons in return for losing one point in Skill and few points in Weapon Might. Morgan suffers the dragon bonus regardless of class so that's irrelevant.

If you're looking at DEF alone, General is better due to Helswath access.

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I think Support Block+ is the best skill when it comes to defense. Marriage/S-rank Support and Support Block+ is 20% Support Block before the defense stats are taken into account, even 40 DEF/RES on both characters already puts it up to 40% chance to prevent any attack, it can go on the supporting characters skill set and you've still got all 5 skill slots available for the Main unit.

I think the solution is to build a really good supporting character, e.g. Lucina with Maribelle as a Mother as a Paladin:


-Support Boost+

-Support Block+


-Dual Strike+

Then have a male unit with an S-rank with Lucina as a Sorcerer with Nosferatu or Aversa's Darkness.






Edited by arvilino
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