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Henry weirds me out.

Gold Vanguard

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How can he expect us to kill the monsters... when they are ALREADY DEAD?

Hah, he was one of my favorite characters even in the Japanese version, and I'm liking him more and more with every line.

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The disarming pun was one of the most hilarious puns I've seen Henry utter. I didn't know he pulled all of those crazy puns right off the bat until I got him and never regret using him. His voice actor did a really good job making him sound adorably insane.

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Henry's favourite method of disarming his foes is to remove their arms. Never forget that.

I am certified in love with Henry though. He's so deranged but he's so cute about it.

The only thing I don't like about Henry is that all of the characters in FEs tend to be fairly one-dimensional (which is okay, the cast is huge, multifaceting doesn't work). It should be simple to keep them straight on their one dimension.

So why does he alternately seem to like receiving pain (battle quotes), like being injured but doesn't like pain which is okay because he apparently has no nerve endings (supports), fears the pain of dying (supports) and welcomes death (supports).

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