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Problem with FE8 dancer map sprite


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Hi, so im having this problem with the fe8 dancer map sprite. I've imported the map sprite and its animation, and the standing map sprite is fine but when I hover over it this happens


when actually moving across the map it moves fine though.

I've inserted it into free space at DA0000 and tried reinserting it in different places and ripping the sprites again but the problem still occurs. I've imported other map sprites from FE8 which work fine.

So far with my rom, i've used to feditor to change some classes and a hex editor to add tilesets. Does anyone know what the problem is?

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You need to make the map sprite slices workable.

For one thing, FE6 and FE8's Dancer map sprites have different "slice points" compared to Ninian on the dancing portions:


You will have to get creative with your image editing here via a grid.

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So I've got this far, and it works apart from the part in the sheet which is still ninian. that bit is her map animation for dancing.

I can't figure out how to break down tethys map animation for dancicng as on her sheet its smaller that ninian's is.


any advice?

Full tethys sheet if needed


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I have never actually done this. I had no reason to.

Sorry. You're seriously on your own >_>;

You're just gonna have to mess with it and fix as necessary after testing.

You could also try messing with the animation data and importing it into FE7 via the map sprite pointers... but I have absolutely ZERO experience with that.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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