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How should I train units


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I'm only playing hard mode, but it's still aggravating. I probably should have chosen casual mode instead of classic.

I keep losing and I can't train my units. You'd think that with the traversable map you'd be able to train easily, but no. The Risen don't help at all, because they all chase you at the start and can easily double on units. Does the Risen get any easier in the later chapters? Are there also arenas in the game?

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Pair up is such a broken feature...

Get some S Supports (Since it increases the dual strike odds) and Pair up those people together and your are set for lategame...

If your still stuck in Ch. 4, Have a few units to the left and right and have a unit in the center incase chip damage is needed. As for Marth, Just bait him with Krom and once enough damage is done, have everybody kill him...

Edited by Peppy
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Whoops, I meant chapter five. Chapter 4 wasn't all that hard. Thanks for the tips. I've spent an hour beating chapter five.

I don't like the Pair Up feature at all. How do you know who will become the lead character in the pair? It pisses me off because if you screw up while pairing up, you could lose.

Edited by Taser9090
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Whoops, I meant chapter five. Chapter 4 wasn't all that hard. Thanks for the tips. I've spent an hour beating chapter five.

I don't like the Pair Up feature at all. How do you know who will become the lead character in the pair? It pisses me off because if you screw up while pairing up, you could lose.

Chapter 5, well, the most difficult part is to keep Ricken and Mariabell safe. And you will need Pair Up for that. I supposed you have to get used to this game's user interface, even though it doesn't feel like traditional FE at first.

General tips: This early in the game, Frederick + Kellam is still a good pair for defense. Use them. Also, you'll need a flier to carry Ricken and Mariabell back to the ground below. Or if you have Rescue, use it to teleport both units after having them Pair Up. And remember to block the reinforcement points.

And if you don't mind grinding, since this is already chapter 5 and you can access the communication menu, summon SpotPass teams and fight with them however many times you want.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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I don't like the Pair Up feature at all. How do you know who will become the lead character in the pair? It pisses me off because if you screw up while pairing up, you could lose.

The character who initiates their Pair Up becomes the support character, while the other becomes the main. And you can switch them anytime.

If it's not working for you, get better at using it. You won't complete the game without learning to effectively use it.

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Thanks for the tips guys. I know how useful the Pair Up feature is, but it was annoying because I didn't know who supports who.

The game was just pissing me off so I decided to delete my data. Instead of Classic Hard mode, I made it into Casual Lunatic mode. It's much more fun, and I wasn't that far in the game anyway.

I don't know anything about SpotPass teams, so I'll check that out right now. Level grinding is the reason for the traversable maps :p

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