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(spoilers to those who haven't finished "part 1" of the game) Is it me or...


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am I the only one who thought the Valm war was too much of a filler.

I feel that they should have made the Grimleal the major enemy of the 2nd part instead of doing so in the last 6ish chapters. They could've even made Valm the main "base" for the Grimleal and Walmart could've been the pretend leader of the Grimleal to mask Validar's true identity.

well that and the future children should have been explained more. Instead of them seeming like random people from the future trying to make a living in a more peaceful time period they should have felt more like the defenders from the future that are trying to prevent the events that led to their apocalyptic future

just my honest opinion. Other than these story issues I love the game. Still bothered by the whole "no feet' issue with the models and the bug with the japanese audio.

Edited by melossage
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You mean Walhart, not Walmart, right? XD

Also, Valm worships the divine dragon of Naga, while the Grimleal worship Grima, so having Valm the base for the Grimleal wouldn't really work.

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well obviously remake the idea of Naga(or even make Shon'shin the followers of Naga and are trying to stop the Grimleal as well) but honestly the Valm war doesn't have much of a relationship with the grima storyline

it just gets in the way in my opinion

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You mean Walhart, not Walmart, right? XD

Also, Valm worships the divine dragon of Naga, while the Grimleal worship Grima, so having Valm the base for the Grimleal wouldn't really work.

No, he means Walmart. Everybody knows Walmart's evil.

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They don't play out the "threat" posed by Walhart well enough to make it seem like it's NOT filler. Seriously, everyone just all of a sudden brings up the 'fact' that the Valm Empire is sooooo powerful and terrifying. And then off we go, just like that. One battle and we have to go dispose of this supposed threat. ...I'm not feeling the motivation. >_>; Then again, maybe I missed some important context about the incoming armada on the horizon...or something. (I'm currently attempting to fight Gangrel in my second playthrough, so I can check this part soon (somehow having issues with this chapter this time...))

But, now, suppose Walhart actually managed to begin invading the Ylisse continent. That would be some motivation to stop him, but by that time it might have been too late, etc. etc. And the concept of being invaded is so overused already in FE. o.o So, since it's overused, why not try the opposite? Let's take the initiative instead of waiting to be invaded!

....I guess I find struggling out of an invasion attempt more interesting that going to remove the threat. Meh. Still seems like filler. 'Cause once it's done with we're gone back to our continent to sort things out and Valm is....never mentioned again (in a manner of speaking).

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Valm definitely felt like filler, I was really annoyed at how Lucina's reveal happens and it's a sad touching scene and then everyone goes "This probably isn't important and will work itself out let's go fight Valm" and totally ignores this other than when she tries to stop Basilio from dying, and the only hint we have of the Grimleal being involved with Valm at all is some one off remark Excellus makes and boss dialogue with Aversa.

Edit: Also what was the purpose of having both Plegia and Valm? Is there a reason to have two evil invader countries?

Edited by Paperblade
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Valm's purpose was so that Walhart could appoint himself champion of the world and defeat Grima himself rather than leave it to the old gods he's abandoned, creating a certain level of irony that Plegia has handed you their fleet to destroy what could potentially have been a fellow ally all while stalling for time and bringing the spheres together with barely any effort on their part.

That said, the arc was done poorly and you're honestly left wondering what the whole point of it was.

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