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Ending Dialogue


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So I just completed the game after screwing around for way too long and I'm a tad curious.

You know in the sacrifice ending? When everybody is talking about they're going to find you or that they're sure you'll come back?

Does that dialogue change depending on whether or not you've married any given character? Because while what Tharja said was appropriately sad and caring, in a Tharja-esque manner, other characters like Nowi and Severa seemed about ready to kill themselves in grief, almost like I'd married them instead. It's hard to imagine how someone would alter that dialogue to be more romantic/heartfelt.

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Certain characters definitely seem more emotional about it than others.

As a comparison, I'd married Ricken and his line was something along the lines of "Come back, you're too important to me!" ; if that doesn't sound familiar to you, then there you go.

Edited by Garlyle
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Well, I know that some characters dialogue doesn't seem to change. I mean, Tharja's doesn't seem to and neither does Olivia's from what I can tell. I don't know. Maybe it varies for some characters but not for others?

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That's not what I meant by familiar.

Though yes. Yes he is.

Actually, do you remember what any of the other male characters said? Because I now have a sneaking suspicion that a Male and Female Avatar get different dialogue at the end from characters of the opposite gender, but it doesn't change regardles of if they married any given character or not. Just a guess.

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Actually, do you remember what any of the other male characters said? Because I now have a sneaking suspicion that a Male and Female Avatar get different dialogue at the end from characters of the opposite gender, but it doesn't change regardles of if they married any given character or not. Just a guess.

Well, since the dialogue at Pegasus Knight has "Watashi" for the dialogue if you chose Chrom to finish Gimle/Grima...

And I see the character dialogues are the same as my "Boku" MU... I'm taking a guess that shoots down your theory a bit.

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Actually, do you remember what any of the other male characters said? Because I now have a sneaking suspicion that a Male and Female Avatar get different dialogue at the end from characters of the opposite gender, but it doesn't change regardles of if they married any given character or not. Just a guess.

Not off the top of my head and rebeating the final chapter again would take the small RNG miracle I used in the first place (Vengeance + crit actually managing to 1HKO the final boss). Otherwise I'd write a full list out. Sorry D:

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Well, since the dialogue at Pegasus Knight has "Watashi" for the dialogue if you chose Chrom to finish Gimle/Grima...

And I see the character dialogues are the same as my "Boku" MU... I'm taking a guess that shoots down your theory a bit.

Seems odd then, given that all the guys were pretty much 'Yeah, we'll find you again, stay chill till then bro', while most of the girls seemed far more... upset about it. Maybe if I read the subtext of what everybody was saying differently that'd seem different.

At the very least, I don't recall Ricken being as emphatic about it as Garlyle said. He said something about believing that I'd come back because Chrom did, then something else that I can't quite recall. And if marriage doesn't change the ending dialogue, then one of us is remembering things wrong. Probably me.

Edited by Onestep
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I compared Rey's video to mine, particularly Cherche's line since I was married to her. They're exactly the same. So I assume the "farewell" lines are the same regardless.

I think the only lines that change depending on marriage is when MU is pulled into the Void at the beginning of the final chapter.

As for your next theory, I'm actually doing my 2nd playthrough as female, so I can give a definite answer once I finish endgame.

Edited by HeroMystic
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