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Hi there, I have just recently taken up spriting as a hobby. I really love Fire Emblem and its characters and wanted to create some of my own that I have thought up.


This is Durand. He is a Lord type character, and the first splice I have had anything resembling success. I really appreciate any feedback and critique as I am certain that there are many areas that I can improve.

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A decent effort for your first splice here!

There's a few things you can improve, but I'll point out the big ones first.

1. This is a guy, right? You may want to splice on a bigger nose for the poor fella. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but it looks really tiny, like it belongs to a child.

2. The shading on his neck, just below his ear, is all done wrong. Take a look at some of the existing FE sprites to see how they handle it.

3. I have this feeling that you took some colours from an FE6 sprite? Try to avoid using those if you can; they're a lot less attractive than FE7 colours.

4. Speaking of colours, the 3rd shade of red on the guy's cape is darker than the outline, probably because it's from an FE8 sprite. FE8 colours and FE7 don't mix very well since the former is much more saturated than the latter; pick one, and stick with it.

5. The left (our point-of-view (OPV)) bit of hair is stick out too much. Since his head is slightly turned, and there's more of the right side OPV showing there needs to be a little less of it.

6. Also his neck is very thin for someone of his build.

Edited by Agro
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Thanks for the feedback.

I hadn't really thought about the fact that I had mixed colors between the games. I will definitely look into fixing that.

As far as point 6 goes, I would actually rather narrow his build than thicken his neck. Do you have any pointers as to how I could go about that. Or should I just create a new body rather than editing the old one?

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A decent effort for your first splice here!

There's a few things you can improve, but I'll point out the big ones first.

1. This is a guy, right? You may want to splice on a bigger nose for the poor fella. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but it looks really tiny, like it belongs to a child.

2. The shading on his neck, just below his ear, is all done wrong. Take a look at some of the existing FE sprites to see how they handle it.

3. I have this feeling that you took some colours from an FE6 sprite? Try to avoid using those if you can; they're a lot less attractive than FE7 colours.

4. Speaking of colours, the 3rd shade of red on the guy's cape is darker than the outline, probably because it's from an FE8 sprite. FE8 colours and FE7 don't mix very well since the former is much more saturated than the latter; pick one, and stick with it.

5. The left (our point-of-view (OPV)) bit of hair is stick out too much. Since his head is slightly turned, and there's more of the right side OPV showing there needs to be a little less of it.

6. Also his neck is very thin for someone of his build.

Updated the sprite using these as a guideline. I also did a minor color change with the trim. I hope it's a step in the right direction.


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You seem like a rather prospective newcomer.


RED - Lots of pillowing going on in the armor section down here.

ORANGE - I'm not sure what's going on with that ear. It's more like a blob with a squiggly in it.

YELLOW - His neck is literally being cut off by the scarf.

GREEN - This area is really messy. I'm not sure what is going on, but there's an awful lot of border color trying to compensate for shape.

LT BLUE - Extreme eyeshadow and detached eyebrow.

BLUE - Again, not sure what's going on with the shading on this sprig.

PURPLE - Pillowing and strangeness. I'm fairly certain the side of my jaw isn't squiggly.

MAGENTA - The cloth is just kind of flat and liquid rather than having form and folds. I'm not altogether sure that border color bit is entirely necessary, considering the extremely desaturated/lightened palette.

OTHER - Lots of palette issues. It looks like you really washed out the colors with DeSat/Lighten. Also, you've somewhere near 26/27 colors. A lot of them are repeats that're barely off from each other. Trim needs more contrast.

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