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Avatar Boss Skill Sets


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So I was foolin around, wasting second seals and started thinkin about some skill set ups. One of my favorite so far is this uber tank build.

Avatar (obviously)

Ending Class - Hero/General

Pavise/Sol (General 15/Hero 5)

Life Taker (Dark Knight 15)

Renewal/Miracle* (War Monk/Cleric 15/Priest 1) *much thanks to shadowofchaos*

Lance/Axe-faire (Falcon Knight/Berserker 15)

Aegis (Paladin 15)

Pretty much you are a standing wall of death that can put out damage as much as you can take in. My personal ending class is Hero because I the 5 towards skill stat for more possible chances to pop things. However the General does have 10 more in def so if you need a TRUE wall, I'd say thats the way to go. Pavise and Aegis are there to knock everything out of your face but if using a general or even the hero, can be swaped with Sol to get another healing aspect. Life taker puts itself out there for a wall. Works great if you want them to tank a large group that are going to attack in enemy turn. Renewal is just a safety net and could be replaced with a damage skill if you wanted. Or as pointed out by shadowofchaos, could be replaced with Miracle just in case some craziness happens. Lance/Axefaire takes care of the main weapons of both classes and add a little umph for offensive power.

Offensive Killer


Ending Class - Assassin/Swordmaster

Luna (Great Knight 5)

Astra (Swordsmaster 5)

Swordfaire (Swordsmaster 15)

Lethality (Assassin 5)

Sol/Gale Force (Hero 5/Dark Flier 15)

This has been semi broken for me (maybe good luck?) but then again I'm not on hard. Luna/Sol mix is a REALLY great one if you get both to proc. Lethality is a personal favorite since my luck has been wonderous. It could also be replaced with Gamble for crit, Ignis for bonus Str, or even a movement add like the +1 or Deliverer if you pair them. Gale Force for the ladies can help with taking out two units in a turn or running out to safety as precaution or just to get a quick heal. Add Astra, which only uses ONE durability, adds 5 chances to proc a crit, luna, sol, or lethality which is AMAZING.

Ive been tryin to think what I could do with other units try to make the best I can with them too. But since avatar has everything, figure it would be easier to start off with. Also I REALLY and HIGHLY recommend pairing for this! For the respective builds, any added Skill/Res and Skill/Spd/Str will help keep them chugging longer and becoming that much more effective.

Edited by Tarvos
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Well, if you're going for Streetpass setup, a single lethality will take down that "wall of death" General. And considering how you, as an enemy, will not have the benefit of Dual-Guard.

You can say "kaput" if an entire team of Assassins is going after you with Brave Swords.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Oh, I'm sorry. XD

That was the first thing I thought of when looking at the thread. XD

Well in that case, I do believe that if that were taking into account... and considering how you have Life Taker and Sol... Renewal can be substituted for a Miracle (Miracle for Survival in conjunction with Sol/Life Taker).

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Oooo thats a good idea! But outta curiosity, can lethality even be "blocked"? Cuz if not, when ever/if we get the dlc and we actually get limit breaker, Astra, Brave Sword, Lethality, Limit Breaker Assassin = Blood Everywhere lol

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Oooo thats a good idea! But outta curiosity, can lethality even be "blocked"? Cuz if not, when ever/if we get the dlc and we actually get limit breaker, Astra, Brave Sword, Lethality, Limit Breaker Assassin = Blood Everywhere lol

Lethality can be Miracle'd. Yes.

It can also miss. But considering how a lot of people probably want to max out their skill for Streetpass lethality, I doubt it will.

And if you're the player, it can be Dual-Guarded:


Edited by shadowofchaos
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For the hero/general why not just replace axe/lance faire give him arms thrift and equip him with helswath +5 defense 1-2 range nothing can touch him.

Because Helswath (Swanchika) has a horrible hit rate (nowhere as bad as FE4, but not good either). And Armsthrift isn't useful for those using 20-use weapons. Most FE13 battles don't last long enough to have 20-use weapons break.

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