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Europe 3DS XL bundle


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I'm guessing Nintendo is making it an XL because it took so long to get to Europe. But yea, I'm kinda annoyed by this. One of the reasons I got the FE 3DS bundle and not an XL was because it was FE themed and I'm a huge fan, but no less then a month after I buy it you announce an XL version? Yea that is a little scummy there.

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I got a XL because i knew even if the bundle arrived in the US it would be a normal 3DS...

And from what it seems it's exclusive to Europe....altough i don't know if i would buy a new 3DS just for it.

Edited by Lanko
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I'm not that jealous, the XL looks terrible compared to the US one, imo. That blue and black, just ugh. The US one is shiny and sparkly and has the full design on it, not just the center part. And it's ALL blue.

But Europe has a better box art though, so that makes us all even, if you ask me.

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I'm weird and I'm happy with my red and black XL and I think the original 3DS looks relatively tacky (far too easy to smudge, for a start) and the special edition of the XL is in a shade of blue that should not be the predominant color when paired with black.


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I'm european (French to be exact), and I'm not happy with that. I was so impatient to see Fire Emblem come in our countries and, I was really expecting a superb 3DS like in America or Japan. I counted on that to buy it. And then...what...

A 3DS XL bundle. I don't know the 3DS, the XL differences, but I find it less beautiful than the 3DS version. By the way, it's like that. We can't do anything.

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I'm not very partial to the color; sure, its an XL, but its just doesn't have that shiny deep blue color......speaking of which, has anyone noticed that when you turn it around in the light, it actually has a subtle difference in the lighter and darker sheen of the top and bottom half of the system.....I'm probably not making sense, but anyways I don't care if its not an XL (this is my first 3DS system so I have nothing to compare with) and its the prettiest portable system I have ever beheld! :)

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I love my Fire Emblem 3ds because of its look, it is quite beautiful. However, I ended up transferring the game to my XL. I may transfer back at some point but honestly my XL plays way better a lot of people think that the screen blown up makes it look terrible but in all honesty it makes it easier to play and the 3d feels more viable an option and less like a gimmick

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I checked on Amazon today and we (european) can pre-order the game by now. The game and the famous bundle...

The game is at 45.35 € (about 60 $ or 39 £) on amazon.fr, or 32 £ on amazon.co.uk

I didn't find the bundle on the english site, but on amazon.fr, it's sold at 219.90 € (about 293 $ or 189 £)

Well... I guess I'll take a 3ds normal plus the game alone. Like I was thinking, the bundle won't have some wire, as expected from a 3ds XL (Are those always the same as nintendo used for the previous console?)

Edited by Mr Timel
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Well, my first thought when I heard that the European bundle was going to be a 3DS XL was "oh, so they decided to target already-3DS-owners with this one?" It kinda makes sense, the bundle is targeted at 'hardcore' fans and these fans are more likely to already own a 3DS and like hell am I buying a second 3DS just because it has Fire Emblem on it. I'm a student and therefore have no money, but it makes more sense to take the opportunity to buy the 'home 3DS', which is basically what it is. Not that I will though, arrows are expensive.

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Yeah, the XL package always come without wire in europe. To lower the price I guess. But in the case of a bundle with a game, I don't find that really smart. If you buy a collector bundle, some more euros aren't the problem. Anyway.

By the way, Alfred, I don't think we are lucky to have this xl for two months. From my point of view, the console just appear to be "cheaper" that the classy one that americans and japanese get. It's bascially a normal blue XL with kind of a "sticker" o it (I know it's not a sticker, but it's the impression i get by looking at the photos). I just don't know why Nintendo europe think the XL is more accurate for our...hem....market (I didn't know wich word would sound good here. Sorry dudes)

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By the way, Alfred, I don't think we are lucky to have this xl for two months. From my point of view, the console just appear to be "cheaper" that the classy one that americans and japanese get. It's bascially a normal blue XL with kind of a "sticker" o it (I know it's not a sticker, but it's the impression i get by looking at the photos). I just don't know why Nintendo europe think the XL is more accurate for our...hem....market (I didn't know wich word would sound good here. Sorry dudes)

That's the thing: the US and Japanese limited edition 3DS is also just a normal blue 3DS with a sticker on it. If you were to strip away the FE branding you'd get a normal Cobalt Blue 3DS console, just like stripping away the FE decals on the European XL bundle results in just a normal whatever-blue XL. The 3DS XL is simply not manufactured to be glossy like the basic model in the first place.

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