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Never really bothered to use him because the Thunder and Thunder team that is Garcia and Ross tend to be all the Axey goodness I ever need.

I'll have to give him a shot. Considering his growths really aren't that bad and he joins fairly powerful (for the purposes of Sacred Stones), I bet he ends up just fine.

He has like 8 speed. Or 12. I'm not sure. His defense is mage-like too.

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He has like 8 speed. Or 12. I'm not sure. His defense is mage-like too.

Speed's at 9 when he joins. Defense is at 11, same as Level 1 Seth. If you use him right away from when he joins, he'll still double monsters (not necissarily humanoid opponents) and spears are going to have difficulty putting a dent in him. Plus, he's got what really is a healthy dose of HP with his joining 43 and 85% growths. (His speed's at 40%, same as some other people who are considered pretty fast. Levels fix his broken speed, is all I'm saying.)

He's hard to kill because of the HP, which also gives you the bonus of having someone to heal for XP. Sometimes that can be an issue if you're trying to raise up Natasha, Moulder, or L'Arachel way later.

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Amelia isn't that great for someone with 49 level ups + 2 promotions.

She's got some defense problems, but otherwise she's been great for me so far. I was able to get her to level the 10 recruit levels in 2 battles, then 7 levels in one fight as a cavalier. So she's well on her way to being very strong.

And Ross is just a flat out beast.

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Dozla might suck compared to your other characters, but that doesn't matter since he never has to fight them. He can hold his own fairly well against the enemies, which is what really matters. =/

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