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Concerning Lunatic Mode


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Hi there. I beat normal mode last night. Have to say this is a fantastic game. Anyway, I beat FE12 on Lunatic and would like to try that on here. A few things though.

1. So for most units, you promote or reclass as soon as you are able to? The exceptions would be for getting the promoted skills at level 15... Do I have that right?

2. Why do a lot of people suggest Chrom/Olivia?

3. Are there any specific pairings that are recommended for Lunatic Mode?

4. Is it worth it to buy the DLC in the store right now? I am referring to the Roy one.

5. The only way male units will get galeforce is to have it passed to them from their mother?

6. Is Donnel trainable on this difficulty? I didn't bother with him on normal mode, but the skill which add +20% to everything looks good in retrospect.

7. Any other suggestions/recommendations?

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5. The only way male units will get galeforce is to have it passed to them from their mother?

Haven't started my Lunatic yet, but yes the only way for male units to get Galeforce is through their mother. Pegasus Knight, and therefore Dark Flier, is a female only class.

Some random Spotpass units may have it though, I believe Spotpass Jaffar does.

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1. Reclass asap, it increases EXP gain and gives you access to more skills sooner. Promoting has tradeoffs, reduced EXP gain will lower your stats in the long run but give you access to skills quicker.

2. It gives Lucina the best caps, it's not that good for an actual playthrough because it makes Lucina's bases shit

3. I like Lon'qu/Panne

4. Buying the DLC makes the game too easy

5. Yes

6. Probably but his class set is really bad

7. This game is really easy to break which makes it easier compared to FE12's Lunatic after the first few chapters, whereas I would argue FE12's Lunatic gets harder because variance in your stats and units you're using makes you rely less on a pattern of movements that always works (like you use in most Prologue chapters), so you have to think on your feet.

Edited by Paperblade
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1. It's complicated. Reclassing into a promoted class will lower Exp gain, but reclassing into an unpromoted class increases gains. So you want to reclass unpromoted units as fast as you can, but it can make sense to hold off on reclassing promoted units if you're not in a rush. Of course, reclassing a promoted unit into an unpromoted class will really increase Exp gains, but that's pretty much always a very bad idea because of the lost stats, which you're especially unable to afford here.

4. Replaying them is cheap, but they can be nice as added sidequests if you limit yourself to one completion of each ingame. I do recommend buying the full set for the reduced price while you can just because it's a great deal and the DLC is all pretty awesome, especially for postgame messing around. You're not going to be geting any use out of Roy in Lunatic, though; by the time you can feasibly beat his chapter, you should have Gregor, who's just better.

6. Probably possible but don't expect him to actually benefit you in any way.

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