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Question About Paralogue 9: Wings of Justice


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Okay, I just got around to playing Paralogue 8: Wings of Justice, which is Cynthia's paralogue chapter.

Now, this question isn't about the strategy you should use for it, though feel free to say how you got through this chapter as well, but it's about the Trickster boss of the chapter. He's masquerading as Chrom since Sumia ended up marrying Chrom, so he is Cynthia's father. So with that being said, does the Trickster masquerade as anyone who is Cynthia's father or does he always masquerade as Chrom no matter if he marries Sumia or not?

PS: I do apologize if this Paralogue has been discussed already. ^^;

Edited by Kaze_Ninja17
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That is true. I guess only the dialogue between Cynthia and Ruger changes then. That was what really threw me off was the dialogue since she kept calling Ruger "father".

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I can understand Cynthia actually thinking Paralogue 9's boss is actually Chrom if her father is someone else, but when Chrom actually IS her father, how can she make that error? D:

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I can understand Cynthia actually thinking Paralogue 9's boss is actually Chrom if her father is someone else, but when Chrom actually IS her father, how can she make that error? D:

Idk...Unless she was born AFTER Chrom died in their timeline and she never knew what he looked like?

Also, I think I might send Sumia(with Lucina paired up with her) towards Cynthia to recruit her since she died so easily against Sumia in my first try...

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