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This game can be downright evil. T_T


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I feel like such a failure. Here are all the veteran FE players going after hard mode and lunatic, meanwhile I have spent almost all of the day level grinding JUST to stand a chance against Chapter 11. (And even then, I had a hard time.)

Maybe my characters got RNG -screwed? Or maybe I should have promoted everyone already. ;>>

Or maybe it's the fact that most of my characters don't know how to dodge attacks.

Most likely I'm just fail though.

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You're implying you're in normal mode right?

I could help you with chapter 11, if I can remember what it was again.


Okay the part where you fight the Mad King.

Just take it easy there. You don't need to rush for chests that fast. Just do the lure finish bait strategy with a split force if equal strong units with supports.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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I do usually take it slow and easy, using Kelliam as bait (or my avatar for the mages.) it was mainly all the flippin' mages screwing me over. All of them all condensed into that one area. No matter what tactic I used, their sheer number and my units' lack of resistance screwed me over each time. Even after using ward and resistance tonics. <<

I've been playing in casual mode (for the mid-battle saves) but resetting every time a character dies (like I'm in classic, lol) So you have no idea how many resets this chapter has forced on me today.

So now I'm staring at chapter 12 and...not feeling comfortable, LOL.

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Gangrel's chapters is one of the toughest, if only because Gangrel is fast and he brings in a lot of reinforcements in a map with tons of wide-open space. 12 is also quite intimidating as one of the first maps where you face a heavy amount of cavalry, but the game is going to get a little easier from there as you head into maps with more choke points.

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Ch11 is an interesting example of a map where there's such a thing as moving too slow: if you don't kill the enemies fast enough, they can overwhelm you. It's something you're going to want to keep in mind for the upcoming chapters, as well.

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Hmm. It wasn't chapter 11 that gave me a hard time, it was chapters 12 and 13 that did. Chapter 11 was fairly easy as long as you get people to come to you and I'd suggest using Anna since she usually has the best luck out of anyone in your army.

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You should try class swapping MU.

I haven't done so yet because I liked the class I was, but now that I have enough second seals to change a few people around, I think I will. Myrmidon->Swordmaster for Sword Expert (or whatever it's called.) then maybe switch to assassin or back to grandmaster.

Gangrel's chapters is one of the toughest, if only because Gangrel is fast and he brings in a lot of reinforcements in a map with tons of wide-open space. 12 is also quite intimidating as one of the first maps where you face a heavy amount of cavalry, but the game is going to get a little easier from there as you head into maps with more choke points.

Good to know that things get easier....eventually. >>

Ch11 is an interesting example of a map where there's such a thing as moving too slow: if you don't kill the enemies fast enough, they can overwhelm you. It's something you're going to want to keep in mind for the upcoming chapters, as well.

...Definitely noted.

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I would promote any units above level 15. For this chapter, the only annoying thing was the dancer being killed by the fighter and wyvern reinforcement. So, I had her paired up with Vaike so SHE WOULD STOP DYING SO MANY RESETS.

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For this chapter, the first thing I did was make Gangrel's range distinguished from everyone else's. Then simply you separate your army, send your high resistance units right, and physical units left. I have one question though, why the f*** were their chests littered across the battlefield?

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I didn't find the chapter that hard.. Some tactic I used was to go as far to the right as possible (two main groups you will face are on the left and right, go down the middle, they will collide with you) and the reinforcements are from the north- some time to deal with them. Gangrel was a bit hard though, I did something rather stupid and ended up with a dead Libera on my hands. but stick to the right, and watch out for Gangrel and reinforcements. Use someone with high resistance to kill him.

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I married my main squad and I always keep 'em paired up. Also Kellam isn't the best choice for this chapter, use your mounted units, if you trained them. Anna will help a lot with staves, high movement, and great avoid. Mages will murder those Wyverns if you leveled them. Other than that good luck. I am playing hard classic and I am loving it.

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Since I suppose this fits under the "This game can be downright evil T.T" topic, I'm having troubles with Paralogue 6 of this game. >.< Lucina keeps getting slaughtered by an assassin and Vaike got killed by Griffon Riders and Dark Fliers. >.< I think I need to devise a new strategy for this paralogue...

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I just focus on my final battle units and leave the others to rot, so the units I do use are strong :D . If you're worried about getting all the children, you can just form relationships using the DLC chapter (that's what I did. Hehe). Also, pair up! Pairing up helps a load.

Edit: I don't really remember everything I did for the Gangrel chapter, but what I do remember is:

- sent paired up Tharja/Libra to the left (Tharja main),

- MU/Lon'qu pairing to the right

- Anna/Kellam pairing straight down the middle

Nobody was re-classed

Edited by Lauren
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